Detection of gaps in documentation concerning remotepiloted aviation based on content analysis

dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
dc.contributor.authorMarkiv, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorMykyichuk, Mykola
dc.contributor.authorMarkiv, Oksana
dc.coverage.temporal25-27 June 2018
dc.description.abstractThis article dwells upon the procedures of computer-linguistic formation of documentation concerning remote-piloted vehicles that are necessary for the implementation of software components for the collection, processing and preservation of information received from open web-resources. It is highlighted that processing of large volumes of information located on open web-resources requires development of certain approaches to its automated consolidation, classification, structuring, processing and use that is very useful for further certification of remote-piloted vehicles. It is emphasized that linguistic support as a set of linguistic means of information processing is important during development of relevant information systems for aviation support. The procedures for detecting gaps in documentation concerning remote-piloted aviation by analyzing the structure of documentation, its content, frequency analysis of markers and indicative features that allow to improve functional quality indicators are very similar to the same procedures concerning tourism documentation. It has been made based on documentation structure and content analysis and is important for automatic system development of documentation creation in the sphere of remote-piloted aviation.
dc.identifier.citationMarkiv V. Detection of gaps in documentation concerning remotepiloted aviation based on content analysis / Volodymyr Markiv, Mykola Mykyichuk, Oksana Markiv // Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, 25-27 June 2018. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2018. — Vol 2 : Workshop. — P. 97–107. — (Part 2. Workshop conference tracks. Section I. Computational Linguistics).
dc.identifier.citationenMarkiv V. Detection of gaps in documentation concerning remotepiloted aviation based on content analysis / Volodymyr Markiv, Mykola Mykyichuk, Oksana Markiv // Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, 25-27 June 2018. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2018. — Vol 2 : Workshop. — P. 97–107. — (Part 2. Workshop conference tracks. Section I. Computational Linguistics).
dc.publisherLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.relation.ispartofComputational linguistics and intelligent systems (2), 2018
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dc.relation.referencesen15. Shreya Upadhyay ; Vishal Pant ; Shivansh Bhasin ; Mahantesh K. Pattanshetti Articulating the construction of a web scraper for massive data extraction 2017, Second International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT) pp.1-4.
dc.relation.referencesen16. Tkachenko S. O. Soprunyuk, V. Tkachenko, I. Solomko Efficiency enhancement of optimal reduction method by strengthening parallelism of structural models formation, Machine Dynamics Research, Poland, Vol. 3, No. 2., 85-90 (2013).
dc.relation.referencesen17. Vidya Sagar Ponnam ; V. P Krishna Anne ; Venkata Kishore Konki Hidden web data extraction using wordnet ontology's Publication Year: Conference on IT in Business, Industry and Government (CSIBIG), 1-4, (2014)
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dc.relation.referencesen22. Lytvyn, V., Vysotska, V., Pukach, P., Brodyak, O., Ugryn, D., Development of a method for determining the keywords in the slavic language texts based on the technology of web mining. In: EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2/2(86), 4-12 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen23. Lytvyn, V., Vysotska, V., Pukach, P., Bobyk, I., Uhryn, D., Development of a method for the recognition of authors style in the Ukrainian language texts based on linguometry, stylemetry and glottochronology. In: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4/2, 10-18 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen24. Chen, J., Dosyn, D., Lytvyn, V., Sachenko, A., Smart Data Integration by Goal Driven Ontology Learning. In: Advances in Big Data. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer 2017. P. 283-292 (2017).
dc.relation.referencesen25. Su, J., Vysotska, V., Sachenko, A., Lytvyn, V., Burov, Y., Information resources processing using linguistic analysis of textual content. In: Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems Technology and Applications, 573-578, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen26. Vysotska, V., Chyrun, L., Lytvyn, V., Methods based on ontologies for information resources processing. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2016).
dc.relation.referencesen27. Vysotska, V., Tekhnolohiyi elektronnoyi komertsiyi ta Internet-marketynhu. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen28. Vysotska, V., Lytvyn, V., Web resources processing based on ontologies. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
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dc.relation.referencesen32. Lytvyn, V., Vysotska, V., Chyrun, L., Smolarz, A., Naum O., Intelligent System Structure for Web Resources Processing and Analysis. In: 1st Inter. Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 56-74 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen33. Lytvyn, V., Vysotska, V., Wojcik, W., Dosyn, D., A Method of Construction of Automated Basic Ontology. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 75-83 (2017)
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dc.relation.referencesen35. Shepelev, G., Khairova, N., Methods of comparing interval objects in intelligent computer systems. . In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 100–109 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen36. Orobinska, O., Chauchat, J.-H., Sharonova, N., Methods and models of automatic ontology construction for specialized domains (case of the Radiation Security). In: 1st Inter. Conf. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, 95–99 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen37. Hamon, T., Grabar, N., Unsupervised acquisition of morphological resources for Ukrainian. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 20–30 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen38. Grabar, N., Hamon, T., Creation of a multilingual aligned corpus with Ukrainian as the target language and its exploitation. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 10–19 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen39. Hamon, T., Biomedical text mining. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, uploads/2017/04/2017COLINS-THAMON-keynote.pdf (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen40. Lande, D., Andrushchenko, V., Balagura, I., An index of authors’ popularity for Internet encyclopedia. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 47–55 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen41. Lande, D., Creation of subject domain models on the basis of monitoring of network information resources. In: 1st Inter. Conf. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen42. Protsenko, Y., Intuition on modern deep learning approaches in computer vision. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen43. Kolbasin, V., AI trends, or brief highlights of NIPS 2016. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen44. Kersten, W., The Digital Transformation of the Industry – the Logistics Example. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen45. Shalimov, V., Big Data – Revolution in Data Storage and Processing. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen46. Hnot, T., Qualitative content analysis: expertise and case study. In: 1st Inter.l Conf. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, uploads/2017/04/Qualitative-content-analysis_expertise-and-case-study.pdf (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen47. Romanyshyn, M., Grammatical Error Correction: why commas matter. In: 1st Inter. Conf. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, uploads/2017/04/Grammatical-Error-Correction-why-commas-matter.pdf.
dc.relation.referencesen48. Yukhno, K., Chubar, E., Gamification: today and tomorrow. In: 1st Inter. Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 139–140 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen49. Pidpruzhnikov, V., Ilchenko, M., Search optimization and localization of the website of Department of Applied Linguistics. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 137–138 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen50. Olifenko, I., Borysova, N., Analysis of existing German Corpora. In: 1st Inter. Conf. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 135–136 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen51. Kolesnik, A., Khairova, N., Use of linguistic criteria for estimating of wikipedia articles quality. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 133–134 (2017)
dc.rights.holder© 2018 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
dc.subjectRemote-piloted vehicles
dc.subjectInformation gap
dc.subjectIndicative characteristics
dc.subjectLinguistic markers
dc.subjectRemote-piloted vehicles certification
dc.titleDetection of gaps in documentation concerning remotepiloted aviation based on content analysis
dc.typeConference Abstract


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