Increasing of vibratory conveying velocity by optimizing the normal vibration
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
The paper is dedicated to researching the influence of normal vibration on the
vibratory conveying velocity of particles on an inclined track that performs independent longitudinal
and normal oscillations (two-component vibration). The study considers the optimizing conditions of
the conveying velocity for different laws of oscillating components (harmonic, polyharmonic,
oscillations with piecewise constant acceleration) with a limited value of the longitudinal
acceleration of conveying track and with maximal normal acceleration that does not exceed the
gravitational acceleration (non-hopping modes of moving, when particles slide without detachment
from the surface). The optimization criterion is the maximal distance, traveled by the particle during
the oscillation period, or the maximal value of dimensionless conveying velocity, depending on several
dimensionless parameters. The maximal conveying velocity with polyharmonic normal oscillations is
achieved at a certain ratio of the amplitudes of harmonic oscillation, which essentially depends on the
track’s inclination angle to the horizon. The ratios of the amplitudes of harmonic oscillation, which
practically do not reduce conveying velocity at any inclination angles, are proposed.
Two-component vibratory conveying under normal oscillations with piecewise constant
acceleration is considered in optimal non-hopping modes of a particle moving with one forward (or
upward on an inclined track) sliding stage and one backward (or downward) sliding stage during the
oscillation period. The equations for determining the dimensionless conveying velocity are derived
for different values of dimensionless parameters, such as the inclination angle parameter (a ratio of
an inclination angle tangent to a frictional coefficient) and the intensive vibration parameter (a ratio
of the amplitudes of longitudinal and normal oscillations, divided by the frictional coefficient). The
effectivity of polyharmonic normal oscillations in two-component vibratory conveying is compared
with the effectivity of normal oscillations with piecewise constant acceleration. Maximal conveying
velocity is achieved at certain values of phase difference angles between longitudinal and normal
oscillations, which are called optimal. The value of dimensionless conveying velocity V increases
with the increase of asymmetry of normal oscillations, which is described by the ratio n of the
maximal acceleration of the track when moving down to the acceleration of gravity. This ratio n
corresponds to the number of harmonics for polyharmonic oscillations. A comparison of values of V
for normal oscillations with piecewise constant acceleration shows an advantage in velocity
compared to polyharmonic normal oscillations at the same number n of harmonics, especially with
increasing inclination angles.
The research was carried out by the numerical step-by-step integration method, which allows
for performing calculations with any given accuracy. The obtained results are demonstrated in
figures and comparative tables.
Vrublevskyi I. Increasing of vibratory conveying velocity by optimizing the normal vibration / Ihor Vrublevskyi // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — Vol 9. — No 2. — P. 26–35.