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    Геодезичне забезпечення та удосконалення методів і моделей оцінки нерухомості
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2019) Губар, Юрій Петрович; Перович, Лев Миколайович; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Лященко, Анатолій Антонович; Кірічек, Юрій Олександрович; Палеха, Юрій Миколайович
    У дисертації здійснено системне дослідження актуальних теоретичних, методологічних та організаційних проблем оцінки нерухомості населених пунктів, що має гарантувати ефективне функціонування нерухомості населених пунктів на ринкових засадах та формування фіскальної політики держави. Обґрунтовано теоретико-методологічні засади оцінки нерухомості населених пунктів, яка повинна здійснюватися виключно з використанням методичних підходів оцінки нерухомості і її кінцевим результатом повинна бути ринкова вартість нерухомості, повинна стимулювати раціональне і найбільш ефективне використання нерухомості та слугувати інструментом розвитку економіки населених пунктів України. Розроблено концепцію моделей оцінки нерухомості як комплексного методу кластерного аналізу за значущими ціноутворюючими чинниками. Побудовано комплекс адитивних та мультиплікативних регресивних математичних моделей для сегменту садибної забудови Львівського регіону з урахуванням запропонованої удосконаленої методики кластеризації кадастрових об’єктів. Вирішено проблему оцінки нерухомості, як складової частини кадастру населених пунктів, за умов нестабільної економічної ситуації в Україні. Розроблені методи та моделі, застосовані новітні технічні засоби та технології сприятимуть більш якісному виконанню оцінки нерухомості, що призведе до зменшення, а у ряді випадків усунення, суб’єктивізму в оціночній діяльності. В диссертации осуществлено системное исследование актуальных теоретических, методологических и организационных проблем оценки недвижимости населенных пунктов, что должно гарантировать эффективное функционирование недвижимости населенных пунктов на рыночных принципах и формирования фискальной политики государства. Обоснованы теоретико-методологические основы оценки недвижимости населенных пунктов, которая должна осуществляться исключительно с использованием методических подходов к оценке недвижимости и ее конечным результатом должна быть рыночная стоимость недвижимости, которая должна стимулировать рациональное и наиболее эффективное использование недвижимости и служить инструментом развития экономики населенных пунктов Украины. Разработана концепция моделей оценки недвижимости как комплексного метода кластерного анализа, с использованием значимыми ценообразующих факторов. Построен комплекс аддитивных и мультипликативных регрессионных математических моделей для сегмента усадебной застройки Львовского региона с учетом предложенной усовершенствованной методики кластеризации кадастровых объектов. Решена проблема оценки недвижимости, как составной части кадастра населенных пунктов, в условиях нестабильной экономической ситуации в Украине. Разработанные методы и модели, применены новейшие технические средства и технологии, которые будут способствовать более качественному выполнению оценки недвижимости, что приведет к уменьшению, а в ряде случаев устранения, субъективизма в оценочной деятельности. The dissertation is devoted to the substantiation and elaboration of the methodological principles of real estate valuation in the system of cadastre of settlements in the atmosphere of the regional market and practical recommendations for specialized services for operational mobilization of the market potential of real estate of Ukraine. It is proved that the most promising direction in the field of combining geoinformation technologies and remote sensing of land uses is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), since such technologies are outdated and will allow to enter a fundamentally new level of performance of valuation works. The use of UAVs accelerates the process of evaluating objects and ensures the openness of the process of selecting similar objects, as well as obtaining other objective and relevant market information. A priori assessment of the accuracy of the determination of the average square error of the position of the boundaries of real estate objects obtained with the use of UAVs and their impact on the value of real estate is analyzed. For the first time, the calculation of the effectiveness of UAVs for valuation works is carried out. It is proved that the effectiveness of the valuation method with the use of UAV will reduce the total time spent by more than 36% from the traditional surveying of the territory of settlements. In pursuit of geodetic works, due to the use of UAVs for the determination of areas of real estate objects, time consuming will be reduced by almost twice, and for the performance of evaluation works - will decrease by more than 8% due to reduced time spent on collecting output data, identification of valuation objects and the definition of homogeneous pricing factors of groups of real estate objects. The performed research proves the high efficiency of the UAV's use for conducting valuation works, especially at altitudes up to 100 meters, which allows to reduce the average square error of the value of the property: for rural settlements more than by 2.25 times, and for cities and towns more than by 1.26 times, due to a significant increase in the accuracy of obtaining the coordinates of the boundaries of real estate objects. Scientifically grounded methodology of creating of mathematical models in real estate valuation is developed. According to the results of the performed research, it is established that from all methods of regression analysis the most promising method is a methodology using clusterization. The modern clusterization techniques are improved. Empirical studies of the establishment of the optimal sample size of similar objects are performed. A new formula has been obtained, which will allow to reasonably obtain this sample size for the realities of Ukraine, which is three times less than proposed by the classics of valuation activity. The improvement of methods for real estate valuation for use in the cadastre of settlements is obtained. The modern methods of research of capitalization coefficient are analyzed, and it is established that they do not take into account modern realities of Ukraine. Classical formulas require significant modifications to reduce the assumptions and limitations of classical methods for calculating the capitalization factor. The obtained mathematical dependencies make it possible to use the proposed method in situations where: real estate objects do not completely lose their value; the demolition of real estate objects is taken into account; the value and rental rates of real estate increase with an annual rate. For the first time, new formulas were obtained for calculating the market value of an object of real estate by introducing new coefficients, namely: the rate of growth of rent; a continuous, stable growth rate of the value of the property; the intensity of obtaining net operating income, which is relevant for our country. It is proved that the coordination of the evaluation results can also be represented by methods of fuzzy mathematics in the form of membership functions. A complex of additive and multiplicative regressive mathematical models for the segment of farm buildings of Lviv region has been constructed taking into account the advanced method of clusterization of cadastral objects which was proposed by us. It is established that the best models are obtained after excluding all minor pricing factors. The proposed methodology will allow the experts to identify significant pricing factors and to calculate the value of a large array of real estate objects of a similar functional purpose. Implementation into practical work of the results of the study will allow to make the distribution of land payments more fairly, forecast the possible consequences of administrative decisions, create modern tools for changing the existing land use system in order to harmonize the development of settlements. Recommendations on improvement of the methodological base of real estate valuation in the system of cadastre of settlements are presented. It is proved that without improving the methodology of real estate valuation, as a component of the cadastre of settlements; the creating of substantiated mathematical models; the use of modern technical means; improvement of methods and valuation procedures.
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    Показники та методи оцінювання економічного потенціалу машинобудівних підприємств
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2015) Лесик, Лілія Іванівна
    Дисертаційна робота присвячена розробці теоретико-методичних положень та практичних рекомендацій щодо формування і використання системи показників та методів оцінювання економічного потенціалу машинобудівних підприємств. Вперше запропоновано для вимірювання сукупного економічного потенціалу машинобудівних підприємств використовувати показник необхідної величини фінансових результатів від їх діяльності у майбутні періоди, за якої буде забезпечена мінімально допустима ефективність інвестицій, вкладених у матеріальні активи підприємств. Удосконалено систему показників ендогенного та екзогенного економічного потенціалу машинобудівних підприємств, метод оцінювання їх конкурентного потенціалу за видами продукції і метод обчислення ринкової вартості цих підприємств. Розвинуто типологію видів та чинників економічного потенціалу підприємств, а також засади утворення їх ринкової вартості. Диссертационная работа посвящена разработке теоретико-методических положений и практических рекомендаций по формированию и использованию системы показателей и методов оценки экономического потенциала машиностроительных предприятий. Впервые предложено для измерения совокупного экономического потенциала машиностроительных предприятий использовать показатель необходимой величины финансовых результатов от их деятельности в будущих периодах, при которой обеспечивается минимально допустимая эффективность инвестиций, вложенных в их материальные активы. Усовершенствовано систему показателей эндогенного и экзогенного потенциала машиностроительных предприятий, метод оценки их конкурентного потенциала по видам продукции и метод расчета рыночной стоимости. Получили развитие типология видов и факторов экономического потенциала предприятий, а также основы формирования их рыночной стоимости. Dissertation is devoted to the development and use of theoretical and methodological principles and practical recommendations for improvement of indicators and methods of evaluation of the economic potential of machine-building enterprises. The object of the study is evaluation process of the machine building enterprise’s economic potential. The subject of the study is theoretical, methodological and applicative provisions on the improvement of indicators system and methods of the economic potential of machine-building enterprises evaluation. Scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in development of theoretical and methodological standards and provides practical recommendations for the indicators and methods of evaluation of the economic potential of machine building enterprises improvement. For the first time for measuring the total economic potential of machine-building enterprises it was proposed to use the index of required value of the financial results from enterprises operations in future periods at which will be provided the minimum permissible effectiveness of investments in tangible assets in previous years. Application of the proposed index is caused by the considerations the decision of purchasing the property is correct if discounted at the time of purchase the actual value of the net cash flow from operating these assets is at least equal to the value of the initial capital invested in them. The system of the parameters of the machine building enterprises current level of endogenous and exogenous economic potential was improved. It has hierarchical structure, contains primary and secondary partial, comprehensive and general indicators and is based on the use of combined approach, whereby values of individual partial evaluation indexes are normalized, and others are optimized. It was established that processing the information required for the evaluation of endogenous and exogenous company’s economic potential should consider the hierarchical nature of the objective function, which in formalized form describes the purpose, the company aims to achieve. In particular, such a purpose may be the maximization of the company profits as a result of the full implementation of the relevant type of its potential in given time period. The method of assessment of the competitive potential of the machine-building company for certain types of machinery products, based on a selection of the best varieties for quality and the ratio of incurred expenses was worked out. It envisages the optimal amount of natural production and sales by the criterion of maximum possible superprofit considering the possible need for updating the equipment and technologies used in the enterprise. Herewith the magnitude of superprofit will be determined as the difference between the profit value and product of investments, that led him, on a minimum level of profitability.The method of the assessment of the value of total economic potential of engineering company by calculating its market value, which involves simultaneous use of individual components of income, comparative, and consumable approaches was improved. Using the proposed approach to the assessment of the market value of engineering enterprises, the integrated assessment of the value of its total economic opportunities may be obtained, as well as the directions for their implementation considering the planning process of the company’s activities may be established. A typology of economic potential of enterprises has been further developed. Comparing with the existing, it covers a number of additional typological criteria: the level of generalization potential objectives of the company; the availability of the required amount of resources and competencies to achieve its goals; time of achieving the enterprise’s relevant objectives; the degree of actual realization of economic potential; relation to the external environment of the company. It was extended the clustering factors of forming of the economic potential of enterprises on the basis of building a three-level model. According to which all these factors are divided into the following groups: primary factors; secondary factors which quantitative evaluation is based on information on the primary factors; summarizing factors which quantitative assessment is based on use of information on primary and secondary factors affecting the current level of economic potential of the company and use of appropriate methods for processing such information (e.g., optimization methods). The principles of the machine-building companies’ market value formation that provide selection of three types of factors – direct impact, indirect influence, and primary factors were developed. Such principles allow better describing of the patterns of economic opportunities formation of the business entity. Herewith the expected profit and predicted trend of change, risk premiums and liquidity in the rate of capitalization, risk-free discount rate and other allowances, which are included in the capitalization rate, were attributed to the direct impact factors, the magnitude of which ultimately determines the enterprise value. During the study such methods were applied: system analysis method (to study the factors determining the level of the economic potential of enterprises); generalization method (developing the evaluation method of the machine building companies’ market value); modeling method (to build mathematical models of strategic value of the economic potential of machine building companies); abstraction method (to develop methodical approach to the assessment of the current level of endogenous and exogenous potential of machine building enterprises); optimization method (used for the optimization of the volume of machinebuilding enterprises’ manufacturing production in assessing its competitive potential). The legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine, scientific works of native and foreign authors, machine-building enterprises’ statistical reports, and online resources are theoretical and methodological basis of current research. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of use of methodical recommendations on evaluation of the economic opportunities’ current and strategic levels by managers and economists of machine building enterprises.