Model of Process Synchronization in Through Analysis


Synchronization of parallel processes of distributed information systems (DIS) has been largely determined by decisions taken at the stages of their design. Having already been in structural andfunctional models, when determining cause-and-effect relationships for events and actions in DIS components, it becomes necessary to coordinate them. In the proposed multilevel systemic, structural and functional synchronization model, a hierarchy of such causal relationships with interlevel mappings, inheritance and encapsulation of events and actions have been formed. The model has been also based on hierarchical extended Petri nets, which make it possible to represent various aspects of a special analysis of technical diagnostics, in particular, analysis of correctness, verification, testing, for the adopted display of the asynchronous-behavioral nature of the multilevel interaction of DIS processes. Features of the synchronization model include mapping operations for cross-level inheritance and encapsulations that synchronize events and actions, as well as end-to-end synchronized quasiorder relationships and compatibility for them. The synchronization model is also distinguished by the possibility of specializing its objects, operations and relations for the tasks of check and recognition of behavioral properties set for analysis and verification, basic in technical diagnostics, including in online and offline testing. The synchronization model has allowed one to determine the formal conditions for methods of end-to-end asynchronous coordination of events and actions of multi-level models, that represent design solutions for DIS, in particular, for technical diagnostics methods, and also to reduce the computational complexity of a special synchronization analysis due to an end-to-end decomposition approach. The dimension of the synchronization model has been estimated using the representation of Petri net graphs and special graphs of reachable states using list structures. The above estimates determine the limits of applicability of the formal synchronization model.



Martynyuk O. Model of Process Synchronization in Through Analysis / Oleksandr Martynyuk // Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 6. — No 1. — P. 33–38.



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