Influence of diamond component based on wurtzite boron nitride on wear resistance of cutting tool

dc.citation.issueVolume 6, № 2
dc.citation.journalTitleUkrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
dc.contributor.affiliationI. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
dc.contributor.affiliationNational Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
dc.contributor.authorVolkogon, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorAvramchuk, Svitlana
dc.contributor.authorFedoran, Yuriy
dc.contributor.authorKravchuk, Andrii
dc.contributor.authorPavlychuk, Tetiana
dc.contributor.authorAntonyuk, Viktor
dc.contributor.authorAvramchuk, Kateryna
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the study of the influence of the diamond component in a composite superhard material based on wurtzite boron nitride on the stability of the tool during turning of hardened steels in the mode of smooth turning and when processing intermittent surfaces. The aim of the work is to study the influence of the content of the diamond component in the composite superhard material based on wurtzite boron nitride on the stability of the tool. Based on the analysis of the main patterns of changes in the coefficient of friction depending on various factors, the evaluation of composites containing diamonds of different dispersion in comparison with other materials of this class. The results of the study of the technical level of composite polycrystalline superhard materials based on wurtzite boron nitride of different composition and determination of the efficiency of their use as a cutting tool in the machining of hardened steels are presented. The intensity of wear of composites in the cutting tool during processing of hardened steels is experimentally determined. It is established that the presence of a diamond component in the composite significantly affects the stability of the tool in the conditions of smooth turning due to heat dissipation in contact with the processed material. In the processing of hardened steels with the presence of shock loads, the phase state of the matrix component of the composite plays a decisive role. The obtained research results make it possible to determine the optimal composition and conditions for obtaining a composite material of the system “boron nitride – diamond”, which provides the most effective application of the cutting tool in practice.
dc.identifier.citationInfluence of diamond component based on wurtzite boron nitride on wear resistance of cutting tool / Volodymyr Volkogon, Svitlana Avramchuk, Yuriy Fedoran, Andrii Kravchuk, Tetiana Pavlychuk, Viktor Antonyuk, Kateryna Avramchuk // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. – Volume 6, № 2. – P. 53–60. – Bibliography: 32 titles.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofUkrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
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dc.subjectboron nitride, diamond, composite, friction coefficient, cutting ability, wear resistance
dc.titleInfluence of diamond component based on wurtzite boron nitride on wear resistance of cutting tool


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