The Methods of Choice the Wavelets for One Dimensional Signals Processing
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
The paper describes the problems of the
effectiveness increasing in the selection of base functions for
the processing of different types of one-dimensional signals
in the wavelet domain. The efficiency of representing
signals in the wavelet domain has been shown; their
analysis and processing are related to the choice of base
functions. The basic methods and algorithms for selecting
base functions are defined, in which the choice of optimal
wavelets has been carried out according to a particular
criterion for certain types of signals. Methods have been
presented for assessing the efficiency of the choice of base
wavelets by the criterion for the ratio of the energy of the
wavelet coefficients to the entropy of energy distribution of
wavelet coefficients, the criterion for estimating the
correlation coefficient, and the information criterion. The
universal index of quality of the signal has been proposed
and substantiated for the first time as a new criterion for
choosing a wavelet and the method has been improved for
the choice of base wavelets using a genetic algorithm
according to the universal signal quality index criterion.
The method of multi-criteria optimization of the choice of
base wavelet for the processing one-dimensional nonperiodic signals based on the tools of fuzzy logic has been
proposed and developed, which made it possible to improve
the efficiency of signal processing.
Lagun I. The Methods of Choice the Wavelets for One Dimensional Signals Processing / Ilona Lagun // Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 4. — No 2. — P. 84–90.