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Item Економічне оцінювання та державне управління розвитком промислового потенціалу(Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2018) Станасюк, Наталія Степанівна; Кузьмін, Олег Євгенович; Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»; Амоша, Олександр Іванович; Маслак, Ольга Іванівна; Носов, Олександр ЮрійовичУ дисертаційній роботі запропоновано нове концептуальне вирішення наукового-практичного завдання – вдосконалення теоретико-методологічних та методико-прикладних засад економічного оцінювання розвитку промислового потенціалу та розроблення на цій основі концептуальних засад державного управління, спрямованих на його збалансований розвиток. Сформовані методологічні положення з проведення комплексного економічного оцінювання стану та рівня розвитку промислового потенціалу в галузевому та просторовому аспектах базуються на виділенні вхідних та вихідних індикаторів в розрізі відтворювальних та забезпечувальних складових, що дозволило виокремити два інтегральні показники рівня його розвитку (відтворювального та реалізованого потенціалів). Як основні стратегічні орієнтири державного управління розвитком промислового потенціалу визначено: створення сприятливого макросередовища, здатного активізувати інноваційну активність промислових підприємств; модернізацію галузевої структури промислового потенціалу із врахуванням досягнутих рівнів розвитку відтворювального та реалізованого потенціалів та збалансування просторового розвитку на основі налагодження активної взаємодії між інлектуальною та інноваційною складовими промислового потенціалу. В диссертационной работе предложено новое концептуальное решение научной-практической задачи - совершенствование теоретико-методологических и методико-прикладных основ экономического оценивания развития промышленного потенциала и разработка на этой основе концептуальных основ государственного управления, направленных на достижение его збалансированного развития. Сформулировано методологические положения к проведению комплексного экономического оценивания развития промышленного потенциала в отраслевом и пространственном аспектах, основанные на выделении входных и выходных индикаторов в разрезе воспроизводственных и обеспечивающих составляющих, что позволило выделить два интегральные показатели уровня его развития (воспроизводственного и реализованованого потенциалов). Как основные стратегические ориентиры государственного управления развитием промышленного потенциала определены: создание благоприятной макросреды, способной активизировать инновационную активность промышленных предприятий; модернизацию отраслевой структуры промышленного потенциала с учетом достигнутых уровней развития воспроизводственного и реализованного потенциалов и сбалансирование пространственного развития на основе налаживания активного взаимодействия между инлектуальной и инновационной составляющими промышленного потенциала. New conceptual solution of scientific-practical task of improvement of theoretical and methodological as well as practical principles of economic evaluation of the potential development is offered in the scientific work; conceptual principles of state administration aimed at reaching innovative vector of development were worked out on this basis. The conceptual-terminological nomenclature of industrial potential research is specified paying attention to the following basic notions "resources", "possibility", "system" and "result", which are the basis of the main definition. Peculiarities of interpretation of "industrial potential" concept of different time periods were under consideration and the selection of the conceptual approaches to interpretation of its economic essence was conducted on this basis. The following approaches, resource, hypothetical, system and result, to structuring of the definition "industrial potential" are specified on the basis of its content. Improvement of its internal architectonics is based on the integrated approach to understanding of its economic essence and involves selection of reproductive and providing constituents, their balanced cooperation is the basis for development. In the context of the defined components, the system of indexes of economic evaluation of industrial potential has been worked out by input and output indicators. Thus, it is offered to differentiate reproductive and realized industrial potentials, that represent potential and used possibility accordingly. Their evaluation by the offered modified Harrington’s scale will allow to group types of industrial activity and administrative-territorial units in order to make a conclusion about the level of industrial potential development both in branch and spatial aspects and will provide an evaluation comprehensiveness. Factor conception of industrial potential development is introduced. Priority of functioning of separate factors was grounded to be changing during national economy development, caused by the change of approaches to the essence content of industrial potential and different stages of evolutional development of state economy. Tendencies of main influence factors are analyzed. Evaluation methodology of structural changes efficiency in the industrial sector of economy is improved. It was found out that processing industry occupies the leading position by the level of development of both reproductive and realized potential. Comparison of the obtained results in dynamics allowed to make a conclusion about the gradual capacity growth of processing industry and decrease of rough manufacturing and energy consuming industrial productions. Taking into account the strategic meaning of processing industry for economic development of the country, the analysis of the level of industrial potential development of certain types of processing activity was conducted and tendency of its changes was defined. High level of both reproductive and realized potential was found in production of computers, electronic and optical products, and basic pharmaceutical medications, that confirms technological advancement in structural transformation of industrial potential. However, the obtained results indicate that most types of industrial activity have low level of reproductive potential that may have disastrous consequences in future. The results of the conducted evaluation can be taken into account for the improvement of the branch structure of the national industry and creation of effective component structure of industrial potential towards the development of priority types of industrial activity and increase of its competitiveness. As a result of comprehensive evaluation of spatial development of industrial potential, it was found out, that, by the integral development index of both reproductive and realized industrial potential, Zaporizhzhia oblast rank the first place, which is the leading center of industrial development in Ukraine today. Obtained results indicate the existence of considerable spatial asymmetry in the development of industrial potential due to the peculiarities of economic development of administrative-territorial units, differences of their specialization and imperfection of economic policy of the state. Creation of intellectually-innovative clusters of mixed type is considered to be a modern fundamental of the industrial potential development that will promote the transfer of innovations, the increase of competitiveness of spatial development and national economy on the whole. The state, as the third participant of the cluster, must play the role of the regulator of cooperation. The levers of state stimulation of the industrial potential development on the innovative basis were offered for the defined types of intellectually-innovative clusters. The main strategic targets of the state administration are: creation of favourable macromedia able to activate innovative activity of industrial enterprises; modernization of branch structure of industrial potential, taking into account the attained levels of development of reproductive and realized potentials and balance of spatial development on the basis of building active cooperation between intellectual and innovative components of the industrial potential. Conception of state administration is offered, in the context of which, the balanced development of the industrial potential should be considered as an integrative combination of reproductive ability of its interconnected components that provide the processes of formation and increase of the potential, whereas their changes cause development, and the economic effect, obtained from their usage, that indicates practicality of application of certain type of resources in the process of industrial production. A system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the mechanism of state management of a balanced development of industrial potential has been worked out and a matrix method for its diagnosis based on certain indicators has been developed. In the context of the implementation of the concept of public administration balanced development of industrial potential according to the author’s methodology, grouping of types of industrial activity was conducted by the development levels of reproductive and realized potentials. The result of the above-mentioned grouping was the distinguishing of three branch groups, application of certain strategies of industrial potential growth was offered for each of them.