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    Маркетингове забезпечення конкурентоспроможності продукції автомобілебудівних підприємств
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2016) Том’юк, Олеся Ярославівна
    Проаналізовано теоретичні підходи щодо визначення складових діагностики конкурентоспроможності продукції автомобілебудівних підприємств. Сформульовано її сутність та основні параметрів оцінювання відповідно до комплексу маркетингу. Запропоновано метод вибору конкурентної групи як бази визначення інтегрального показника конкурентоспроможності продукції. Розроблено поліпараметричний метод діагностики показника конкурентоспроможності автомобілів. На основі тестування методу виявлено та доведено залежність показника результативності маркетингового забезпечення та складових діагностики конкурентоспроможності продукції автомобілебудівних підприємств. Запропоновано багатофакторну модель прогнозування частки ринку як результуючого показника від аргументів параметрів забезпечення конкурентоспроможності. Проанализированы теоретические подходы к определению составляющих диагностики конкурентоспособности продукции автомобилестроительных предприятий. Сформулированы ее сущность и основные параметре оценки в соответствии с комплексом маркетинга. Предложен метод выбора конкурентной группы как базы определения интегрального показателя конкурентоспособности продукции. Разработан полипараметричний метод диагностики показателя конкурентоспособности автомобилей. На основе тестирования метода выявлено и доказано зависимость показателя результативности маркетингового обеспечения и составляющих диагностики конкурентоспособности продукции автомобилестроительных предприятий. Предложено многофакторную модель прогнозирования доли рынка как результирующего показателя от аргументов параметров обеспечения конкурентоспособности. The relevance of marketing approach in the production of automobile industry argues in the thesis. Theoretical approaches to determining the structure of competitive products automotive companies were analized. Its essence and main components were formulated according to the marketing mix. The method of selection of the group as a competitive assessment base product competitiveness was proposed. The policritherial method of diagnostic car’s competitiveness indicator was developed and tested. The correlation between marketing strategie’s goal and indicators of structural elements of competitiveness of products automotive companies were revealed and proved on the basis of testing. A multifactor forecasting model as the resulting market share of index constituents arguments competitiveness was proposed. A set of recommended measures to regulate the structure and values of the competitiveness of automotive products businesses was created. Following work is setting the principles of the essence and structure of competitiveness of automobile enterprise products that allows to determine its main components according to the process of marketing support and specificity of automotive industry. It includes following elements: 1. Product’s component; 2. Price’s component; 3. Distribution’s component 4. Communication’s component. Analysis of components of marketing communication policy and service component was performed. As part of the marketing communication policy we should consider the impact of intangible factors of brand's prestige, which affects the final consumer's choice of vehicle. The importance of the inclusion of this structural element of the structure of product's competitiveness automotive companies justified by the changing forms of competition in the automotive market. Once buying a new car intangible brand image has a significant impact factor on the process of consumer choice, it forms a certain level of consumer loyalty to a particular vehicle, and in such circumstances level of technical bundling or maintainabce costs for customer will be under the influence of perceived consumer loyalty to some vehicle. Service component of this study is considered in terms of proper match of the quality after-sales services versus its cost. The methods of evaluation of competitiveness, that has allowed to identify the need, were developed to polyparametric method, according to the proposed structure of product’s competitiveness of automotive companies. On the basis of the definition of set of principles of marketing support of product competitiveness - use of strategic approach was justified. It was proposed to use marketing strategy as a system of administrative measures, aimed at achieving well-defined market position in the process of development and sales of car through the intermediary network. It will be effective in compliance with corporate standards, under the terms of current market environment, according to customer profile and potential of the company, and the process of transformation of products in context of real life management life cycle. There was conducted an analysis of existing classifications of marketing strategies, it was proposed to expand the proposed classification in terms of market dynamics lobe and innovative potential of enterprises. Specifies and describes the development and implementation of marketing strategies. Grounded specifics of setting goals for automobile marketing strategy of the company. Automobile industry in Ukraine, the largest automobile company, their production facilities and their products ranges were analyzed. The features of their strategic business activities, structure, state and legislative impact on their activities were documented. There was performed an analysis of the product range tends to small- and large hub assembly, defined model of domestic production, identified disadvantages and advantages of strategic marketing for vehicles to promote these brands in the domestic and foreign markets. On the basis of analysis of methods for determining the base of comparison for evaluating the competitiveness of automotive products businesses, the expediency of using the method of selecting competitive group. The method of selecting a competitive group of cars that will determine the model that is most optimal for evaluating competitive object of analysis. This process involves the following steps: selection of price range of potential competitive vehicle group; correction regarding compliance with class; selection of competitive car group in terms of sales; II correction regarding compliance with class; analysis of technical characteristics and choice of vehicle, to determine the competitive object of analysis; analysis of the life cycle; choice of vehicle, which is the base of comparison for determining the competitiveness of object analysis. The main criterion for selection of cars to competitive group proposed to consider the profile of consumers that should include the most important consumer characteristics of the car. Accordingly, the marketing service can predict the competitive structure of the group and determine the competitiveness of each object. Under the proposed structure of competitive products automotive companies there was developed and proposed new method of multi-criteria diagnosis of product competitiveness of automotive companies. This method allows to calculate the value of the competitiveness of the car according to a specified method competitive group comparison base. A testing method in a case multi-model car class has proved its effectiveness for all vehicles. Correlation value market share as an indicator of the effectiveness of marketing strategy, with the index of competitiveness, allowing to build multivariate models was proved, where the resulting market share is variable and variable components are commodity marketing, pricing and distribution policy that allows management to predict Automobile Company share value the market for a specific vehicle in the market. Based on the analysis that was performed the set of recommendations were created for the management of the company on the use of marketing tools to adjust each component of the competitiveness of products according to automotive companies target the function and permissible values arguments multifactor model.