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    Language, mind and paradigm of subjectivity in Ryle’s framework
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2011) Prakash, Gyan
    Dualism came to be repudiated as a result of a landmark treatise by the Oxford philosopher Gilbert Ryle entitled The Concept of Mind, some sixty years ago, in which Ryle accorded that Descartes committed ‘category mistake’. He critiqued Cartesian dualism as the dogma of ‘the Ghost in the Machine’ because in dualism, one is material and the latter immaterial. But many scholars have raised serious objections to Ryle’s concept of mind and hardly anyone working in philosophy of mind today takes seriously Ryle’s concept. In his celebrated book Ryle has tried to elucidate to philosophical problem through logical analysis of ordinary language. However, it is very difficult to talk about the self on the basis of ordinary language. According to Ryle ordinary language ought to involve championing the programme of formalisation. So in this paper we have raised some concerns and problems for these claims. This paper is an attempt to demonstrate that one cannot disclose the self through natural language.
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    Правовий нігілізм крізь призму соціальної аномії
    (Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Бойко, Тарас; Канцір, Ірина
    These thesis are devoted to the exploration of deviation processes in the society, which turns out to be expressed in social anomy and legal nihilism. Complex sources and forms of legal nihilism analyses, all in all with the critical cogitation about regularities of social anomy, gave a possibility to synthesize new basis of categories and concepts of legal nihilism, based on the Durkgaym and Merton’s doctrines about social anomy. The using of empirical investigations and historical stipulation of it, gave an opportunity to march the general regularities of running of some negative processes, related with realization of striving (after a pyramide of needs by A. Maslou)