A natural classification as a systemological method for knowledge modelling
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Українські технології
The main purpose of the given work is the application of systemological classification analysis method and
natural classification criteria for conceptual knowledge acquisition, ontologies and knowledge bases creation. Method based on natural classification helps to investigate deep semantic regularities of subject domain and to take proper account of system-classes essential properties the most objectively. It allows receiving the forecasting parametrical classifications and effective ontologies in different ill-structured problem domains, knowledge management, organizational modelling for companies’ sustainable development and competitive advantages providing.
A natural classification as a systemological method for knowledge modelling / M. Bondarenko, K. Solovyova, S. Matorin, D. Elchaninov // Computer science and information technologies: proceedings of the international conference (September 28th-30th, Lviv, Ukraine) / Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies. – Lviv, 2006. – P. 116–117.– Bibliography: 5 titles.