Аналітична філософія стає ближчою…
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Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
In this review, the development of contemporary analytic philosophy is considered from the productive point of
view, not from the reproductive or historic one. The reviewer suggests that Synytsya’s monograph is strong needed for
Ukrainian philosophical discourse because its analytic component is very weak or even absent. This monograph is presented
the main actual problems that are elaborated by analytic philosophers fromWittgenstein to Kripke and Churchland. Those
problems include the problem of consciousness (mind-body problem), artificial intellect, reference, truth etc. The author of
monograph analyses the two main turn in contemporary analytic philosophy: the pragmatic and the cognitive. The last turn
is connected with the big interest of analytic philosophers in the problems of mind-body relation and consciousness. The
reviewer’s critics of the monograph is concentrated on the author doesn’t present own contributions to resolving of
mentioned problems and his own position is a little presented in the monograph.
analytic philosophy, artificial intellect, cognitive turn, pragmatic turn, mind-body problem
Карівець І. Аналітична філософія стає ближчою… / Ігор Карівець // Humanitarian Vision. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 75–77.