Towards sustainable transport in Ukraine: main obstacles and directions of development
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Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture
The paper presents the description of the different definitions of the concept - sustainable development of transport. The analysis of freight and passenger transportation in Ukraine in 2011 and composition of the park and the average age of municipal electric, sea and river vessels is studied. The volume of emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from all transport modes in 2011 is analyzed. The framework and priorities of environmental cooperation between Ukraine and EU at the present stage are determined. Based on the concept of sustainable development and European experience the main directions of introduction of the sustainable development policy of transport in Ukraine are offered.
Dvulit Z. Towards sustainable transport in Ukraine: main obstacles and directions of development / Z. Dvulit, O. Bojko // Econtechmod : an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. – Lublin ; Rzeszow, 2014. – Volum 3, number 2. – P. 7–14. – Bibliography: 25 titles.