Historical And Cultural Studies. – 2016. – Vol. 3, No. 1

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Historical and Cultural Studies = Історико-культурні студії : [науковий журнал] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; [editor-in-chief S. Pavlyuk]. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2016. – Volume 3, number 1. – 141 p.


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    Офіційний та неофіційний погляд на сучасну українську культурну політику
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Хома, І. Я.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Розкрито ставлення до офіційної політики в сфері культури та її наслідків станом на кінець 2013 р. Акцент зосереджено на офіційних даних та думках інтелектуалів та експертів українського громадського суспільства. Euromaidan and dignity revolution, which further continues, clearly show that without change in the national policy of culture change the country will be very difficult. It’s tactics and strategy formation space of life for the citizens of Ukraine, information about Ukrainian and country in the world, formed throughout history and established in today’s harmful and humiliating stereotypes, myths. Obviously the official state culture has long been not satisfied an active, creative part of society. Outside the official data analysis of cultural policy meet in publications, cultural in content, authored by writers, critics, scholars and public figures. Balance cultural processes, that attitude to culture as an important tool strengthening state sovereignty on the political, spiritual, economic and other levels and other levels within Ukraine and abroad ensured civil society. They monitor cultural processes. Among the most notable, sharp and accurate assessments of cultural policy is advisable to allocate positions L. Kostenko, I. Dziuba, O. Zabuzhko, M. Riabczuk and other lesser-known experts. These persons is difficult to accuse of bias. In the article was put goal disclose the relationship to the national cultural policy of the Ukrainian intelligentsia and civil society experts, that are recognized in Ukraine and the world.
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    Містечко Білгород та село Білів у XVI ст. у контексті майнових справ князів Чорторийських
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Федоришин, М. В.; КЗ “Культурно-археологічний центр “Пересопниця”
    Здійснено джерелознавчий аналіз опублікованих у книзі “Князі Чорторийські: документи і матеріали ХVI–XVII cт.” документів під№ 1, 4, 6–9, 11. Виявлено територіальні межі містечка Білгорода та села Білева, належності їх до замків та обсяг їхньої власності. Матеріали щодо локалізацїї цих двох поселень публікуються вперше. Дослідник вважали містечко Білгород та село Білів одним поселенням. На думку автора, сьогодні вони мають величезний інтерес місцевої громади, яку цікавить подальша музефікація історичного городища з метою залучення туристів. Стаття розрахована для вчителів історії, краєзнавців, наукових працівників музеїв, працівників органів охорони культурної спадщини, органів самоврядування Зорянської громади Рівненської області. The article addresses the problem of identifying the historical town of Belgorod settlements and villages Bileva the first half of the sixteenth century. The study was conducted on the basis of source analysis of documents published in the book “Princes Czartoryski family, documents and materials XVI–XVII century”. Documents under number 1, 4, 6–9, 11 number. For the first time proved that modern Bilevi settlement in the village at the time of the early modern time was Biloroda castle town in the early sixteenth century. But from the second half of the sixteenth century. – Bileva castle town. Today Bilevi settlement of the status of cultural heritage monument of national importance. Modern social needs lead to a cultural change in the use of cultural heritage of national importance. On this basis, local communities have to develop tourism. Muzefikatsiyu is the question of the settlement. On the basis of modern scientific understanding of the role of the use of historical monuments in the current social and cultural conditions, it is necessary to carefully examine the history of the settlements. The article revealed the localization of the castle, town, village Bileva. Also, the documents can learn about farming towns and villages of Belgorod Bileva names and owners. This study will form the right approach to further muzefikatsiyi settlement. The vision of the museum as a social and cultural institution in modern terms is complemented by an understanding of its active role in the social and cultural development of society. Kulturolohichnii museum activities can be a tool for a better understanding of today’s world and meet the needs of people today.
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    Археологія замчищ Західної України: історія та перспективи дослідження
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Терський, С. В.; Омельчук, Б. А.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Інститут екології, природокористування та туризму
    Проаналізовано процес археологічного дослідження замків та замчищ Прикарпаття та Волині. У Західних областях України та на Львівщині, зокрема на це звернено недостатню увагу, хоча зрідка реставраційні роботи в замках поєднані з розкопками. Обґрунтовано висновок про важливу роль археологічних матеріалів для з’ясування багатьох аспектів функціонування замків. The article analyzes the process of archaeological research locks and locks’site Carpathians and Volyn. It was shown the growth of public interest in the preservation and restoration of castles of Western Ukraine. The modern typology attractions. Defined stages of the castle archaeology Ukraine. It is established that XIV–XVI centuries. characteristic of the region are castles type “motte and bailey”. Since the end of the XVI century. become the dominant type of bastion castles. Today mapped locks Carpathians and Volyn conducted targeted saving research in the fortress of the district. Dniester and the castles of Transcarpathia (Nevytske, Hust). The results of the study an important royal castle in sea level. Rakoczi Castle, defending the crossing over the river. Southern Bug 2.5 km east of the castle town Medzhybizh in the floodplain. Southern Bug. Found that in Western Ukraine and Lviv region, including archaeological research of locks so far paid insufficient attention, although occasionally the restoration work in the castles are connected with the excavation. Today, much of medieval castles lost its ground and walls of their study lies entirely in the field of archaeology. Examples detect collections of artifacts in the study of locks. These collections not only provide a more complete picture of the composition and origin of arms castle garrison, but most often the case with customs more fully characterize the trade. Grounded conclusion about the importance of archaeological materials to clarify many aspects of the locks.
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    Інноваційні вияви історичної пам’яті у філософсько-релігійних ідеях: суперечності гармонізації
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Тіменик, З. І.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    На підставі спадщини українських мислителів 60-х рр. ХІХ ст. – 70-х рр. ХХ ст. розкрито інноваційні особливості історичної пам’яті стосовно обміркованих ідей. Автор зазначає, що у контексті (між)релігійних комунікацій, міждисциплінарного простору такі особливості у системі духовної культури взаємообумовлюються. Суперечності й гармонізація у виниклих процесах є об’єктивними, закономірними, бо історична пам’ять є однією із запорук у розвиткові духовно-культурної спадщини. In order to elaborate on this topic, the works of Ukrainian thinkers (60s of XIX – 70s of XX c.) are analyzing (Orest Novуts’ky, Olexy Kozlov, Nicholas Berdyaev, Sergey Bulhakov, Metropolitan Ilarion (Ohijenko), Patriarch and Cardinal Joseph Slipyj). The idea of God in the structure of man and Universe, the idea of interaction of good and evil, light and darkness become the object of our research. On the basis of the universal model “now–once” and the universal relation “God–man-God” the historical memory as an interdisciplinary space is considered. The principles of graduality–consistency, transcendence, wholeness and harmony-symphony are using as partially methodological tools. The idea of God in the structure of man and the universe is considered as the condition of the historical development of religion and also from the point of view of a pseudo-religion. The idea of interaction of good and evil, light and darkness is considered and explicated from the complex point of the problem of interaction elements in the interdisciplinary space. “The religious logics” has the real function in the context of the historical memory and supposes the introduction such new concepts as “inter-religious consciousness”, “revelation studies”. The author justifies a historical interdependence of considered principles, relations, ideas and other mental constructs. A certain harmonization of analytical and synthetic thinking at different stages of historical development of religious systems is affirmed, when an act of philosophical and historical cognition was stipulated by an act of faith. Versatility and ambiguity of processes possessing elements of harmony and synthesis are validated. The regularity of harmony of individual interreligious doctrinal of concepts and phenomenа is interpreted.
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    Переховування євреїв монахами студійського уставу на взуттєвій фабриці “Солід” у Львові в 1942–1944 рр.
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Скіра, Ю.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Описано переховування єврейських родин у підвалах взуттєвої фабрики “Солід” у Львові монахами Студійського Уставу протягом 1942–1944 рр. Викладено історію фабрики і її директора ієромонаха Йоана (Петерса). У другій частині висвітлено становище робітників у львівському гетто, працю євреїв-шевців та їхню втечу з сім’ями у серпні 1942 р. на запрошення студитів. Звернено увагу на питання побуту, небезпек перед якими постали ці люди. Він робить висновок, що переховування такої великої кількості осіб належало до однієї з найскладніших ділянок щодо рятункової акції євреїв, яку проводили монахи-студити за розпорядженням архімандрита Студійського Уставу митрополита Андрея Шептицького. There are still a lot of unsettled questions in studying relations of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Jews during the Holocaust. The researchers mainly study the stance of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky and description of the fates of a certain number of Jews rescued by the clergy. The researchers, however, pay no attention to the facts of rescue of groups of Jews from Lviv Ghetto. There were several cases of such group rescues; this article reveals one of the biggest, as a result of which sixteen people were saved. This happened at the Solid shoe factory, whose director was a German person, Johannes Peters. He entered Univ Holy Dormition Monastery of the Studite Rite. Concealing from the German occupying authority the information about his priestly ordination, he lived secretly as a monk and at the same time remained a lay person on the position of the factory’s director. Knowing about the deaths of the Jews in Lviv Ghetto, he allowed the Studite monks employed by him to hide and shelter the Jewish families. These Jews were shoemakers who worked at the factory from the end of 1941. Monks could not abandon their colleagues, and, therefore, gave them a shelter. Throughout 1942–44 these people secretly worked and lived there. They faced searches and were reported to the police forces by their neighbours. Two Studite monks took care of them, while some lay persons of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church were entrusted to bring meals for them. Hiding such a great number of people was one of the most difficult areas of the Jewish rescue campaign conducted by the Studites under the order of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, the Archimandrite of the Studite monks. Owing to their consolidated actions, a great self-devotion and courage they managed to save people who were deprived by the Nazis of the right to live.
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    Особливості архітектури залізничних вокзалів Закарпаття
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Рочняк, Ю. А.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Архітектурно-просторові та композиційно-стилістичні особливості формування залізничних вокзалів Закарпаття розглянуто на тлі історичних і територіальних передумов. Проводиться порівняння вокзалів та пасажирських будівель з іншою громадською та житловою забудовою. The clear majority of railway stations and passenger facilities of Transcarpathia are historical, reasonably provide the needs of transportation and reflect interaction between different geographic, technical, temporal, political, stylistic, and other factors of their formation. They represent an important part of the architectural heritage of the region and therefore require professional study, protection and adjust to the needs of the recent time. The architecture of the early period of railway station building links Transcarpathia of 1870th with royal and Hungarian influences at the time of the Habsburg monarchy; postwar architecture of the mid-twentieth century links with the totalitarian Soviet era and serial pavilion links it with passenger facilities of other parts of Ukraine. Compositional and stylistic types of buildings create colorful palette and the most significant are railway stations performed on typical projects for the Royal Hungarian railways and the postwar Soviet classical railways. Typical for Transcarpathia are small-sized asymmetrical station building with declivous roofs, and sometimes with canopies or arched galleries. It is likely that they imitated the building of passenger station Karpaty/Carpathians built by the architectural motives of nearby located palace of former Count Schönborn of the turn of the ХІХ–ХХ centuries near Svalyava (now the sanatorium Karpaty). Part of the railway station buildings are unique and combined with some typical groups (Karpaty, Rakhiv, Uzhgorod, Yasinya). Recent decades show fragmentarity of some passenger facilities and railway station buildings (Velykyi Bereznyj, Uzhgorod, Chop/Tchop), relatively good care of smaller and degradation of unharmed railway branches (Solotvyno – Velykyi Bychkiv, all the forest mountain narrow-gauge railways except part of Borzhava railway) and some passenger facilities (Dobrosillya). The selectivity in building and maintenance of the proper technical condition of railway stations and passenger facilities, providing service is biased – disrespect and indifference to the peripheral objects during costly characteristics of the ‘main’. The existing railway infrastructure including railway stations and passenger facilities is a good precondition for more active railway communication through Galicia with most of the Ukraine, and with Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Investigated multinational empires of Transcarpathian railways should ensure both local and transit transportation and promote communication of people in the latest realities of Ukraine and rest of Europe. In this case, railway station buildings should keep the architectural identity of the region.
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    Британські ілюстровані періодичні видання наприкінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ століття: попит і пропозиція
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Питльована, Л. Ю.; Український католицький університет
    Досліджено історію британських ілюстрованих періодичних видань наприкінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. Проаналізовано особливості пропозиції ілюстрованих газет і журналів на ринку преси, здійснено їхню типологію за жанровими особливостями та цільовою аудиторією. Значну увагу звернено на фактори, які сприяли збільшенню асортименту ілюстрованих видань: технічні та технологічні можливості поліграфії, розвиток газетярської справи, збільшення читацьких кіл, розвиток образотворчого мистецтва та художньої культури тощо. The research paper analyzes the history of British illustrated periodicals of the late XIX – early XX century. Illustrated periodicals and newspapers both demand and supply features in the mass media market is explored. The proposed typology for illustrated print media is made according to the genre specifics and target audience of readers. The research paper attaches considerable importance to the factors responsible for the increasing of the assortment of illustrated print media and making them more available and accessible, such as constant improving of printing process and technique, the development of newspaper industry, expanding readership to the lower strata of society, the development of fine arts and visual culture etc. The development of the British illustrative publications took place within a context of quantitative increase and a qualitative improvement of the newspapers and magazines. The success of the press and publishing was closely dependent on the economic, political and social development of the United Kingdom. Since the mid-nineteenth century, the audience for periodicals in Great Britain has been greatly enlarged by including the representatives of the middle and lower classes. The increase in Britain’s population, the spread of elementary education, shortening of the weekly working hours have created favourable conditions for people to spend their leisure time for reading books and newspapers. The lowering of prices was accompanied by system of wide distribution thus has fostered the popularization of mass-circulation periodicals and newspapers. In the last third of the nineteenth century it was technically feasible to print good-quality images. However, the news media had often preferred to print timely information rather than illustrative materials. Among illustrated periodicals, better-educated reading public have preferred to the literary and art journals. Their illustrations reflected all the trends of the fine arts of this time. On the other hand, a large number of illustrated newspapers and magazines suited tastes and preferences of less-educated and more unpretentious audience, and have mainly been illustrated in traditional style. At the same time, such printed publication as “Punch” or “The Illustrated London News” has been a sort of a standard of quality among illustrated periodicals and were in great demand in a large segment of readers.
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    Музеї ХХІ століття в умовах глобалізації: нові смисли, виклики та тенденції
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Панас, Н. Б.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Визначено сучасну парадигму розвитку музеїв як основних презентаторів історико-культурної спадщини, наведено провідні тенденції в середовищі європейських музеїв, окреслено основні проблеми щодо інтерпретації фондів музеїв. Велику увагу звернено на аналіз негативних тенденцій у розвитку культурного сектору. Розглянуто роль музею як ефективного інструменту для формування іміджу “відкритого суспільства”, його здатності до інтеграції громадськості до інтелектуального європейського і світового співтовариства. Modern museum environment intensively passes the process of transformation in the context of global geopolitical, economic, social and cultural changes. It is impossible to forget that exactly museums are for today that perform the duty of forming of historical memory of the Ukrainian people and identities, promotes self-actualization of nation. Museum is now regarded not only as a storage center of cultural heritage and cultural values. Accordingly, the museum collections serve as an attractive resource for historical and cultural, social and economic environment. Traditional for museums educational activity changes its shape and scale, active recreational function of the museum is examined. The question of how the audience perceives the museum as a whole, as well as various types of displays and forms of cultural and educational activities that expectations of museums in society is actualizes. We can see changing the role of the museums in contemporary society, including in matters of education of patriotism, tolerance and overcoming cultural, ethnic fragmentation, as each of us can contribute to this area and had a positive effect on this interaction. The purpose of this article is to define modern paradigm for the development of museums as main presenters of historical and cultural heritage, to review leading trends in European museums and to identify the main problems of museums collections interpretation. Great attention is paid to the analysis of negative tendencies in the development of cultural industry, dictated by the imperatives of market relations – the imposition of consumer’s culture on exhibits presentation, the necessary of adaptation the collection and its interpretation in accordance with the ”primitive tastes” of the visitors. The role of the museum as an effective tool for formation openness of the society, its ability to integrate public to intellectual European and world community is also reviewed. Main results obtained through usage of intermediate and empirical levels of knowledge by application methods of observation, analysis, comparison, modeling of researched sources and simulation processed sources. This set of methods ensured the validity of results.
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    Науково-історична спадщина М. Лозинського
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Нагірняк, А. Я.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Проаналізовано науково-історичну спадщину М. Лозинського про процеси, що відбувались в Україні під час національно-визвольних змагань. Вказано, що основними напрямами наукових досліджень М. Лозинського була державно-правова та міжнародно-правова проблематика. In this article Lozynskyi’s historical heritage is taken into account while analyzing processes which took place in Ukraine during national-liberation movement. The article states that M. Lozynskyi began his career in the well-known Lviv newspaper “Dilo”, where he started to work in 1900, and later become an editor of it until theWorldWar I. In the following research the works of M. Lozynskyi dedicated to national-liberation movement and its defeat are observed. The main part of his works refers to the defense of the Ukrainian people rights during the national-liberation movement and the idea of Ukrainian state is brought up. His later works related to the problems of the international rights. The following articles were written: “The Protection of National Minorities in the International Law” (1923), “The Struggle for National identiy in the Versailles Agreement” (1923), university textbook “The International law” (1922) Living in Prague he campaigned for the state rights of Ukraine. In this article is mentioned that the historianM. Lozynskyi looks into the violation of the Ukrainian people rights by Poland which occupied the main part of west Ukrainian lands. The unfair politics of the League of Nations is also highlighted. M. Lozynskyi emphasizes that the lands of the western Ukraine in any case can not be considered inhabited by a national minority,as the Ukrainian people comprise 60 % of population in each of the three provinces of Halychyna. Summarising, the works of M. Lozynskyi demonstrate the two main aspects: state legal problems of the development of Ukraine and international-legal range of problems in particular those which relate to the national minorities.