Ecological safety of visual environment and videoecological perception (VEP) of Vinnitsia
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Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University
The object of the research is landscapes of the
urban ecosystem of the town of Vinnytsia.
The purpose of the work is to investigate and evaluate
the level of videoecological perception and geopotential
sustainability of Vinnytsia and set the main risks to natural
and artificial visual environment of the city.
The paper deals with the method of calculation for
the evaluation of videcoecological favourableness of the
urban environment and methods of visual pollution
control in the urban environment.
During the research videoecological perception of
the town of Vinnytsia was analyzed, the main
environmental risks of the technosphere were identified
and an evaluation of the sustainability of the urban
environment of the city was made; the ways to optimize
visual sensitivity of natural and artificial environment in
the city were reviewed. A map-scheme based on experimental
data and patterns of the range of videoecologiacal
perception was made and its distribution among
the territory of Vinnytsia was shown.
Bondarchuk O. Ecological safety of visual environment and videoecological perception (VEP) of Vinnitsia / Olga Bondarchuk, Vasyl Petruk // Environmental problems. – 2016. – Volume 1, number 1. – P. 35–38. – Bibliography: 3 titles.