Advanced technologies for processing liquid waste of galurgical productions

dc.contributor.affiliationA. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems NAS of Ukraine
dc.contributor.affiliationKharkiv National Universityof Civil Engineering and Architecture
dc.contributor.authorMykhaylenko, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorYurchenko, Valentyna
dc.contributor.authorAntonov, Oleksiy
dc.contributor.authorLukianova, Olha
dc.contributor.authorGil, Zinaida
dc.description.abstractThe accumulation of highly mineralized waters and brines in the mining-industrial regions of Ukraine carry a threat of salt pollution of underground and surface water sources. Low-waste processing of these waters is prevented by iron compounds, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur-containing organic compounds. The process of accumulation of iron compounds in brines and groundwater in the presence of hydrogen sulfide has been studied. Comparative calculations of the thermodynamic potentials of the corresponding reactions have been carried out. The calculation results are confirmed by experiments on model solutions and brine of the Dombrovsky quarry. To remove iron compounds from brines and other highly mineralized waters, it is proposed to use electrolysis with inert anodes. It was found that 99.9 % of iron compounds pass into the precipitate of iron hydroxide (III). At the same time, the overwhelming amount of heavy metals also passes into the sediment.
dc.identifier.citationAdvanced technologies for processing liquid waste of galurgical productions / Volodymyr Mykhaylenko, Valentyna Yurchenko, Oleksiy Antonov, Olha Lukianova, Zinaida Gil // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 1. — No 6. — P. 1–6.
dc.identifier.citationenAdvanced technologies for processing liquid waste of galurgical productions / Volodymyr Mykhaylenko, Valentyna Yurchenko, Oleksiy Antonov, Olha Lukianova, Zinaida Gil // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 1. — No 6. — P. 1–6.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofEnvironmental Problems, 6 (1), 2021
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dc.relation.referencesenDumka. [in Ukrainian]
dc.relation.referencesenBasen, M., Krüger, M., Milucka, J., Kuever, J., Kahnt, J.,
dc.relation.referencesenGrundmann, O., Meyerdierks, A., Widdel, F. & Shima, S.(2011). Bacterialen zymes for dissimilatory sulfatereduction in a
dc.relation.referencesenmarine microbialmat (Black Sea) mediating an aerobic
dc.relation.referencesenoxidation of methane. Environmental Microbiology,13(5), 1370–1379. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenBozo-Hurtado, L., García-Amado, M. A., Chistoserdov, A.,
dc.relation.referencesenVarela, R., Narvaez, J. J., Colwell, R., & Suárez, P. (2013).
dc.relation.referencesenIdentification of bacteria in enrichment cultures of sulfate
dc.relation.referencesenreducers in the Cariaco Basin water column employing
dc.relation.referencesenDenaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis of 16S ribosomal
dc.relation.referencesenRNA gene fragments. Aquatic Biosystems, (9), 17. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenDobosh, D. (1980). Jelektrohimicheskie konstanty. M., Mir. [in
dc.relation.referencesende Rezende, J. R., Kjeldsen, K. U., Hubert, C. R., Finster K.,
dc.relation.referencesenLoy, A. & Jørgensen, B. B. (2013). Dispersal of
dc.relation.referencesenthermophilic Desulfotomaculum endospores into Baltic
dc.relation.referencesenSea sediments over thousands of years. ISME Journal:
dc.relation.referencesenMultidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology, 2013, 7(1), 72. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenIvanov M. V. (red.) (1989). Jevoljucija global'nogo
dc.relation.referencesenbiogeohimicheskogo cikla sery. M., Nauka. ISBN 5-02-004033-9. [in Russian]
dc.relation.referencesenJavorskij, V. T., Perekupko, T. V., Blazhivskij, K. I.,
dc.relation.referencesenMaksimovich I. E. & Perekupko, A. V. (2012). Pererabotka
dc.relation.referencesenrastvorov hvostohranilishh kalijnyh proizvodstv Prikarpat'ja
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dc.relation.referencesenKashkak, E. S. (2013). Sul'fatvosstanavlivajushhie bakterii
dc.relation.referencesenmineral'nyh istochnikov Hojto-Gol. Vestnik Burjatskogo
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dc.relation.referencesenKul'skij, L. A., & Strokach, P. P. (1986). Tehnologija ochistki
dc.relation.referencesenprirodnyh vod. Kiev: Vishha shkola. Golovnoe yzdatelstvo. [in
dc.relation.referencesenLeonova, G. A., Mal'cev, A. E., Melenevskij, V. N.,
dc.relation.referencesenMiroshnichenko, L. V., Kondrat'eva, L. M., & Bobrov, V. A.(2018). Geohimija diageneza organogennyh osadkov na primere malyh ozer juga Zapadnoj Sibiri i Pribajkal'ja.
dc.relation.referencesenGeohimija, (4), 363–382. [in Russian]
dc.relation.referencesenMetodyka rozrakhunku rozmiriv vidshkoduvannia zbytkiv,
dc.relation.referencesenzapodiianykh derzhavi vnaslidok porushennia
dc.relation.referencesenzakonodavstva pro okhoronu ta ratsionalne vykorystannia
dc.relation.referencesenvodnykh resursiv. Ministerstvo zakhystu dovkillia ta
dc.relation.referencesenpryrodnykh resursiv Ukrainy. (2009). Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenrozmiriv-vidshkoduvannya-zbitkiv.html [in Ukrainian]
dc.relation.referencesenMishhenko, K. P., & Ravdel', A. A. (red.) (1974). Kratkij spravochnik
dc.relation.referencesenfiziko-himicheskih velichin. L., Himija. [in Russian]
dc.relation.referencesenMihajlenko, V. G., Luk'janova, O. I., & Gil', Z. P. (2019).
dc.relation.referencesenPoluchenie okislitelej s ispol'zovaniem fizicheskih polej.
dc.relation.referencesenVisnyk NTU "KhPI". Seriia: Novi rishennia v
dc.relation.referencesensuchasnykh tekhnolohiiakh, 5(1330), 139–144. doi:
dc.relation.referencesen [in
dc.relation.referencesenMykhailenko, V. H., Tarelin, A. O., Kniazieva, O. I.,
dc.relation.referencesenLukianov, Ye. F., Khinievych, O. Ye. & Hil, Z. P. (2015).
dc.relation.referencesenUA. Patent No.108185. Kyiv, Derzhavne pidpryiemstvo
dc.relation.referencesenUkrainskyi instytut intelektualnoi vlasnosti. [in Ukrainian]
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2021
dc.rights.holder© Mykhaylenko V., Yurchenko V., Antonov O., Lukianova O., Gil Z., 2021
dc.subjectredox reactions
dc.subjectsulfate reduction
dc.subjectinert anode
dc.titleAdvanced technologies for processing liquid waste of galurgical productions


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