Assessment of heavy metals in sediments and associated ecological risks in Ikwu river, Umuahia, Nigeria

dc.contributor.affiliationMichael Okpara University of Agriculture
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Port Harcourt
dc.contributor.authorAnyanwu, Emeka Donald
dc.contributor.authorDavies, Chris Ibienebo
dc.contributor.authorAdetunji, Onyinyechi Gladys
dc.description.abstractSediments can act as pollutant sink as well as source of secondary contamination in aquatic ecosystems. The pollution characteristics of eight heavy metals in the sediments of Ikwu River, Umuahia were investigated using eight assessment indices. The study was carried out between January and June 2022 in three stations. Results showed that cadmium exceeded permissible limit, copper exceeded limit only in February 2022 while others were within limits. The values in Stations 2 and 3 were slightly higher, attributed to localized anthropogenic influence; though other human activities in the watershed especially agriculture were not ruled out in the area. Different levels of heavy metal pollution were observed in the sediments as indicated by the indices but Cd was the principal pollutant. The indices indicated the following - Contamination Factor: Zn and Cu (moderate) and Cd (very high), Degree of Contamination (very high), Ecological Risk: Cd (high) and Cu (considerable), Potential Ecological Risk (high), Pollution Load Index (>1), Enrichment Factor: Zn and Cu (moderate) and Cd (extremely high), Geo-accumulation Index: Cd (very highly polluted) and Quantification of Contamination: Cd and Cu (anthropogenic). The sediments were polluted with toxic metals that may be detrimental to humans and aquatic biota.
dc.identifier.citationAnyanwu E. D. Assessment of heavy metals in sediments and associated ecological risks in Ikwu river, Umuahia, Nigeria / Emeka Donald Anyanwu, Chris Ibienebo Davies, Onyinyechi Gladys Adetunji // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — Vol 8. — No 3. — P. 167–177.
dc.identifier.citationenAnyanwu E. D. Assessment of heavy metals in sediments and associated ecological risks in Ikwu river, Umuahia, Nigeria / Emeka Donald Anyanwu, Chris Ibienebo Davies, Onyinyechi Gladys Adetunji // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — Vol 8. — No 3. — P. 167–177.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofEnvironmental Problems, 3 (8), 2023
dc.relation.referencesAbdullah, M.I.C., Sah, A.S.R.M., & Haris, H. (2020). Geoaccumulation Index and Enrichment Factor of Arsenic in Surface Sediment of Bukit Merah Reservoir, Malaysia. Tropical Life Science Research, 31(3), 109-125. doi:
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dc.relation.referencesAnyanwu, E.D., Jonah, U.E., Adetunji, O.G., & Nwoke, O. B. (2022b). An appraisal of the physicochemical parameters of Ikwu River, Umuahia, Abia State in South‑eastern, Nigeria for multiple uses. International Journal of Energy and Water Resources, 2022. doi:
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dc.relation.referencesenAhirvar, B.P., Das, P., Srivastava, V., & Kumar, M. (2023). Perspectives of heavy metal pollution indices for soil, sediment, and water pollution evaluation: An insight. Total Environment Research Themes, 6, 100039. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenAkintade, O.O., Ogunleye, G.E., Oderinde, R., Ogbesejana, A., & Agbaje, W.B. (2022). Heavy Metals Pollution Assessment of Asa River Sediments in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. American Journal of Applied and Industrial Chemistry. 6(1), 20-30. doi:
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dc.relation.referencesenAmodu, O.A., Imaji, M., & Ichado A.S.P. (2021). Assessment of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Water and Sediments of Evbuarhue River in Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research, 5(6), 231-239
dc.relation.referencesenAnyanwu, E.D., Adetunji, O.G., & Nwoke, O.B. (2022a). Heavy Metal Content of Water in Ikwu River (Umuahia, Nigeria): Pollution Indices and Health Risk Assessment Approach. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 18(3), 345-358. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenAnyanwu, E.D., Jonah, U.E., Adetunji, O.G., & Nwoke, O. B. (2022b). An appraisal of the physicochemical parameters of Ikwu River, Umuahia, Abia State in South‑eastern, Nigeria for multiple uses. International Journal of Energy and Water Resources, 2022. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenAudu, Y., Aliyu, A.D., & John Dadi-Mamud, N. (2022). Evaluation of heavy metals contamination in the sediments of some selected water of south senatorial district of Niger State, Nigeria. Science World Journal, 17(4), 487 – 494.
dc.relation.referencesenBarakat, A., Ennaji, W., Krimissa, S., & Bouzaid, M. (2020). Heavy metal contamination and ecological-health risk evaluation in peri-urban wastewater-irrigated soils of Beni-Mellal city (Morocco). International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 30(4), 372–387. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenCalmuc, V.A., Calmuc, M., Arseni, M., Topa, C.M., Timofti, M., Burada, A., Iticescu, C., & Georgescu, L.P. (2021). Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution Levels in Sediments and of Ecological Risk by Quality Indices, Applying a Case Study: The Lower Danube River, Romania. Water, 13, 1801. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenCCME (2002). Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment.
dc.relation.referencesenCevik, F. Göksu, M.Z. Derici, O.B., & Fındık, O. (2009). An assessment of metal pollution in surface sediments of Seyhan dam by using enrichment factor, geoaccumulation index and statistical analyses. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 152, 309–317.
dc.relation.referencesenChinemelu, E.S., & Okumoko, D.P. (2022). Assessment of Temporal Variation of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Warri River, Southwestern Nigeria. Geological Behaviour, 6(2), 68-75.
dc.relation.referencesenChris, D.I., & Anyanwu, B.O. (2023). Pollution and Potential Ecological Risk Evaluation Associated with Toxic Metals in an Impacted Mangrove Swamp in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Toxics, 11, 6. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenCui, S., Zhang, F., Hu, P., Hough, R., Fu, Q., Zhang, Z., An, L., Li, Y-F., Li, K., Liu, D., & Chen, P. (2019). Heavy Metals in Sediment from the Urban and Rural Rivers in Harbin City, Northeast China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 4313. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenDavies, I.C., Odekina, U. M. and Akoko S. (2022). Distribution of trace metals in biota, sediments, and water from a polluted mangrove swamp in Rivers State. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 26(4), 1-14.
dc.relation.referencesenEdori, O.S., & Kpee, F. (2017). Assessment Models for Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils within Selected Abattoirs in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Singapore Journal of Applied Research, 7(1), 9-15.
dc.relation.referencesenEssien, J.P., Inam, E.D., Ikpe, D.I., Udofia, G.E., & Benson, N.U. (2019). Ecotoxicological status and risk assessment of heavy metals in municipal solid wastes dumpsite impacted soil in Nigeria. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 11, 100215. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenEtesin, U., Udoinyang, E., & Harry, T. (2013). Seasonal variation of physicochemical parameters of water and sediments from Iko River, Nigeria. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 3(8), 96–110.
dc.relation.referencesenGhrefat, H., Abu-Rukah, Y., & Rosen M. (2011). Application of geoaccumulation index and enrichment factor for as­sessing metal contamination in the sediments of Kafrain dam, Jordan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 178, 95–109.
dc.relation.referencesenGuan, Y., Shao, C., & Ju, M. (2014). Heavy metal contamination assessment and partition for industrial and mining gathering areas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(7), 7286-7303.
dc.relation.referencesenHabib, J., Sadigheh, J., & Mohammad, A.K. (2018). Assessment of heavy metal pollution and ecological risk in marine sediments (A case study: Persian Gulf). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 24(8), 1–10. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenHakanson, L. (1980). An Ecological Risk Index for Aquatic Pollution Control a Sedimentological Approach. Water Research, 14, 975-1001. doi:
dc.relation.referencesenHaque, M.A., Jewel, M.A., Hasan, J., Islam, M.M., Ahmed, S., & Alam, L. (2019). Seasonal variation and ecological risk assessment of heavy metal contamination in surface waters of the Ganges River (Northwestern Bangladesh). Malaysian Journal of Analytical Science, 23(2), 300-311.
dc.relation.referencesenHarikumar, P.S., & Jisha, T.S. (2010). Distribution Pattern of Trace Metal Pollutants in the Sediments of an Urban Wetland in the Southwest Coast of India. International Journal of Engineering science and Technology, 2(5), 840 – 850.
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dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2023
dc.rights.holder© Anyanwu E. D., Davies C. I., Adetunji O. G., 2023
dc.titleAssessment of heavy metals in sediments and associated ecological risks in Ikwu river, Umuahia, Nigeria


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