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    Особливості становлення та функціонування системи стримувань і противаг між гілками влади в умовах демократизації політичної системи України
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2020) Забавська, Христина Юріївна; Бучин, Микола Антонович; Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"; Литвин, Віталій Сергійович; Нагорняк, Тетяна Леонтіївна
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    Інтелектуалізація систем менеджменту промислових підприємств
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2018) Ситник, Йосиф Степанович; Кузьмін, Олег Євгенович; Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»; Ковтуненко, Ксенія Валеріївна; Семенова, Валентина Григорівна; Ліпич, Любов Григорівна
    Дисертаційна робота спрямована на вдосконалення концептуальних, теоретико-методологічних та прикладних аспектів формування процесу інтелектуалізації систем менеджменту промислових підприємств в умовах становлення інтелектуально-знаннєвої економіки. Розроблено концепцію інтелектуалізації систем менеджменту на основі еволюційного процесу впливу чинників зовнішнього середовища і внутрішнього самоорганізування систем менеджменту та організаційно-функціональну модель механізму інтегрування підсистем (інтелектоносіїв) на засадах інтелектуалізації. Удосконалено механізм розвитку інтелектуальної активності як цільової функції менеджменту персоналу, інструментарій моделювання розвитку особистісно-інтелектуального потенціалу в системах менеджменту. Розроблено метод діагностування процесу інтелектуалізації систем менеджменту та метод рейтингового оцінювання результативності їх інтелектуалізації, що передбачає визначення інтегрального рівня інтелектуалізації менеджменту на підставі кількісної експертної оцінки позиції об’єкта дослідження. Розроблено метод аналізування впливу активаторів інтелектуалізації систем менеджменту підприємств на управління персоналом. Диссертационная работа направлена на совершенствование концептуальных, теоретико-методологических и прикладных аспектов формирования процесса интеллектуализации систем менеджмента промышленных предприятий в условиях становления интеллектуально-знанневой экономики. Разработана концепция интеллектуализации систем менеджмента на основе эволюционного процесса влияния факторов внешней среды и внутренней самоорганизации систем менеджмента и организационно функциональная модель механизма интегрирования подсистем (интелектоносителей) на принципах интеллектуализации. Усовершенствован механизм развития интеллектуальной активности как целевой функции менеджмента персонала, инструментарий моделирования развития личностно интеллектуального потенциала в системах менеджмента. Разработан метод диагностирования процесса интеллектуализации систем менеджмента и метод рейтингового оценивания результативности их интеллектуализации, что предусматривает определение интегрального уровня интеллектуализации менеджмента на основании количественной экспертной оценки позиции объекта исследования. Разработан метод анализирования влияния активаторов интеллектуализации систем менеджмента на управление персоналом. The dissertation work is aimed to improve the conceptual, theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of the process of formation and evaluation of the effectiveness of intellectualization of management systems of industrial enterprises in the conditions of formation of the intellectual-knowledge-economy. Intellectualization of management systems of enterprises is a way to implement a continuous transformation of the elements and structure of management and control this model via synchronization and integration of processes needed for the formation and application of new management approaches, backed up by intellectually-knowledgeable capacity of staff and the system as a whole. Despite the theoretical basis of the process of intellectualization of management systems of enterprises, it is proved that among its components is dominating a human capital and specialized knowledge, personal and organizational intellectual potential, intellectual capital, intellectual property, information and communication technology and other intangible assets. In the context of the processes of intellectualization is developed the essence of the concepts "intellect", "intellectual potential of the enterprise", "intelligent management systems", "management system", "structure of management systems". It is determined the essential-substantial signs of intellectual potential and specified the main components of intellectual capital of enterprises. It is developed a scientific-methodological basis of the concept of intellectualization of systems management an enterprise on the basis of the influence of evolutionary processes in the external environment and increasing activation of the internal self-organization of management systems under the influence of the intellectually-knowledgeable assets and information and communication technologies, which substantiates the key categories of intellectualization, the sequence of its stages, the directions and elements of the model, which covers the objectives, principles, strategies, tactics, methods, functions, tasks, techniques, criteria and indicators of evaluation. It is substantiated that an effective process of intellectualization of the management systems can be implemented based on the definition of and compliance with the fundamental conditions that allow us to create and classify a complex system-forming functional and structural specific principles of intellectualization in the following areas: process and meaningful filling; functional purposes; cognition. It is proposed a classification of the factors which are influencing to the process and the performance of intellectualization of management systems of the enterprises, which lays the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of their characteristics according to the following criteria: conceptual identity; priority; vector of influence on the process of intelligence flow; character of the process promotion; force of influence; interconnections; source of origin; the level of regulation in the management system; role of the factor in induction of management systems; influence on the level of investment in human capital; impact on intellectual activity; proportionality of influence; objective orientation of factors within management systems; the number of variables covered; content. Is developed a toolkit of diagnostics of the process of intellectualization of management systems of enterprises, which provides an opportunity for businesses which begin the process of intellectualization of the management systems is created to identify the starting assumptions and to examine the current level of intellectual and knowledgeable asset of management system, for enterprises that have implemented the intellectualization management systems – to perform diagnostic assessment of the development process based on intermediate, group and integral indexes and shape of the future strategy of intellectualization. A method of rating assessment of the effectiveness of intellectualization of the management systems of enterprises is developed, and is proposed to calculate using the parameter of the integral level of intellectualization of the management systems on the basis of quantitative assessment of the detailed system of indicators, taking into account their weighting factors that should be evaluated on the basis of their groupings for the total criteria (intelligence capacity, intelligence activity, intellect productivity, integration, dynamic management model). On the basis of the range of the modified scale of Harrington the method allows to identify certifications of integrated levels of intellectualization management systems of enterprises in accordance with the linguistic and quantitative scores. In this work are developed theoretical and applied models: diffusion processes, intellectual-knowledgeable achievements in the management system; prediction of the dependence of the amount of motivation remuneration of intellectuals on the total supply of intellectually-knowledgeable product; making the decisions by the participants of intellectually active media management systems (individual and collective conduct in relation to the exercise of certain intellectual-knowledgeable action). The proposed approach allows to extend the scope of application of economic-mathematical modeling for development of the environments of intellectual creation in the management system of enterprises and mentally-functional space of experts regarding business activities of enterprises. A method for the analysis of the impact of activators of intellectualization of the management systems of enterprises in personnel management of industrial enterprises is improved based on the calculation of a number of representative indicators (level of intellectual activity, staff, integral index of the intellectual capital formation, the level of intelligence of net income, the level of remuneration of staff in the payroll for the growth of intellect, the integral index of information and communication technologies, integral level of development the competence of managers, the level of stability of the staff, the integral level of development of organizational culture, integral index of development of management systems) and involves using the tools of multivariable regression modeling.
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    Показники та методи оцінювання економічного потенціалу машинобудівних підприємств
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2015) Лесик, Лілія Іванівна
    Дисертаційна робота присвячена розробці теоретико-методичних положень та практичних рекомендацій щодо формування і використання системи показників та методів оцінювання економічного потенціалу машинобудівних підприємств. Вперше запропоновано для вимірювання сукупного економічного потенціалу машинобудівних підприємств використовувати показник необхідної величини фінансових результатів від їх діяльності у майбутні періоди, за якої буде забезпечена мінімально допустима ефективність інвестицій, вкладених у матеріальні активи підприємств. Удосконалено систему показників ендогенного та екзогенного економічного потенціалу машинобудівних підприємств, метод оцінювання їх конкурентного потенціалу за видами продукції і метод обчислення ринкової вартості цих підприємств. Розвинуто типологію видів та чинників економічного потенціалу підприємств, а також засади утворення їх ринкової вартості. Диссертационная работа посвящена разработке теоретико-методических положений и практических рекомендаций по формированию и использованию системы показателей и методов оценки экономического потенциала машиностроительных предприятий. Впервые предложено для измерения совокупного экономического потенциала машиностроительных предприятий использовать показатель необходимой величины финансовых результатов от их деятельности в будущих периодах, при которой обеспечивается минимально допустимая эффективность инвестиций, вложенных в их материальные активы. Усовершенствовано систему показателей эндогенного и экзогенного потенциала машиностроительных предприятий, метод оценки их конкурентного потенциала по видам продукции и метод расчета рыночной стоимости. Получили развитие типология видов и факторов экономического потенциала предприятий, а также основы формирования их рыночной стоимости. Dissertation is devoted to the development and use of theoretical and methodological principles and practical recommendations for improvement of indicators and methods of evaluation of the economic potential of machine-building enterprises. The object of the study is evaluation process of the machine building enterprise’s economic potential. The subject of the study is theoretical, methodological and applicative provisions on the improvement of indicators system and methods of the economic potential of machine-building enterprises evaluation. Scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in development of theoretical and methodological standards and provides practical recommendations for the indicators and methods of evaluation of the economic potential of machine building enterprises improvement. For the first time for measuring the total economic potential of machine-building enterprises it was proposed to use the index of required value of the financial results from enterprises operations in future periods at which will be provided the minimum permissible effectiveness of investments in tangible assets in previous years. Application of the proposed index is caused by the considerations the decision of purchasing the property is correct if discounted at the time of purchase the actual value of the net cash flow from operating these assets is at least equal to the value of the initial capital invested in them. The system of the parameters of the machine building enterprises current level of endogenous and exogenous economic potential was improved. It has hierarchical structure, contains primary and secondary partial, comprehensive and general indicators and is based on the use of combined approach, whereby values of individual partial evaluation indexes are normalized, and others are optimized. It was established that processing the information required for the evaluation of endogenous and exogenous company’s economic potential should consider the hierarchical nature of the objective function, which in formalized form describes the purpose, the company aims to achieve. In particular, such a purpose may be the maximization of the company profits as a result of the full implementation of the relevant type of its potential in given time period. The method of assessment of the competitive potential of the machine-building company for certain types of machinery products, based on a selection of the best varieties for quality and the ratio of incurred expenses was worked out. It envisages the optimal amount of natural production and sales by the criterion of maximum possible superprofit considering the possible need for updating the equipment and technologies used in the enterprise. Herewith the magnitude of superprofit will be determined as the difference between the profit value and product of investments, that led him, on a minimum level of profitability.The method of the assessment of the value of total economic potential of engineering company by calculating its market value, which involves simultaneous use of individual components of income, comparative, and consumable approaches was improved. Using the proposed approach to the assessment of the market value of engineering enterprises, the integrated assessment of the value of its total economic opportunities may be obtained, as well as the directions for their implementation considering the planning process of the company’s activities may be established. A typology of economic potential of enterprises has been further developed. Comparing with the existing, it covers a number of additional typological criteria: the level of generalization potential objectives of the company; the availability of the required amount of resources and competencies to achieve its goals; time of achieving the enterprise’s relevant objectives; the degree of actual realization of economic potential; relation to the external environment of the company. It was extended the clustering factors of forming of the economic potential of enterprises on the basis of building a three-level model. According to which all these factors are divided into the following groups: primary factors; secondary factors which quantitative evaluation is based on information on the primary factors; summarizing factors which quantitative assessment is based on use of information on primary and secondary factors affecting the current level of economic potential of the company and use of appropriate methods for processing such information (e.g., optimization methods). The principles of the machine-building companies’ market value formation that provide selection of three types of factors – direct impact, indirect influence, and primary factors were developed. Such principles allow better describing of the patterns of economic opportunities formation of the business entity. Herewith the expected profit and predicted trend of change, risk premiums and liquidity in the rate of capitalization, risk-free discount rate and other allowances, which are included in the capitalization rate, were attributed to the direct impact factors, the magnitude of which ultimately determines the enterprise value. During the study such methods were applied: system analysis method (to study the factors determining the level of the economic potential of enterprises); generalization method (developing the evaluation method of the machine building companies’ market value); modeling method (to build mathematical models of strategic value of the economic potential of machine building companies); abstraction method (to develop methodical approach to the assessment of the current level of endogenous and exogenous potential of machine building enterprises); optimization method (used for the optimization of the volume of machinebuilding enterprises’ manufacturing production in assessing its competitive potential). The legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine, scientific works of native and foreign authors, machine-building enterprises’ statistical reports, and online resources are theoretical and methodological basis of current research. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of use of methodical recommendations on evaluation of the economic opportunities’ current and strategic levels by managers and economists of machine building enterprises.