Presentation of the selenoid mass distribution based on the impact of the ellipsoidal shape and rotating component

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Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House


This research is intended to demonstrate influence of ellipsoidal shape and rotating component for gravitational potential and mass distribution of the Moon. As are well known, gravitational potential of the planets formed by two components – gravitational potential and rotation. For ellipsoidal-shaped body effect of these components is different. Obviously, expansion ellipticity of the planet will raise radius vector for second component. Issues of the contribution of each of the components.



Haihel Yu. Presentation of the selenoid mass distribution based on the impact of the ellipsoidal shape and rotating component / Yuriy Haihel // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings of the 6th International youth science forum, November 24–26, 2016, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. – P. 129–130. – Bibliography: 4 titles.



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