Асортимент антитромботичних засобів: аналіз ринку, хімічної будови та перспективи створення нових препаратів

dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.contributor.authorСтасевич, М. В.
dc.contributor.authorЗварич, В. І.
dc.contributor.authorStasevych, M. V.
dc.contributor.authorZvarych, V. I.
dc.description.abstractПроведено маркетингове дослідження ринку антитромботичних засобів групи В01 в Україні в 2021 році, представлене 112 зареєстрованими торговими назвами, в результаті чого дано кількісну оцінку співвідношення на фармацевтичному ринку асортименту торгових назв та лікарських форм, їхніх виробників, визначено лідерів країн-виробників імпортної продукції та субстанцій. Здійснено аналіз групи антитромботичних засобів за хімічною будовою діючих речовин для визначення основних фармакофорних фрагментів. Показано, що перспективи розроблення антитромботичних засобів переважно пов’язані зі створенням препаратів-генериків та нових лікарських форм, для яких досліджують біодоступність та результати комбінованої терапії. Також розробляють нові біоактивні сполуки та прототипи антитромботичних засобів як у світі, так і в Україні.
dc.description.abstractMarketing research of the market of antithrombotic agents of the B01 group in Ukraine in 2021, represented by 112 registered trade names, was carried out. A quantitative assessment of the ratio on the pharmaceutical market to the assortment of pharmaceutical products and dosage forms, and their manufacturers are given. The leaders of the countries-producers of imported products and substances are determined. The analysis of a group of antithrombotic agents using the chemical structure of active substances is carried out to determine the main pharmacophore fragments and the prospects for developing new antithrombotic agents. It has been shown that the prospects for the development of antithrombotic agents are mainly associated with the creation of generic drugs and new dosage forms for which the bioavailability and results of combination therapy are being studied. In addition, new bioactive compounds and prototypes of antithrombotic agents are being developed, both in the world and in Ukraine.
dc.identifier.citationСтасевич М. В. Асортимент антитромботичних засобів: аналіз ринку, хімічної будови та перспективи створення нових препаратів / М. В. Стасевич, В. І. Зварич // Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Том 4. — № 2. — С. 91–105.
dc.identifier.citationenStasevych M. V. Range of antithrombotic agents: analysis of the market, chemical structure and prospects for the creation of new drugs / M. V. Stasevych, V. I. Zvarych // Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 4. — No 2. — P. 91–105.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofChemistry, Technology and Application of Substances, 2 (4), 2021
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dc.relation.references7. Mackman N., Bergmeier W., Stouffer G. A., & Weitz J. I. (2020). Therapeutic strategies for thrombosis: new targets and approaches. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 19, 333–352. doi:10.1038/s41573-020-0061-0
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dc.relation.references10. Zhang L, Li, Z., Ye, X., Chen, Z., Chen Z. S. (2021). Mechanisms of thrombosis and research progress on targeted antithrombotic drugs. Drug Discovery Today, 22, S1359-6446(21)00210-5. doi: 10.1016/j.drudis.2021.04.023
dc.relation.references11. Cavallari I., Patti G. (2018). Clinical effects with inhibition of multiple coagulative pathways in patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome. Internal and Emergency Medicine. 13(7), 1019–1028. doi: 10.1007/s11739-018-1834-x
dc.relation.references12. Song Y., Li X., Pavithra S., Li D. (2013). Idraparinux or idrabiotaparinux for long-term venous thromboembolism treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS One, 8(11), e78972. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0078972
dc.relation.references13. Knowles R. B., Warner T. D. (2019). Antiplatelet drugs and their necessary interaction with endothelial mediators and platelet cyclic nucleotides for therapeutic efficacy. Pharmacology & therapeutics, 193, 83–90. doi:10.1016/j.pharmthera.2018.08.004
dc.relation.references14. Mira A., Alkhiary W., Shimizu K. (2017). Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Activities of Angelica shikokiana Extract and Its Isolated Compounds. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 91-99. doi:10.1177/1076029615595879
dc.relation.references15. Redʹkina YE. A. (2020). Rozrobka skladu, tekhnolohiyi i doslidzhennya rektalʹnykh supozytoriyiv antyahrehantnoyi diyi z klopidohrelem (kandydatska dysertatsiya). Retrieved from URL http://zsmu.edu.ua/upload/updisert/d1760003/15845191981.pdf
dc.relation.references16. Rozporyadzhennya Prezydiyi Natsionalʹnoyi akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny vid 20.01.2021 № 31 “Pro zatverdzhennya pereliku naukovo-tekhnichnykh proyektiv ustanov NAN Ukrayiny, shcho realizovuvatymutʹsya u 2021 rotsi”
dc.relation.references17. Halenova T. I., Nikolaeva I. V., Stasevych M. V., Zvarych V. I., Lunin V. V., Novikov V. P., Savchuk O. M. (2017) Platelet aggregation under the influence of some dithiocarbamate derivatives of 9,10-anthracenedione. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 8, 1626–1632. Retrieved from https://www.rjpbcs.com/pdf/2017_8(1)/[203].pdf
dc.relation.references18. Bolibrukh K., Polovkovych S., Khoumeri O., Halenova T., Nikolaeva I., Savchuk O., …, Novikov V. (2015). Synthesis and Anti-Platelet Activity of Thiosulfonate Derivatives Containing a Quinone Moiety. Scientia Pharmaceutica, 83(2), 221-31. doi:10.3797/scipharm.1411-14
dc.relation.references19. Halenova T. I., Nikolaeva I. V., Nakonechna A. V., Bolibrukh K. B., Monka N. Y., Lubenets V. I., Ostapchenko L. I. (2015). The search of compounds with antiaggregation activity among s-esters of thiosulfonic acids. Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 87(5), 83-92. Retrieved from http://ukrbiochemjournal.org/2015/10/thesearch-of-compounds-with-antiaggregation-activityamong-s-esters-of-thiosulfonic-acids.html
dc.relation.referencesen1. Cheruiyot I., Kipkorir V., Ngure B., Misiani M., Munguti J., Ogeng'o J. (2021). Arterial Thrombosis in Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients: A Rapid Systematic Review. Annals of Vascular Surgery. 70, 273–281. doi:10.1016/j.avsg.2020.08.087
dc.relation.referencesen2. Giannis D., Barish M. A., GoldinM., Cohen S. L., Kohn N., Gianos E., … Spyropoulos A. C. (2021) COVID-19 Consortium Group. Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism and Mortality in Patients with Initial Presentation of COVID-19. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. 51(4), 897–901. doi:10.1007/s11239-021-02413-7
dc.relation.referencesen3. Kollias A., Kyriakoulis K. G., Lagou S., Kontopantelis E., Stergiou G. S., & Syrigos K. (2021, April) Venous thromboembolism in COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Vascular Medicine. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1358863X21995566?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed. doi:10.1177/1358863X21995566
dc.relation.referencesen4. Zwart B., Parker W., Storey R. F. (2020). New Antithrombotic Drugs in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(7), 2059. doi:10.3390/jcm9072059
dc.relation.referencesen5. Vaughn V. M., Yost M., Abshire C., Flanders S. A., Paje D., Grant P., … Barnes G. D. (2021). Trends in Venous Thromboembolism Anticoagulation in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19. JAMA Network Open, 4(6), e2111788. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.11788
dc.relation.referencesen6. Schrör K. (2003). Antithrombotic drugs in vascular medicine: a historical perspective. Seminars in Vascular Medicine, 3(2), 97–105. doi:10.1055/s-2003-40667
dc.relation.referencesen7. Mackman N., Bergmeier W., Stouffer G. A., & Weitz J. I. (2020). Therapeutic strategies for thrombosis: new targets and approaches. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 19, 333–352. doi:10.1038/s41573-020-0061-0
dc.relation.referencesen8. Derzhavnyi reiestr likarskykh zasobiv Ukrainy, (2020). Retrieved from http://www.drlz.com.ua [in Ukrainian]
dc.relation.referencesen9. Spetsializovane medychne internet-vydannia dlia likariv, provizoriv, farmatsevtiv, studentiv medychnykh i farmatsevtychnykh vuziv "Kompendium Online", (2021). Retrieved from https://compendium.com.ua. [in Ukrainian]
dc.relation.referencesen10. Zhang L, Li, Z., Ye, X., Chen, Z., Chen Z. S. (2021). Mechanisms of thrombosis and research progress on targeted antithrombotic drugs. Drug Discovery Today, 22, S1359-6446(21)00210-5. doi: 10.1016/j.drudis.2021.04.023
dc.relation.referencesen11. Cavallari I., Patti G. (2018). Clinical effects with inhibition of multiple coagulative pathways in patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome. Internal and Emergency Medicine. 13(7), 1019–1028. doi: 10.1007/s11739-018-1834-x
dc.relation.referencesen12. Song Y., Li X., Pavithra S., Li D. (2013). Idraparinux or idrabiotaparinux for long-term venous thromboembolism treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS One, 8(11), e78972. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0078972
dc.relation.referencesen13. Knowles R. B., Warner T. D. (2019). Antiplatelet drugs and their necessary interaction with endothelial mediators and platelet cyclic nucleotides for therapeutic efficacy. Pharmacology & therapeutics, 193, 83–90. doi:10.1016/j.pharmthera.2018.08.004
dc.relation.referencesen14. Mira A., Alkhiary W., Shimizu K. (2017). Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Activities of Angelica shikokiana Extract and Its Isolated Compounds. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 91-99. doi:10.1177/1076029615595879
dc.relation.referencesen15. Redʹkina YE. A. (2020). Rozrobka skladu, tekhnolohiyi i doslidzhennya rektalʹnykh supozytoriyiv antyahrehantnoyi diyi z klopidohrelem (kandydatska dysertatsiya). Retrieved from URL http://zsmu.edu.ua/upload/updisert/d1760003/15845191981.pdf
dc.relation.referencesen16. Rozporyadzhennya Prezydiyi Natsionalʹnoyi akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny vid 20.01.2021 No 31 "Pro zatverdzhennya pereliku naukovo-tekhnichnykh proyektiv ustanov NAN Ukrayiny, shcho realizovuvatymutʹsya u 2021 rotsi"
dc.relation.referencesen17. Halenova T. I., Nikolaeva I. V., Stasevych M. V., Zvarych V. I., Lunin V. V., Novikov V. P., Savchuk O. M. (2017) Platelet aggregation under the influence of some dithiocarbamate derivatives of 9,10-anthracenedione. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 8, 1626–1632. Retrieved from https://www.rjpbcs.com/pdf/2017_8(1)/[203].pdf
dc.relation.referencesen18. Bolibrukh K., Polovkovych S., Khoumeri O., Halenova T., Nikolaeva I., Savchuk O., …, Novikov V. (2015). Synthesis and Anti-Platelet Activity of Thiosulfonate Derivatives Containing a Quinone Moiety. Scientia Pharmaceutica, 83(2), 221-31. doi:10.3797/scipharm.1411-14
dc.relation.referencesen19. Halenova T. I., Nikolaeva I. V., Nakonechna A. V., Bolibrukh K. B., Monka N. Y., Lubenets V. I., Ostapchenko L. I. (2015). The search of compounds with antiaggregation activity among s-esters of thiosulfonic acids. Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 87(5), 83-92. Retrieved from http://ukrbiochemjournal.org/2015/10/thesearch-of-compounds-with-antiaggregation-activityamong-s-esters-of-thiosulfonic-acids.html
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2021
dc.subjectантитромботичні засоби
dc.subjectдіюча речовина
dc.subjectасортимент лікарських засобів
dc.subjectдослідження ринку
dc.subjectлікарська форма
dc.subjectаналіз хімічної будови
dc.subjectперспективи розробки нових антитромботичних засобів
dc.subjectantithrombotic agents
dc.subjectactive substance
dc.subjectrange of medicines
dc.subjectmarket research
dc.subjectdosage form
dc.subjectanalysis of chemical structure
dc.subjectprospects for the development of new antithrombotic drugs
dc.titleАсортимент антитромботичних засобів: аналіз ринку, хімічної будови та перспективи створення нових препаратів
dc.title.alternativeRange of antithrombotic agents: analysis of the market, chemical structure and prospects for the creation of new drugs


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