Conditions for the formation of cavitation


Based on analysis of information sources was found that dimensionless complexes - numbers of cavitation, Reynolds, Weber - are used tocharacterize the intensity of the development of cavitation phenomena. It was established the criticalvalue of the Reynolds criterion (Reqr = 32,500) in the case of the treatment of the aqueous medium in a hydrodynamic jet cavitator, which will enable to regulate the intensity of the development of cavitation and to avoid its negative consequences.



cavitation, cavitation, simplexes of geometric similarity, simplexes of geometric similarity, number of cavitation, number of cavitation, Reynolds number, Reynolds number, hydrodynamic jet cavitator, hydrodynamic jet cavitator


Znak Z. Conditions for the formation of cavitation / Z. Znak, Yu. Sukhatskii, O. Zin // Chemical technology and engineering : proceedings 2nd International scientific conference, (Lviv, June 24–28th, 2019). – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2019. – P. 67–68. – Bibliography: 2 titlts.



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