Determination of integration levels in the process of the content of studying formation: meta-subject approach


In the article, the modern approaches to developing and determining the levels of integration in pedagogical science concerning higher education are thoroughly analyzed and generalized. As a result, it is confirmed that the thorough study of determining levels of integration was conducted by Chapaev (1998). The attempts to determine the levels of integration were made by such scientists as Akhlybynskyi (1984), Tiunnykov (1988), Paveltsyh (1989), Rozov (1989), Berulava (1998), V. Kraevskyi & Khutorskoi (2003), Pulbere (2004), Kozlovskyi (2014), etc. The classification of integration levels in the frame of educational integrology is presented and proved, the levels being differentiated by various features, namely, by the number of elements, by the extent of interconnection between the elements, by the nature of the integrated elements. General and partial approaches to the creation of the content of meta-subjects at higher educational establishments are analyzed. The definition of meta-subject is given and the prospects of the development of the content and the introduction of the meta-subject in the higher educational establishment are determined.



integration, integration levels, integration criteria, educational integrology, meta-subject


Kozlovska I. Determination of integration levels in the process of the content of studying formation: meta-subject approach / Iryna Kozlovska, Lyubov Dolnikova, Olena Fuchyla // Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 2. — No 1. — P. 9–14.



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