Optimal gear shift algorithm in the car transmission during its deceleration

dc.citation.journalTitleUkrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv State University of Life Safety
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.contributor.authorHashchuk, Petro
dc.contributor.authorPelo, Roman
dc.description.abstractOn the way to improving the car one can not avoid the problem of optimal gear shift in stage transmissions. Typically, the gear (stage) shift laws are distinguished, which are optimal because of fuel efficiency, either in terms of dynamics (speed), or in terms of comfort / safety of the car, etc. And all these types of laws are considered to be special, irreducible to each other. Because of this, in the designs of real automotive transmissions, it is often foreseen for the driver to have several automatic control programs at the same time. But everything that is entrusted to the driver is to some extent the subjective negation of automaticity and optimality. The purpose of the work is to refute such very common system of views on the optimality of transmission control as: it turns out there is a single optimal gear shift law, within which there are no contradictions, at least between energy efficiency requirements and the requirements for the dynamics (or performance) of the vehicle. The basis of the research methodology is the fully motivated principle of non-interference of the automatic transmission control system in the choice of the car movement program - a choice that is largely due to the circumstances and road conditions of the vehicle movement. So, optimizing the gear shift laws, it is necessary to consider the movement program to be predetermined (subject only to the driver), and the consequences of forced deviation from it during the operation of the elements of transmission control should be minimized. Specifically, gear shifting is considered during the car deceleration. Direct involvement of the engine in the process of gear changes is envisaged, that is, the implementation of the principle of active synchronization of the rotation speed of separate parts of the transmission on adjacent gears during their shifting. In this case, the transmission of mechanical energy through the transmission is carried out by a continuous flow. The implementation of the dynamic principles of automation also leads to a decrease in the amount of mechanical energy that is transformed into heat during the skid of gear shift elements (frictions, for example). This makes it possible to increase the durability of the gear-shift elements or to impose lighter requirements in the process of designing the transmission. The described algorithm of the optimal transmission control of the car provides grounds for the formation of motivated guidelines for selecting the moments of gear shift also during purely manual control of the car. The obtained results are quite general, although significant simplifications were introduced into the car model. In particular, the scheme of the gearbox, considered to be very simple, actually fully reproduces the principles of work of the mechanical stage transmission of any structure. The process of gear shifting is so fast that the linearized reproduction of the operating modes of the “engine-transmission” system is quite natural and such that it can not distort the idea of the optimal functioning of the engine-transmission system.
dc.identifier.citationHashchuk P. Optimal gear shift algorithm in the car transmission during its deceleration / Petro Hashchuk, Roman Pelo // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 131–143.
dc.identifier.citationenHashchuk P. Optimal gear shift algorithm in the car transmission during its deceleration / Petro Hashchuk, Roman Pelo // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 131–143.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofUkrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 1 (4), 2018
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dc.relation.referencesen[10] P. M. Hashchuk, and R. A. Pelo, "Osoblyvosti optymalnoho peremykannia peredach u bahatostupenevii transmisii avtomobilia" ["Features of the optimum gearshift in the multi-stage car transmission"], Visnyk Skhidnoukrainskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Volodymyra Dalia [Bulletin of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University], no. 7 (101), pp. 45–48, 2006. [in Ukrainian].
dc.relation.referencesen[11] R. A. Pelo, "Obgruntuvannia deiakykh vlastyvostei avtomata keruvannia transmisiieiu avtomobilia" ["Substantiation of some properties of the car control automaton"], Proektuvannia, vyrobnytstvo ta ekspluatatsiia avtotransportnykh zasobiv i poizdiv [Design, manufacture and operation of motor vehicles and trains], vol. 9, pp. 94–98, 2006. [in Ukrainian].
dc.relation.referencesen[12] P. M. Hashchuk, and R. A. Pelo, "Obgruntuvannia vyboru prohramy peremykan v mekhanichnii transmisii avtomobilia pry realizatsii zadanoi prohramy rukhu" ["Justification of the choice of the program of switching in the mechanical transmission of the car in the implementation of a given program of motion"], Avtomatyzatsiia vyrobnychykh protsesiv u mashynobuduvanni ta pryladobuduvanni [Industrial Process Automation in Engineering and Instrumentation], vol. 41, pp. 73–80, 2007. [in Ukrainian].
dc.relation.referencesen[13] P. M. Hashchuk, and R. A. Pelo, "Analiz perekhidnoho protsesu pry avtomatyzovanomu peremykanni stupeniv transmisii avtomobilia" ["Analysis of the transition process at the automated switching stages of the car transmission"], Visnyk Natsionalnoho transportnoho universytetu [Bulletin of the National Transport University], vol. 18, pp. 32–41, 2009. [in Ukrainian].
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
dc.rights.holder© Hashchuk P., Pelo R., 2018
dc.subjectstage transmission
dc.subjectgear shift law
dc.subjectfuel consumption
dc.subjectdynamics of movement
dc.titleOptimal gear shift algorithm in the car transmission during its deceleration


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