Mineral waters study with help of admittance spectroscopy
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Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
The paper proposes a method of identification of mineral waters by components of their immittance. The active and reactive components of the admittances are selected as such components. We received the results of experimental researches on components of admittance of mineral waters of different types in the frequency range of the test signal. Experimental researches were performed on real samples of mineral waters. Analysis of the results showed the following. Among all types of samples, Polyana Kvasova water differs significantly in electrical parameters. It differs from all by the form of the curve (the dependence of
the components on the frequency) and much higher absolute values of the components of the admittance. Identification of mineral waters is carried out by comparing the components of the test sample with the corresponding components of the reference sample. This allows you to quickly detect falsification of mineral water. Such identification can be implemented by one measuring instrument and by the same method.
Key words: Admittance; Reactive component of admittance; Active component of admittance; Mineral water; Product
identification; Standard sample; Impedance spectroscopy.
Pokhodylo Ye. Mineral waters study with help of admittance spectroscopy / Yevgen Pokhodylo, Volodymyr Boyko // Measuring Equipment and Metrology. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. – Volume 81, № 4. – P. 35–38. – Bibliography: 5 titles.