Development of an information site for the Shevchenko Scientific Society
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Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
Degree work executed by the student of group CS(КН)-416f Francis Sowah Adjei. The topic is « Application of Data Mining Methods in Prediction of Covid-19 ICU Cases ». Work is directed on reception to obtain a bachelor’s degree on a specialty 122 «Computer Science». The purpose of the degree work is to analyse a number of predictive models in data mining and select which is best for predicting which patient will need intensive care. The object of research is to have a quick predictive model to determine who going to need intensive care. As a result of the thesis, a predictive model was chosen with the highest accuracy.
Adjei F. S. Development of an information site for the Shevchenko Scientific Society : explanatory note to the bachelor's level qualification thesis : 122 «Computer Science» / Adjei Francis Sowah ; Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv, 2022. – 29 p.