Огляд 30-х Ювілейних Твардовських читань у новому форматі: присутність Античної філософії у спадщині Львівсько-Варшавської школи та у сучасному філософському дискурсі (10–12 лютого 2018 року, Львів)


30th Jubilee Twardowski’s Readings were organized by Kazimierz Twardowski Lviv Philosophical Society with the cooperation of the Chair of Philosophy in Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Philosophy, Logic, and Sociology (Lviv) and Institute for Philosophy in University of Warsaw. The Readings were hosted by Center for Urban History of East Central Europe. The new format of Twardowski’s readings was introduced. This new format of Readings included: 1) English language as working one for international communication, 2) the all submitted abstracts of potential participants were anonymously reviewed. This blind review helped to choose the abstracts of high scientific quality and introduction of English language as working one of Twardowski’s Readings helped to transform it into the international scientific event. In Jubilee Twardowski’s Readings taken part scientists from Canada, Poland, and Ukraine, who deeply interested in the study of the heritage of Lviv-Warsaw School and its relations to Ancient Greek Philosophy. The presented papers were a wide range: from the history of philosophy and logic in Lviv-Warsaw School to phenomenological philosophy and hermeneutic phenomenology and their connections with Ancient Greek Philosophy. Among presenters were well-known researchers of Lviv-Warsaw School Prof. JanWoleński and Prof. Jacek Jadacki. The Canadian researcher Prof. Bernard Linsky was taken part in this event for the first time and presented the paper about Leon Chwistek’s constructivismand Platonism.



Карівець І. Огляд 30-х Ювілейних Твардовських читань у новому форматі: присутність Античної філософії у спадщині Львівсько-Варшавської школи та у сучасному філософському дискурсі (10–12 лютого 2018 року, Львів) / Ігор Карівець // Humanitarian Vision. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 78–80.



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