Економічне оцінювання інструментів економічного захисту підприємств в умовах міжнародної діяльності
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Для забезпечення результативності застосування інструментів, використовуваних для убезпечення роботи та нормального функціонування підприємства в умовах дії загроз міжнародних економічних відносин, у статті визначено відмінності в оцінюванні інструментів економічного захисту підприємств та рівня економічної безпеки, окреслено особливості аналізування інструментів економічного захисту підприємств в умовах міжнародної діяльності. Для економічного оцінювання інструментів економічного захисту в умовах міжнародної економічної діяльності підприємств у статті рекомендовано застосувати методологію багаторівневого лінгвістичного прийняття рішення (ML-LDM) і вказано на релевантні засоби та послідовність оцінювання.
Purpose. The use of tools for the economic protection of enterprises in the conditions of international activity is related to the determination of the effectiveness and relative value of measures designed to preserve the autonomy of the enterprise, develop the identity of its production and economic and international economic activities, satisfy the needs and interests of stakeholders, etc. At the same time, in the process of using the tools of economic protection, it’s necessary to ensure monitoring of information regarding changes in the company’s activity parameters (under the influence of groups of threats from the external environment), which characterize management processes, its financial condition, etc. This is necessary to achieve a sustainable development and the optimal flow of the processes of industrial and economic and international economic activity and is implemented in the process of economic evaluation. Determining the differences in the evaluation of the tools of economic protection of enterprises and the level of security of the enterprise in the conditions of international activity allowed to outline the properties that should be taken into account when analyzing the action of the tools used to ensure the work and normal functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of the threat of international economic relations. Design/methodology/approach. To achieve the goals of the article, the methodology of multi-level linguistic decision-making (ML-LDM), as well as theoretical generalization, comparison, scientific abstraction, was used. Findings. Evaluation of the tools of economic protection of enterprises in the conditions of international activity is included among the unstructured problems, characterized by the multifacetedness of the problem situation and a large number of stakeholders and experts who should be involved in the evaluation processes. In the conditions of international economic activity, it is recommended to apply the methodology of multi-level linguistic decision-making (ML-LDM) for the economic evaluation of the tools of economic protection of enterprises. Originality/value. To ensure the effectiveness of evaluation in the process of using the methodology of multi-level linguistic decision-making, the article indicates a list of steps. It includes the specification of a problematic situation and the use of expert assessments; preparation and aggregation of assessments received from experts; transformation of linguistic evaluations of economic protection tools in the conditions of international activity into the form of HFLTS; standardization of HFLTS data; multi-criteria comparison of tools according to the level of performance of tasks regarding the economic protection of enterprises in the conditions of international activity; accumulation of scores by level of abstraction and formation of each aggregated value for an alternative. Practical implications. Implementation of the recommendations was carried out in the practical activities of “Euro Forwarding” LLC, which uses 12 economic protection tools in the conditions of international activity. According to the results of their multi-criteria evaluation by a group of 12 experts, it was established that as a result of accretion at all used levels of abstraction, the highest level of performance of “Euro Forwarding” LLC has currency reservations.
Purpose. The use of tools for the economic protection of enterprises in the conditions of international activity is related to the determination of the effectiveness and relative value of measures designed to preserve the autonomy of the enterprise, develop the identity of its production and economic and international economic activities, satisfy the needs and interests of stakeholders, etc. At the same time, in the process of using the tools of economic protection, it’s necessary to ensure monitoring of information regarding changes in the company’s activity parameters (under the influence of groups of threats from the external environment), which characterize management processes, its financial condition, etc. This is necessary to achieve a sustainable development and the optimal flow of the processes of industrial and economic and international economic activity and is implemented in the process of economic evaluation. Determining the differences in the evaluation of the tools of economic protection of enterprises and the level of security of the enterprise in the conditions of international activity allowed to outline the properties that should be taken into account when analyzing the action of the tools used to ensure the work and normal functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of the threat of international economic relations. Design/methodology/approach. To achieve the goals of the article, the methodology of multi-level linguistic decision-making (ML-LDM), as well as theoretical generalization, comparison, scientific abstraction, was used. Findings. Evaluation of the tools of economic protection of enterprises in the conditions of international activity is included among the unstructured problems, characterized by the multifacetedness of the problem situation and a large number of stakeholders and experts who should be involved in the evaluation processes. In the conditions of international economic activity, it is recommended to apply the methodology of multi-level linguistic decision-making (ML-LDM) for the economic evaluation of the tools of economic protection of enterprises. Originality/value. To ensure the effectiveness of evaluation in the process of using the methodology of multi-level linguistic decision-making, the article indicates a list of steps. It includes the specification of a problematic situation and the use of expert assessments; preparation and aggregation of assessments received from experts; transformation of linguistic evaluations of economic protection tools in the conditions of international activity into the form of HFLTS; standardization of HFLTS data; multi-criteria comparison of tools according to the level of performance of tasks regarding the economic protection of enterprises in the conditions of international activity; accumulation of scores by level of abstraction and formation of each aggregated value for an alternative. Practical implications. Implementation of the recommendations was carried out in the practical activities of “Euro Forwarding” LLC, which uses 12 economic protection tools in the conditions of international activity. According to the results of their multi-criteria evaluation by a group of 12 experts, it was established that as a result of accretion at all used levels of abstraction, the highest level of performance of “Euro Forwarding” LLC has currency reservations.
Гурський Ю. Я. Економічне оцінювання інструментів економічного захисту підприємств в умовах міжнародної діяльності / Ю. Я. Гурський // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Проблеми економіки та управління. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2024. — Том 8. — № 1. — С. 11–21.