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Item Інтерпретація класичного ордера в архітектурі Львова ХХ – початку ХХІ століття(Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021) Знак, Анна Володимирівна; Лінда, Світлана Миколаївна; Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"; Ремізова, Олена Ігорівна; Кондель-Пермінова, Наталія МиколаївнаУ дисертаційній роботі вивчено морфологічну зміну класичного ордера на фасадах будівель Львова ХХ – початку ХХІ ст. Вдосконалено спеціальну методику дослідження інтерпретації класичного ордера на фасадах будівель. Проаналізовано попередні дослідження ордерної системи та визначено основні етапи її розвитку в історії архітектури. Виконано натурні дослідження класичного ордера, на основі яких розроблено типологію будівель та споруд із класичним ордером та їх класифікацію, а також визначено принципи застосування ордерної системи в архітектурі Львова ХХ – початку ХХІ ст. На основі виконаних графічних моделей будівель та креслень фасадів здійснено морфологічний аналіз класичного ордера, що дало змогу виявити зміни будови ордерної системи впродовж досліджуваного періоду. У роботі визначено способи інтерпретації класичного ордера в архітектурі Львова та виявлено їхні особливості на тлі загальноєвропейської та вітчизняної практики ХХ – початку ХХІ ст. В диссертационной работе изучено морфологические изменения классического ордера на фасадах зданий Львова ХХ – начала XXI века. Разработана методика исследования интерпретации классического ордера на фасадах зданий. Проанализированы предварительные исследования ордерной системы и определены основные этапы развития классического ордера в истории архитектуры. Проведены натурные исследования ордера, на основании которых разработана типология зданий и сооружений с архитектурным ордером и классификация ордера, а также определены принципы применения ордерной системы в архитектуре Львова ХХ – начала XXI века. На основе выполненных графических моделей зданий и чертежей фасадов проведен морфологический анализ классического ордера, который позволил выявить изменения строения ордерной системы в течение исследуемого периода. В работе определены способы интерпретации классического ордера в архитектуре Львова и выявлены их особенности на фоне общеевропейской и отечественной практики ХХ – начала XXI века. The dissertation is dedicated to the study of morphological changes in architectural order applied to the facades of Lviv buildings of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The paper outlines the ways of classical order interpretation in Lviv architecture and identifies their specific characteristics as compared to the European and domestic practices of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Upon the study of changes of order characteristics throughout the course of architecture development, the following key stages in the development of classical order have been put forward: order prototype, pre-classical order, classical order, change of classical order, use of classical order and interpretation of classical order. Improvements have been introduced to the special methodology of architectural order interpretation, which is based on the typology of buildings and structures which apply classical order; order classification; determining the principles of order application; structural morphological analysis which consists of proportional analysis of the facade, analysis of order location on the facade, modular and proportional analysis of order and comparative analysis on the whole; identification of the methods of classical order interpretation on the facades of Lviv buildings of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries and their comparison with domestic and world analogs. The paper relies on the suggested typology of Lviv buildings and structures of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries which apply classical order to single out the key eatures of their architectural design. The developed order classification has been used to study the changes of the main characteristics of order. It has been established that during erection of said Lviv buildings of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries the main rules of order organization have been followed. General and specific principles of order application have been identified using the developed typology of Lviv buildings and structures with classical order of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries and the suggested order classification. Graphic models of buildings and facade drawings have been used to conduct morphological analysis of the classical order, which helps identify changes in order structure throughout the period under analysis. Proportional analysis of the facades of Lviv buildings of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries have been used to outline the main methods of proportion creation Modular analysis of order has revealed that in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries the ratio of column diameter to its height on the facades of Lviv buildings is quite often larger or smaller in comparison with Renaissance samples. The proportional analysis conducted has shown that the ratio of entablature height to pedestal changes in relation to column height and normally decreases if compared with classical samples. Thus, even though the main rules of order structure have been followed, the order is not canonical and undergoes morphological interpretation, change of proportions and adjustment to the situation and specific building. The dissertation singles out four methods for interpretation of classical order applied to the facades of Lviv buildings of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries – reproduction, academic stylization, modernized stylization and radical transformation. Order interpretation takes place on three levels – level of system, level of elements and level of details. In view of the multilayer structure of classical order, different methods of interpretation can be used on different levels for one facade. Since order is highly predisposed to interpretation in accordance with the period or specific building, it emerges as a flexible way of creating different compositions which convey different ideas and artistic meaning. Key peculiarities of classical order interpretation on the facades of Lviv buildings have been identified on the basis of comparative analysis with national and general European trends. It has been established that in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries architectural trends prevalent in Lviv were governed by the political centres, thus Lviv architecture often had features characteristic for the countries that ruled the city at the time.Item Геральдичний декор в архітектурі Львова кінця XVI – початку XXI ст.(Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2018) Шукатка Мар’яна Степанівна; Диба, Юрій Романович; Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»; Михайлишин, Ольга Леонідівна; Сільник, Олександра ІванівнаДисертаційна робота присвячена дослідженню геральдичного декору в архітектурі Львова. Геральдичний декор доповнює архітектурний образ будівлі і є важливим елементом композиції. У результаті натурних обстежень проведено інвентаризацію геральдичного декору на фасадах будівель. Досліджено збережені та втрачені зразки геральдичного декору в архітектурі Львова. Визначено основні типи будівель та види гербів, якими вони декорувались. Встановлено способи розміщення геральдичного декору в архітектурі. Проведено класифікацію елементів геральдичного декору та їх поєднання в геральдичні композиції, а також стилістичний аналіз. У роботі сформульовано принципи застосування геральдичного декору в архітектурі та рекомендації для реставрації. Визначено перспективи для подальших досліджень геральдичного декору в архітектурі. Диссертационная работа посвящена исследованию геральдического декора в архитектуре Львова. Геральдический декор дополняет архитектурный образ здания и является важным элементом композиции. В результате натурных обследований проведена инвентаризация геральдического декора на фасадах зданий. Исследованы сохраненые и утраченные образцы геральдического декора в архитектуре Львова. Определены основные типы зданий и виды гербов которыми они декорировались. Установлено восемь способов размещения геральдического декора в архитектуре. Проведена классификация элементов геральдического декора и их сочетания в геральдические композиции, а также стилистический анализ. В работе сформулированы принципы применения геральдического декора в архитектуре и рекомендации для реставрации. Определены перспективы для дальнейших исследований геральдического декора в архитектуре. The thesis is devoted to the study of heraldic decoration in Lviv architecture. Architectural decoration is an integral part of the facade of the building and its composition. Heraldic decor complements the architectural image of the building and is an important part of the composition. This type of decor is an integral part of the visual historical-architectural identification in the public space of the city. It indicates the status of institutions, owners and building founders. The heraldic decoration carries an additional semantic load and serves as a marker on the facade of the building. It reflects the history of the city and the state, its role is more important than the usual architectural decoration. Heraldic decoration was explored only in historical works, heraldry, ornamental art and wasn’t considered as a architectural component. In the work was investigated literature about using of heraldic decor in the architecture of Europe, Ukraine and Lviv. In process of field studies 120 buildings in Lviv with heraldic décor were investigated and was created catalog of inventory cards. Were analyzed retained and lost samples of heraldic decor. Objects with heraldic decoration were divided by function, based on the classification of buildings and structures. This separation allowed to identify the main types of buildings decorated with emblems and establishing a relationship between the type of building and the kind of heraldic decor. Types of heraldic decor are defined as: with state, urban, corporate, church and personal symbols. Were identified eight ways of placing the heraldic decoration in architecture: first way – it tops up pediments, attics, porticoes, tongs; the second way - placed on the wall; the third way - placed above the entrance of the building; the fourth way- decorates the windows; the fifth way – in metal balconies fenced; the sixth way - decorates columns or pilasters; the seventh way - decorates the tower; the eight way- in the facade sculpture. Was investigated structure of the facades proportions decorated with heraldic decor. Heraldic figures are placed on shields of various shapes or arranged in frames and architectural elements. Heraldic compositions are divided into several groups:1) heraldic figure is placed without a shield just on the sparse walls; 2) heraldic figure is placed in the framing; 3) heraldic figure is placed on a round shield or in the wreath; 4) heraldic figure placed on a shield without any décor; 5) heraldic figure is placed on a shield and is topped with a helmet or krown; 6) heraldic figure is placed on the mantle and is topped with a miter; 7) heraldic figure is placed on the shield and ornamented with floral decoration; 8) heraldic figure is placed on the shield ornamented with floral decoration, crown or helmet; 9) heraldic figure is located on a shield held by the supporters; 10) heraldic figure is placed on a shield with a crown which is held by the supporters. Is carried out the stylistic analysis of the heraldic decoration on the building facades. Using of heraldic compositions as an element of the decor of the building depends on the style that dominated one or another period in the architecture of Lviv. The paper formulates six principles of application of heraldic decoration in architecture: typological dependence, compositional unity, accentuation, semantic dependence, unity of form and content, stylistic subordination. The state of conservation of heraldic decoration is investigated and the main causes of destruction of heraldic decoration are determined. Has been developed an algorithm for restoration on the example of three samples restoration of heraldic decoration. The stages of restoration of the heraldic decoration are defined: purification, polychromy study, desalination, biocide treatment, stone strengthening, gluing, addition and reproduction of lost elements, toning, hydrophobization. Are determined prospects for further study of heraldic decor in architecture. Was discovered that heraldic decoration in interior, memorial and sacred architecture, on small architectural forms in Lviv had not been investigated. It is proposed to create a "Lviv Magistrate Museum" where the dismantled heraldic decor will be stored. The study of emblem in the decoration of Ukraine castles is also promising. Heraldic decoration is an integral element of buildings, since its application is followed during all periods of architectural formation of the city.