An Approach to Extraction of Verb-Noun Patterns from News Data Stream


The paper describes an approach to extraction of Verb-Noun patterns from news data stream. The linguistic tagging, namely algorithms for parsing, and methods for extracting collocations are analyzed. The algorithm for the automatic extraction of Verb collocations from the designed corpus of news texts is proposed. The Stanford Universal Dependencies parser is applied to identify Verb-Noun patterns. Then t-score is implemented for extracting collocations.



Collocation, Verb-Noun pattern, Stanford UD parser, t-score, data stream, corpus of news texts


Romanova U. An Approach to Extraction of Verb-Noun Patterns from News Data Stream / Uliana Romanova, Svitlana Petrasova // Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, 22-23 April 2021, Kharkiv. — Lviv ; Kharkiv, 2021. — Vol Vol. II : Proceedings of the 5th International conference, COLINS 2021, Workshop, Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 22-23. — P. 86–87.



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