The influence of chemical-thermal treatment on granulometric characteristics of titanium sponge powder

dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
dc.contributor.affiliationZaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
dc.contributor.authorTrostyanchyn, Andriy
dc.contributor.authorLemishka, Ihor
dc.contributor.authorSkrebtsov, Andriy
dc.contributor.authorOvchinnikov, Oleksandr
dc.description.abstractThe phase composition and structure of powders of titanium sponge exposed to processes of chemical and thermal processing is investigated. As a result of X-ray analysis, it is found that after hydrogenation titanium powder consists of TiH2±х phase, while with the increase in the degree of phase dehydrogenation the percentage of TiH2±х decreases, and under perfect the dehydrogenation the structure consists mainly of α-Ti. Particle size analysis revealed that the partially dehydrated powders have the least degree of polydispersity. It is established that by means of regulation of technological regimes of hydrogenationdehydrogenation the two-phase structure with different ratios of α-phase to TiH2±х can be synthesized. It is shown that the presence of titanium hydride contributes to stabilization of the structure of formed powders.
dc.identifier.citationThe influence of chemical-thermal treatment on granulometric characteristics of titanium sponge powder / Zoya Duriagina, Andriy Trostyanchyn, Ihor Lemishka, Andriy Skrebtsov, Oleksandr Ovchinnikov // Ukrainian Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Andmaterials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 3. — No 1. — P. 73–80.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofUkrainian Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Andmaterials Science, 1 (3), 2017
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dc.rights.holder© Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
dc.rights.holder© Duriagina Z., Trostyanchyn A., Lemishka I., Skrebtsov A., Ovchinnikov O., 2017
dc.subjectphase hydride
dc.subjectgranulometric characteristics
dc.titleThe influence of chemical-thermal treatment on granulometric characteristics of titanium sponge powder


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