Aerated concrete with the use of ferruginous quartzite processing waste

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House


Waste (tailings) of mining and processing plants of Kryvbas were studied by the stages of their magnetic enrichment. The granulometric compositions of the tailings, the amount of iron (total and magnetic) and the mass fraction of solid in them are determined. The expediency of disposing of ferruginous quartzite waste at the first stage of enrichment as a silica component in cellular concretes is proved. Optimal compositions of aerated concrete mixtures are determined based on the following criteria: the average density of cellular concrete in the dry state and its compressive strength.



Aerated concrete with the use of ferruginous quartzite processing waste / Myroslav Malovanyy, Oksana Ilyash, Oleksiy Povzun, Valeriy Kalynychenko, Ludmyla Bylym, Vitaliy Kasich // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — Vol 5. — No 4. — P. 230–242.



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