An index of authors’ popularity for Internet encyclopedia

dc.citation.conferenceComputational linguistics andintelligent systems (COLINS 2017)
dc.contributor.affiliationInstitute for information Recording of NAS of Ukraine, Kyivuk_UA
dc.contributor.authorLande, Dmitry
dc.contributor.authorAndrushchenko, Valentyna
dc.contributor.authorBalagura, Iryna
dc.description.abstractThe new index of the author‘s popularity estimation is represented in the paper. The index is calculated on the basis of Wikipedia encyclopedia analysis (Wiki-Index–WI). Unlike the conventional existed citation indices, the suggested mark allows to evaluate not only the popularity of the author, as it can be done by means of calculating the general citation number or by the Hirsch index, which is often used to measure the author‘s research rate. The index gives an opportunity to estimate the author‘s popularity, his/her influence within the sought-after area ―knowledge area‖ in the Internet – in the Wikipedia. There are proposed algorithms and the technique of the Wiki-Index calculation through the network encyclopedia sounding, the exemplified calculations of the index for the prominent researchers, and also the methods of the information networks formation – models of the subject domains by the automatic monitoring and networks information reference resources analysis.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationLande D. An index of authors’ popularity for Internet encyclopedia / Dmitry Lande, Valentyna Andrushchenko, Iryna Balagura // Computational linguistics andintelligent systems (COLINS 2017) : proceedings of the 1st International conference, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 21 April 2017 / National Technical University «KhPI», Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Kharkiv, 2017. – P. 47–55. – Bibliography: 9 titles.uk_UA
dc.publisherNational Technical University «KhPI»uk_UA
dc.relation.referencesen1. Hirsch, Jorge E., An index to quantify an individual‘s scientific research output // Epreprint ArXiv. 2. Lande D.V., Andrushchenko V.B., Balagura I.V. Wiki-index of authors' popularity // Epreprint ArXiv. 3. M. Pei, K. Nakayama, T. Hara and S. Nishio, Constructing a Global Ontology by Concept Mapping Using Wikipedia Thesaurus,22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Workshops (workshops 2008), Okinawa, 2008, pp. 1205-1210. 4. 5. Zareen Saba Syed, Tim Finin, Anupam Joshi. Wikipedia as an Ontology for Describing Documents, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Weblogs and Social Media, AAAI Press, March 2008., pp. 136-144. 6. Fei Wu and Daniel S. Weld. Automatically refining the wikipediainfobox ontology. In Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW '08). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2008, pp. 635-644. 7. Norlidah Alias, Dorothy DeWitt, SaedahSiraj, Sharifah Nor Atifah Syed Kamaruddin, MohdKhairulAzmanMdDaud, A Content Analysis of Wikis in Selected Journals from 2007 to 2012, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 103, 2013, pp. 28-36 8. Joel Nothman, Nicky Ringland, Will Radford, Tara Murphy, James R. Curran, Learning multilingual named entity recognition from Wikipedia, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 194, 2013, pp. 151-175 9. F. Abbas, M. K. Malik, M. U. Rashid and R. Zafar, WikiQA — A question answering system on Wikipedia using freebase, DBpedia and Infobox,2016Sixth International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH), Dublin, 2016, pp. 185-193.uk_UA
dc.subjectAuthor‘s popularity estimationuk_UA
dc.subjectWiki- Indexuk_UA
dc.subjectInformation networksuk_UA
dc.subjectSubject domainsuk_UA
dc.titleAn index of authors’ popularity for Internet encyclopediauk_UA
dc.typeConference Abstractuk_UA


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