The Hydropower in Ukraine: Organizational and Economic Instruments of Stimulating the Green Energy Development and Rational Use of Hydropower Potential

dc.contributor.affiliationChernihiv Polytechnic National University
dc.contributor.authorHnedina, Kateryna
dc.contributor.authorNahornyi, Pavlo
dc.description.abstractThe article focuses on the research of hydropower in Ukraine: its current state, problems, possible ways to solve them and prospects for development. The relevance of this research refers to the importance of a comprehensive study of hydropower in Ukraine as the main component of green energy, as well as the potential for the development of hydropower in the conditions of the future post-war rebuilding of Ukraine. The main research goal is to define a complex of organizational and economic instruments to stimulate the development of hydropower in Ukraine and to ensure the rational use of hydropower potential. The core research methods are analysis, comparison, systematic approach, dialectical method, methods of abstraction and concretization, mathematical and statistical methods, etc. The terminological content of the concept and peculiarities of use and protection of water resources are characterized. The growth of their scarcity for household and agro-industrial needs of Ukraine is shown. The peculiarities of the development of hydropower as a branch of energy, which provides a principle of operation based on the use of water energy, have been studied. Weak and strong points, opportunities, and threats to the development of hydropower have been identified. The main prospects for the development of the hydropower industry in Ukraine are analyzed. All possible aspects of development are divided into two groups: effective environmental management of water bodies and costeffective environmental use of hydropower potential. Each of these areas is analyzed in the context of state policy and water policy of the largest representative of the hydropower industry. The main recommendations for the development of hydropower in Ukraine are offered, aimed at solving the problems of water management and economically justified environmental use of the hydropower potential of Ukraine.
dc.identifier.citationHnedina K. The Hydropower in Ukraine: Organizational and Economic Instruments of Stimulating the Green Energy Development and Rational Use of Hydropower Potential / Kateryna Hnedina, Pavlo Nahornyi // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. — Vol 7. — No 3. — P. 118–126.
dc.identifier.citationenHnedina K. The Hydropower in Ukraine: Organizational and Economic Instruments of Stimulating the Green Energy Development and Rational Use of Hydropower Potential / Kateryna Hnedina, Pavlo Nahornyi // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. — Vol 7. — No 3. — P. 118–126.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofEnvironmental Problems, 3 (7), 2022
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dc.relation.referencesenHnedina, K. V. (2021). Modern approaches to water resources
dc.relation.referencesenmanagement and mechanisms of their environmental
dc.relation.referencesenmonitoring: the experience of the EU and Ukraine.
dc.relation.referencesenEnvironmental sciences, 37(4), 33–39
dc.relation.referencesenHnedina, K. V., & Nahornyi, P. V. (2021). The impact of
dc.relation.referencesenclimate change on the state of water resources. Ecological
dc.relation.referencesenproblems of the environment and rational nature management
dc.relation.referencesenin the context of sustainable development: materials of
dc.relation.referencesenscientific practice. conf., Kherson, October 21–22, 70–73
dc.relation.referencesenKlimenko, V. N. & Landau, Yu. O. & Seagal, I. Ya. (2013).
dc.relation.referencesenBeetroot TO Energy: history, present and future. Electricity
dc.relation.referencesenand environmental protection. Functioning of energy in
dc.relation.referencesenthe modern world; Science. Kyiv: Phoenix Publishing House, 32
dc.relation.referencesenLehner, B., & Czisch, G., & Vassolo, S. (2005). The impact of
dc.relation.referencesenglobal change on the hydropower potential of Europe: a
dc.relation.referencesenmodel-based analysis. Energy Policy, 33, 839–855. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenMEPR (2021). Strategy of development of water policy
dc.relation.referencesenof Ukraine – Water Strategy. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenNAAS (2020). Information and analytical information on the
dc.relation.referencesenstate of water resources of the state and features of
dc.relation.referencesenagricultural production in climate change. National
dc.relation.referencesenAcademy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenNECU (2019). Court of Appeal rejects NECU in case of
dc.relation.referencesencancellation of Hydropower Development Program until 2026. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenObodovsky, O. G., & Pochaevets, O. O., & Obodovsky, Yu. O.
dc.relation.referencesen(2016). Methods for establishing the hydropower potential
dc.relation.referencesenof rivers (on the example of rivers of the Ukrainian
dc.relation.referencesenCarpathians). Bulletin of the University of Kiev. Ser.
dc.relation.referencesen"Geography", 64 (1), 5-12
dc.relation.referencesenOn approval of the Hydropower Development Program for the
dc.relation.referencesenperiod up to 2026: Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of
dc.relation.referencesenUkraine of July 13, 2016 No. 552-p. Official Gazette of
dc.relation.referencesenUkraine, 2016, 60, 175
dc.relation.referencesenPetrakov, Y. V., & Hnedina, K. V. (2017). Methods of
dc.relation.referencesenintegrated assessment of the impact of alternative energy on
dc.relation.referencesenthe environment in non-stationary economics. Problems of
dc.relation.referencesenthe economy, 4, 148–155
dc.relation.referencesenRomashchenko M. I., Husiev Yu. V., Shatkovskyi A. P.,
dc.relation.referencesenSaidak R. V., Yatsiuk M. V., Shevchenko A.M., Matiash T. V.
dc.relation.referencesen(2020). Impact of modern climate change on water
dc.relation.referencesenresources and agricultural production. Land Reclamation
dc.relation.referencesenand Water Management, 1. 5–22
dc.relation.referencesenSukhodolia, O.M., & Sydorenko A. A., & Biehun, S. V. (2014).
dc.relation.referencesenCurrent state, problems and prospects of hydropower
dc.relation.referencesendevelopment in Ukraine. Analytical report, NISS, 54
dc.relation.referencesenThe Guardian (2022). Scotland hopes to save wild salmon by
dc.relation.referencesenplanting millions of trees next to rivers. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenThe Yale (2020). The Environmental Performance Index
dc.relation.referencesenReport 2020. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenThe United Nations (2021). The United Nations World
dc.relation.referencesenWater Development Report 2021. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenUkrhydroenergo. Hydropower. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenUkrhydroenergo. Sustainable development of large hydropower
dc.relation.referencesenin Ukraine. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenUkrstat (2021). Renewable energy consumption for 2007–2020.
dc.relation.referencesenState Statistics Service of Ukraine. Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesenVlasyuk, Y. S., & Stefanishin, D. V. (2018). On the problems
dc.relation.referencesenand prospects of small hydropower in Ukraine.
dc.relation.referencesenMathematical modeling in economics, 1, 126–138.
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2022
dc.rights.holder© Hnedina K., Nahornyi P., 2022
dc.subjectwater resources
dc.subjecthydropower potential
dc.subjectwater policy
dc.subjectgreen energy
dc.subjectalternative energy sources
dc.titleThe Hydropower in Ukraine: Organizational and Economic Instruments of Stimulating the Green Energy Development and Rational Use of Hydropower Potential


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