Geodynamics of formation of the transition zone between the Dnieper-Donets basin and the Donbas foldbelt. Tectonic inversion of rift-like structure
dc.citation.epage | 65 | |
dc.citation.issue | 2(31) | |
dc.citation.journalTitle | Геодинаміка | |
dc.citation.spage | 53 | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Український науково-дослідний інститут природних газів | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Karazin Kharkiv National University | | | Бартащук, Олексій | | | Суярко, Василь | | | Bartashchuk, Oleksii | | | Suyarko, Vasyl | |
dc.coverage.placename | Львів | |
dc.coverage.placename | Lviv | | | 2023-07-03T07:56:10Z | | | 2023-07-03T07:56:10Z | | | 2021-02-23 | | | 2021-02-23 | |
dc.description.abstract | Досліджено системну організацію інверсійних деформацій Дніпровсько-Донецької западини та Західно-Донецького грабена. На підставі структурно-кінематичного аналізу деформаційних структур, ідентифікованих у складчастих поверхах осадового чохла, з урахуванням попередніх моделей інвер- сійного структуроформування, зроблено спробу створити оригінальну модель тектонічної інверсії рифтогенної структури. Тектонічна інверсія Дніпровсько-Донецької западини та Донбасу розпочалася в пізньогерцинську епоху в геодинамічному режимі загальноплитної колізії. Тектонофізичний аналіз інверсійних деформацій свідчить, що складчастість у западині та лінійні анти- та синформи Донбасу формувалися під впливом природного механізму поздовжнього вигину внаслідок колізійного жолоб- лення горизонтів у геодинамічному режимі транспресії. В пізньому мезозої – кайнозої інверсія про- довжувалася у полі правобічних горизонтально-зсувних деформацій із перемінною стискальною складо- вою. Цим режимом зумовлено формування складчастих тектонічних покривів та їх насування з боку Донбасу на герцинські неоавтохтонні утворення Західно-Донецького грабена та слабодислокований синеклізний автохтон південного сходу западини. Через тиск тектонічного штампа складчастого Донбасу сформувався Західно-Донецький тектонічний сегмент, який ідентифіковано структурним ороклином поперечного висування осадових геомас. У фронті та осьовій зоні тектонічного ороклину утворилися геодинамічні смуги нагнітання та витискання геомас, де формувалися великі лінійні складчасті зони. У форланді ороклину вторгнення, на закінченнях магістральних насувів, що слугували “тектонічними рейками” вторгнення геомас алохтону в рифтогенну структуру, в западині сформувалося передове лускате віяло стискання. У хінтерланді – тилу ороклину, в Західному Донбасі на герцинському неоав- тохтоні залягає коріння складчастих покривів насування, яким сформовані тектонічні сутури. На підставі вивчення системної організації колізійних деформацій Західно-Донецького грабену принципово роз- роблено модель структурно-кінематичної еволюції земної кори Дніпровсько-Донецької западини на колізійному етапі. Згідно із нею, тектонічна інверсія рифтогенної структури на території Західно- Донецького грабену зумовлена вторгненням під тиском тектонічного штампа складчастого Донбасу тектонічного сегмента вклинювання дислокованих осадових геомас із формуванням Західно-Донецької покривно-складчастої тектонічної області. Дані щодо системної організації інверсійних перебудов рифтогенної структури покладено в основу оригінальної геодинамічної моделі тектонічної інверсії Дніпровсько-Донецької западини, яка може бути використана для вдосконалення схем регіонального тектонічного та нафтогазо-геологічного районування. | |
dc.description.abstract | The article studies the system organization of inversion tectonic deformations of the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin which covered the territory of the Western Donetsk Graben. The research uses the kinematic and structuralparagenetic analysis of inversion structural transformation of the folded floors of the sedimentary cover of the Graben. The original model of tectonic inversion of the Dnieper-Donets Basin was completed from the previous models. The tectonic inversion of the Dnieper-Donets Paleorift rift-like structures began at the late Hercynian stage in the geodynamic environment of the territory of the Eastern European Platform general collision. Tectonophysical analysis shows that the inversion folding was formed by the mechanism of sedimentary horizons longitudinal bending in the environment of the interference of the intraplate submeridional collision compression and the regional strike-slip stress field. At the Mesozoic-Cenozoic stage, tectonic inversion continued in the field of right-hand strike-slip deformations with a variable compressive component. This caused the formation of folded covers of tectonic plates and scales in the uplift-thrust mode. They, Hercynian neoautochthonous formations and further the weakly located syneclise autochthon of the South-east of the Basin. The pressure of the “tectonic stamp” geoblock of the Donetsk Foldbelt contributed to the formation of the Segment body of geomass Tectonic Wedging. It was diagnosed with a structural orocline of transverse extension of the sliding type. Large linear throw-folded zones were formed within geodynamic bands of injection and displacement of geomass along the front of the orocline. The tectonic compression fan, characteristic of geodynamic compression zones, was formed in the foreland of the orocline, on the ends of the main thrusts. They served as “tectonic rails”of the allochthon invasion within the rift-like structure. There are the transverse zones of tectonic sutures formed on the roots of the folding covers of the Hercynian neo-autochthon thrusting, which are located in the hinterland of the orocline in the Foldbelt Western slope. The study completed an original kinematic model of tectonic inversion of the transition zone between the Dnieper-Donets Basin and Donets Foldbelt. According to the model, the pressure of the “tectonic stamp” geoblock initiated the invasion of the Segment of Tectonic Wedging which consists of the intensively dislocated allochthonous geomass. The Segment destroyed the rift-like structure and formed the Western Donetsk Cover-Folded Region in the Southeastern part of the Basin. The system organization model of inversion complications of the rift-like structure in the territory of the Western Donetsk Graben will allow to improve the regional geological schemes of tectonic oil and gas zoning. | |
dc.format.extent | 53-65 | |
dc.format.pages | 13 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Bartashchuk O. Geodynamics of formation of the transition zone between the Dnieper-Donets basin and the Donbas foldbelt. Tectonic inversion of rift-like structure / Oleksii Bartashchuk, Vasyl Suyarko // Geodynamics. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — No 2(31). — P. 53–65. | |
dc.identifier.citationen | Bartashchuk O. Geodynamics of formation of the transition zone between the Dnieper-Donets basin and the Donbas foldbelt. Tectonic inversion of rift-like structure / Oleksii Bartashchuk, Vasyl Suyarko // Geodynamics. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — No 2(31). — P. 53–65. | |
dc.identifier.doi | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | |
dc.publisher | Видавництво Львівської політехніки | |
dc.publisher | Lviv Politechnic Publishing House | |
dc.relation.ispartof | Геодинаміка, 2(31), 2021 | |
dc.relation.ispartof | Geodynamics, 2(31), 2021 | |
dc.relation.references | Bartaschuk, O. V., (2016). System organization of | |
dc.relation.references | disjunctive tectonics of consolidated basement in | |
dc.relation.references | Dnipro-Donets paleorift. Part 1. Lineaments. Bull. | |
dc.relation.references | of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, | |
dc.relation.references | series – “Geology. Geography. Ecology”, 48, 12–27 (in Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.references | Bartaschuk, O. V., (2019). Collisional deformations | |
dc.relation.references | of the rifting structure of the Dnieper-Donetsk | |
dc.relation.references | basin. Article 1. Tectonics of the joint zone with | |
dc.relation.references | the Donetsk folded structure. Geology and | |
dc.relation.references | geochemistry of combustible minerals, 3 (180), 77–90 (in Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.references | Bartaschuk, O. V., (2019). Collisional deformations | |
dc.relation.references | of the rifting structure of the Dnieper-Donetsk | |
dc.relation.references | basin. Article 2. Kinematic mechanisms of | |
dc.relation.references | tectonic inversion. Geology and geochemistry of | |
dc.relation.references | combustible minerals, 4 (181), 1–13 (in | |
dc.relation.references | Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.references | Bartaschuk, O. V., (2020). Tectonic inversion of the | |
dc.relation.references | Dnieper-Donetsk depression. Part 1. Collision | |
dc.relation.references | tectonics of the Western Donetsk graben. Bull. of | |
dc.relation.references | V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series – | |
dc.relation.references | “Geology. Geography. Ecology”, 52, 10–23 (in | |
dc.relation.references | Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.references | Bartashchuk, O., & Suyarko, V. (2020). Geodynamics | |
dc.relation.references | of formation of the transition zone between the | |
dc.relation.references | Dnieper-Donets basin and the donbas foldbelt. | |
dc.relation.references | Tectonic style of inversion deformations. | |
dc.relation.references | Geodynamics, 2(29), 51–65. | |
dc.relation.references | | |
dc.relation.references | Bartashchuk, O., & Suyarko, V. (2021). Geodynamics | |
dc.relation.references | of formation of the transition zone between the | |
dc.relation.references | Dnieper-Donets basin and the donbas foldbelt. | |
dc.relation.references | Tectonic regimes and kinematic mechanisms of | |
dc.relation.references | inversion. Geodynamics, 1(30), 25–35. | |
dc.relation.references | | |
dc.relation.references | Gintov, O. B. (2005). Field tectonophysics and its | |
dc.relation.references | application in the study of deformations of the | |
dc.relation.references | earth’s crust in Ukraine. Kiev: Phoenix, 572 (in | |
dc.relation.references | Russian). | |
dc.relation.references | Gonchar, V. V. (2019). Tectonic inversion of the | |
dc.relation.references | Dnieper-Donets depression and Donbass | |
dc.relation.references | (models and reconstructions). Geophys. | |
dc.relation.references | Journal, 41(5), 47–86. (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.references | | |
dc.relation.references | Goryaynov, S. (2004). About the Laramide | |
dc.relation.references | complication of geological structures of Ukraine. | |
dc.relation.references | Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of | |
dc.relation.references | Ukraine, 12, 114–121. | |
dc.relation.references | Goryaynov, S. (1999). About Alpine complication of | |
dc.relation.references | geological structure in various re-gions of | |
dc.relation.references | Ukraine. Reports of the National Academy of | |
dc.relation.references | Sciences of Ukraine, 8, 106–111. | |
dc.relation.references | Goryainov, S. V., & Sklyarenko, Yu. I. (2017). | |
dc.relation.references | Forecast of lithological traps of the south-east of | |
dc.relation.references | the DDZ within the licensed areas of | |
dc.relation.references | “Shebelinkagazvydobuvannia”. Part 1. Creation of | |
dc.relation.references | a structural-geological basis: report on research | |
dc.relation.references | (final): No. 100 SHGV 2017-2017 (No. 34.521, 2017–2017). Ukr. Science. dosl. Inst. of Natural | |
dc.relation.references | Gases. Kharkiv, 203 (in Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.references | Dudnik, V. A., & Korchemagin, V. A., (2004). | |
dc.relation.references | Cimmerian stress field within the Olkhovatsko- | |
dc.relation.references | Volyntsev anticline of Donbas, its connection with | |
dc.relation.references | discontinuous structures and magmatism. | |
dc.relation.references | Geophys. Journal, 26(4), 75–84 (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.references | Kazmin, V. G., Tikhonova, N. F. (2005). Early | |
dc.relation.references | Mesozoic marginal seas in Black Sea – Caucasus | |
dc.relation.references | region: Paleotectonic reconstructions. | |
dc.relation.references | Geotectonics, 39 (5), 349–363 (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.references | Khain, V. E. (1977). Regional geotectonics. Extra- | |
dc.relation.references | Alpine Europe and Western Asia, 185–205. | |
dc.relation.references | Moscow: Nedra (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.references | Kopp, M. L., Korchemagin, V. A. (2010). Cenozoic | |
dc.relation.references | stress and deformation fields of Donbas and their | |
dc.relation.references | probable sources. Geodynamics, 1 (9), 37–49 (in | |
dc.relation.references | Russian). | |
dc.relation.references | Kopp, M., Kolesnichenko, A., Mostryukov, A., | |
dc.relation.references | Vasilev, N. (2017). Reconstruction of Cenozoic | |
dc.relation.references | stress and deformations in the eastern East | |
dc.relation.references | European platform with its regional and practical | |
dc.relation.references | application. Geodynamics, (23), 46–67 (in | |
dc.relation.references | Russian). | |
dc.relation.references | Kopp, M. (1991). Structural patterns of within-fold | |
dc.relation.references | belts horizontal movements. Geotectonics, 1, 21–36 (in Russian). | |
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dc.relation.references | and their role in the formation of minerals. | |
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dc.relation.referencesen | Bartaschuk, O. V., (2016). System organization of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | disjunctive tectonics of consolidated basement in | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Dnipro-Donets paleorift. Part 1. Lineaments. Bull. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, | |
dc.relation.referencesen | series – "Geology. Geography. Ecology", 48, 12–27 (in Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Bartaschuk, O. V., (2019). Collisional deformations | |
dc.relation.referencesen | of the rifting structure of the Dnieper-Donetsk | |
dc.relation.referencesen | basin. Article 1. Tectonics of the joint zone with | |
dc.relation.referencesen | the Donetsk folded structure. Geology and | |
dc.relation.referencesen | geochemistry of combustible minerals, 3 (180), 77–90 (in Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Bartaschuk, O. V., (2019). Collisional deformations | |
dc.relation.referencesen | of the rifting structure of the Dnieper-Donetsk | |
dc.relation.referencesen | basin. Article 2. Kinematic mechanisms of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | tectonic inversion. Geology and geochemistry of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | combustible minerals, 4 (181), 1–13 (in | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Bartaschuk, O. V., (2020). Tectonic inversion of the | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Dnieper-Donetsk depression. Part 1. Collision | |
dc.relation.referencesen | tectonics of the Western Donetsk graben. Bull. of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series – | |
dc.relation.referencesen | "Geology. Geography. Ecology", 52, 10–23 (in | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Bartashchuk, O., & Suyarko, V. (2020). Geodynamics | |
dc.relation.referencesen | of formation of the transition zone between the | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Dnieper-Donets basin and the donbas foldbelt. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Tectonic style of inversion deformations. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Geodynamics, 2(29), 51–65. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Bartashchuk, O., & Suyarko, V. (2021). Geodynamics | |
dc.relation.referencesen | of formation of the transition zone between the | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Dnieper-Donets basin and the donbas foldbelt. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Tectonic regimes and kinematic mechanisms of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | inversion. Geodynamics, 1(30), 25–35. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Gintov, O. B. (2005). Field tectonophysics and its | |
dc.relation.referencesen | application in the study of deformations of the | |
dc.relation.referencesen | earth’s crust in Ukraine. Kiev: Phoenix, 572 (in | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Russian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Gonchar, V. V. (2019). Tectonic inversion of the | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Dnieper-Donets depression and Donbass | |
dc.relation.referencesen | (models and reconstructions). Geophys. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Journal, 41(5), 47–86. (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Goryaynov, S. (2004). About the Laramide | |
dc.relation.referencesen | complication of geological structures of Ukraine. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Ukraine, 12, 114–121. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Goryaynov, S. (1999). About Alpine complication of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | geological structure in various re-gions of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Ukraine. Reports of the National Academy of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Sciences of Ukraine, 8, 106–111. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Goryainov, S. V., & Sklyarenko, Yu. I. (2017). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Forecast of lithological traps of the south-east of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | the DDZ within the licensed areas of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | "Shebelinkagazvydobuvannia". Part 1. Creation of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | a structural-geological basis: report on research | |
dc.relation.referencesen | (final): No. 100 SHGV 2017-2017 (No. 34.521, 2017–2017). Ukr. Science. dosl. Inst. of Natural | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Gases. Kharkiv, 203 (in Ukrainian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Dudnik, V. A., & Korchemagin, V. A., (2004). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Cimmerian stress field within the Olkhovatsko- | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Volyntsev anticline of Donbas, its connection with | |
dc.relation.referencesen | discontinuous structures and magmatism. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Geophys. Journal, 26(4), 75–84 (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Kazmin, V. G., Tikhonova, N. F. (2005). Early | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Mesozoic marginal seas in Black Sea – Caucasus | |
dc.relation.referencesen | region: Paleotectonic reconstructions. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Geotectonics, 39 (5), 349–363 (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Khain, V. E. (1977). Regional geotectonics. Extra- | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Alpine Europe and Western Asia, 185–205. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Moscow: Nedra (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Kopp, M. L., Korchemagin, V. A. (2010). Cenozoic | |
dc.relation.referencesen | stress and deformation fields of Donbas and their | |
dc.relation.referencesen | probable sources. Geodynamics, 1 (9), 37–49 (in | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Russian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Kopp, M., Kolesnichenko, A., Mostryukov, A., | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Vasilev, N. (2017). Reconstruction of Cenozoic | |
dc.relation.referencesen | stress and deformations in the eastern East | |
dc.relation.referencesen | European platform with its regional and practical | |
dc.relation.referencesen | application. Geodynamics, (23), 46–67 (in | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Russian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Kopp, M. (1991). Structural patterns of within-fold | |
dc.relation.referencesen | belts horizontal movements. Geotectonics, 1, 21–36 (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Kopp, M. L (1991). The problem of space for | |
dc.relation.referencesen | deformations arising in the shear stress field (on | |
dc.relation.referencesen | the example of the Mediterranean-Himalayan | |
dc.relation.referencesen | orogenic belt). Strike-slip tectonic disturbances | |
dc.relation.referencesen | and their role in the formation of minerals. | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Moscow: Nauka Publ., 75–85 (in Russian). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Korchemagin, V. A., Ryaboshtan, Yu. S. (1987). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | Tectonics and stress fields of Donbas. Fields of | |
dc.relation.referencesen | stresses and strains in the earth's crust. Moscow: | |
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dc.rights.holder | © Інститут геології і геохімії горючих копалин Національної академії наук України, 2021 | |
dc.rights.holder | © Інститут геофізики ім. С. І. Субботіна Національної академії наук України, 2021 | |
dc.rights.holder | © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2021 | |
dc.rights.holder | © Bartaschuk O., Suyarko V. | |
dc.subject | тектонічна інверсія | |
dc.subject | зони колізійного стиснення | |
dc.subject | структурні деформації | |
dc.subject | ороклин поперечного висування | |
dc.subject | сегмент тектонічного вклинювання | |
dc.subject | Західно-Донецька покривно-складчаста область | |
dc.subject | tectonic inversion | |
dc.subject | collision compression zones | |
dc.subject | structural deformations | |
dc.subject | orocline of transverse extension of the sliding type | |
dc.subject | Segment of Tectonic Wedging of geomass | |
dc.subject | Western Donetsk Cover-Folded Region | |
dc.subject.udc | 551.24.548 | |
dc.subject.udc | 242.7 | |
dc.subject.udc | 248 (477) | |
dc.title | Geodynamics of formation of the transition zone between the Dnieper-Donets basin and the Donbas foldbelt. Tectonic inversion of rift-like structure | |
dc.title.alternative | Геодинаміка формування перехідної зони між Дніпровсько-Донецькою западиною і Донецькою складчастою спорудою. Тектонічна інверсія рифтогенної структури | |
dc.type | Article |
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