Визначення області допустимих параметрів фільтрів у модифікованому детекторі сигналів із квадратурною модуляцією
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
У роботі описано результати імітаційного моделювання у програмі Matlab приймання сигналів з квадратурними видами модуляції, зокрема OQPSK, за умови використання модифікованого детектора фазомодульованих сигналів. У результатах наведено залежності відношення сигнал/шум до ймовірності появи бітової помилки модифікованого детектора та класичного детектора, на основі чого зроблено висновки щодо його ефективності. This paper describes the Matlab simulation results of receiving signals with quadrature
modulation, such as OQPSK, using modified phase detector. As the result, the BER-to-SNR
diagrams were presented for modified and classical detector. The conclusions about its
effectiveness were made. There are new methods of modulation signals that allow effective use
of the frequency band, and communication systems (eg. trunking) that can effectively
distribute the network traffic. However, further development of communication systems is
limited by threshold SNR, which is one of the determining factors for the calculation of the
capacity of the channel. This paper shows the possibility of increasing noise immunity and
capacity of modern cellular communication systems and trunking communication without
increasing transmitter power. The improved PLL resistance to noise without changing of
dynamic properties is implemented using a modified synchronous phase detector. The
proposed scheme of modified PLL device differs from the classical analogue by the narrow
band pass filters, placed before the detector, and high-band filter after it. The simulation
processes of detection OQPSK signals which were used in modern systems such as cdma2000
were made. For as close as possible to the real analogue, the phase detector in imitation model
was implemented with levelling filters. These filters are used in communication systems to
reduce intersymbol interference that occurs in the digital channel. Research was carried out
for the case of signal detection by classical and modified detectors. The aim of the research was
to determine the bit-error rate (BER) in the received signal at a particular value of SNR. The
obtained BER-to-SNR values for the classical phase detector were compared with similar
ratios given in the open literature. The research results show that modified detector is more
efficient than classical detector due to its higher noise immunity. As a result of simulation model of the modified detector research in Matlab program the recommendations for selecting
detector filters parameters at high noise level were made. This makes possible to use them in
the designing of modern phase demodulators. The modelling results show the potential for
increasing the efficiency of existing cellular communications that use complex types of phase
modulation with no additional energy costs. The results of modification using narrowband
filters before detector of OQPSK signals can significantly improve its noise immunity and
energy efficiency.
OQPSK, відношення сигнал/шум, BER, Simulink, Matlab, signal-to-noise ratio
Бобало Ю. Я. Визначення області допустимих параметрів фільтрів у модифікованому детекторі сигналів із квадратурною модуляцією / Ю. Я. Бобало, А. П. Бондарєв, І. П. Максимів // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації : збірник наукових праць. – 2015. – № 818. – С. 5–10. – Бібліографія: 3 назви.