Historical And Cultural Studies. – 2016. – Vol. 3, No. 1
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Historical and Cultural Studies = Історико-культурні студії : [науковий журнал] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; [editor-in-chief S. Pavlyuk]. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2016. – Volume 3, number 1. – 141 p.
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Item Музеї ХХІ століття в умовах глобалізації: нові смисли, виклики та тенденції(Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Панас, Н. Б.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”Визначено сучасну парадигму розвитку музеїв як основних презентаторів історико-культурної спадщини, наведено провідні тенденції в середовищі європейських музеїв, окреслено основні проблеми щодо інтерпретації фондів музеїв. Велику увагу звернено на аналіз негативних тенденцій у розвитку культурного сектору. Розглянуто роль музею як ефективного інструменту для формування іміджу “відкритого суспільства”, його здатності до інтеграції громадськості до інтелектуального європейського і світового співтовариства. Modern museum environment intensively passes the process of transformation in the context of global geopolitical, economic, social and cultural changes. It is impossible to forget that exactly museums are for today that perform the duty of forming of historical memory of the Ukrainian people and identities, promotes self-actualization of nation. Museum is now regarded not only as a storage center of cultural heritage and cultural values. Accordingly, the museum collections serve as an attractive resource for historical and cultural, social and economic environment. Traditional for museums educational activity changes its shape and scale, active recreational function of the museum is examined. The question of how the audience perceives the museum as a whole, as well as various types of displays and forms of cultural and educational activities that expectations of museums in society is actualizes. We can see changing the role of the museums in contemporary society, including in matters of education of patriotism, tolerance and overcoming cultural, ethnic fragmentation, as each of us can contribute to this area and had a positive effect on this interaction. The purpose of this article is to define modern paradigm for the development of museums as main presenters of historical and cultural heritage, to review leading trends in European museums and to identify the main problems of museums collections interpretation. Great attention is paid to the analysis of negative tendencies in the development of cultural industry, dictated by the imperatives of market relations – the imposition of consumer’s culture on exhibits presentation, the necessary of adaptation the collection and its interpretation in accordance with the ”primitive tastes” of the visitors. The role of the museum as an effective tool for formation openness of the society, its ability to integrate public to intellectual European and world community is also reviewed. Main results obtained through usage of intermediate and empirical levels of knowledge by application methods of observation, analysis, comparison, modeling of researched sources and simulation processed sources. This set of methods ensured the validity of results.Item Проблеми збереження та експонування артилерії XIV–XVIII століття в музеях(Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Верхотурова, М. А.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”Проаналізовано проблемні питання, котрі виникають сьогодні у музеях під час збереження та експонування давньої артилерії. Розглянуто етапи та процеси, котрі проходить гармата з моменту потрапляння до музею і до експонування. Висвітлені проблемні завдання, котрі виникають під час ведення фондово-облікової документації музейних колекцій давньої артилерії. Обґрунтовано висновок про шляхи та можливі вирішення завдань сучасних музеїв під час збереження та експонування артилерії XІV–XVIІІ ст. Today in Ukraine sciences like museology and weaponology are being actively developed, military history of our country is greatly popularized. There is a growing interest, especially among young people, in military museums and weapon museum collections, which causes the need to reform museum exhibitions of weapons relatively to challenges of our time taking into account the latest technological capabilities and consumer needs. One of the factors of the preservation of the national identity is an accessibility to review historical monuments, including ancient artillery, which has always been and still is a kind of a symbol of the power of those whom belongs to. Putting into scientific use the maximum number of cannons, and here we mean all models collected in museums and private collections – will make possible the complete opening of the historical fate of artillery in Ukraine, and fill the pages of national history with new colors. Artillery of XIV–XVIII centuries is a collectible weapon that has artistic, historic, ethnographic, cultural, scientific and antique value, and should be preservated and protected under the law Ukraine. It is not enough just to put the cannon on exhibition. It is important to put it into a historical context where the barrel becomes a real reliable source of historical information. This requires a proper definition of the typology of the barrel, the implementation of professional measurements and description of the cannon. Where, when, by whom, for whom is made, whom belonged to, in which events participated the cannon? How did it get into the museum? Another important point is the professional decryption of heraldry, epigraphy and marking on the barrel, if there are available. That is the best possible realization of all stages of attribution of the subject. An important aspect of organizing the collection of artillery in museums is its accounting, which means making the fund-accounting records. This process is very important in the context of attribution of a cannon, as it documentary provides a record of all known amount of the information about the subject. Old artillery – is one of the components of the material and historical culture heritage of nation. The task of museums is to maximize the coverage of all aspects of the problem for visitors, and to make funds available for scientists. Paradoxical as it sounds, but museology and weaponology today in Ukraine are quite young sciences In the last decade they have been rapidly developmed – there were held professional conferences, were published profound research in this field, methodical material has been creating, gradually unifieds terminology. A whole brunch of scientists on the basis of a lot of Ukrainian universities and museums are working on museology and weaponology, to output it to a new level.Item Музейна комунікація в умовах викликів глобалізації(Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Вербицька, П. В.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”Розглянуто проблему актуалізації ролі музейної комунікації в сучасному глобалізованому суспільстві. Виокремлено та узагальнено чинники, які визначають нові підходи й форми взаємодії музею із публікою, забезпечуючи широке впровадження сучасних інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, модернізацію змісту експозиції, розширення спектру й підвищення якості музейних послуг. З’ясовано потенціал впровадження комунікативного підходу в музеології й музейному проектуванні, що дає можливість застосовувати в практиці музею нові медіа та технології інтерпретації та сприйняття експозиції. The article deals with the problem of actualization the potential of the museum in a globalized society. Modern communication paradigm is considered in the context of providing the possibility of direct involvement of all participants to communication process. Modern social needs lead to social change of the museum mission towards effective cooperation with society. Communicative space of museum in modern conditions is characterized by availability and the possibility of cultural values transmission in the virtual space. Based on modern scientific understanding of a museum role in contemporary social and cultural conditions, a new vision of museum communication is formulated. It is aiming at overcoming cultural and historical distance, establishing connections between the past, present and future, which lead to the revision of the museum traditional structure. The museum cannot be limited solely to passing scientific knowledge to its visitors. It is also necessary to consider motives and emotional requirements of the audience. By selecting the exhibits, extracting them from their cultural-historical environment, preserving and systematizing them, a museum becomes a specific channel of cultural-historical communication. Social value of a museum exhibit is determined by its historical-cultural context which shapes attitudes to the subject, as well as to a specific phenomenon or process associated with it. Allocated and summarizes the factors that define new approaches and forms of interaction museum with the public, providing a broad introduction of modern information and communication technologies, modernization of content exposition, expanding the range and improving the quality of museum services. It was found the potential of communicative approach implementation in museology and museum design, which makes it possible to introduce new technologies of interpretation and perception of exposition by individuals, introducing new media in the practice of the museum. New media and social networks form a wide range of museum communication instruments. The vision of the museum as a social and cultural institution in modern conditions is complemented by understanding of its active role in social and cultural development of community. Exhibitions and other museum activities can become a tool for better understanding of today’s world and meet the needs of people at present.Item Музейні інновації та інтерактивність у теорії та практиці музейної справи(Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Банах, В. М.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”На прикладі практичного досвіду діяльності музейних установ України та світу зроблено спробу теоретично розмежувати музейні інновації та інтерактивність. Наведено конкретні приклади із практичної діяльності музеїв, спрямовану на запровадження у експозиційну, науково-фондову та освітню діяльність інноваційних та інтерактивних методик й практик. In this article it is attempted to carry out a theoretical distinction of museum innovations and interactivity on example of practical experience of museum institutions of Ukraine and the world. Museum innovations are considered in the broad and narrow contexts. The first one involves radical rethinking of traditional museum practices, of the places and the role of museums in society and culture, which contributes to the further evolution of the museum as a specific historical and cultural phenomenon. It also allows the museum to remain relevant in the context of contemporary social challenges. The concept of “innovations” in the narrow sense is reduced to the use of Internet resources, audiovisual and multimedia means in exposition and stock museum’s work. Primarily museum interactivity is considered in the context of scientific and educational activity of a museum. Interactivity of a museum scientific and educational work is visible in the differentiated approach to different categories of visitors, implementation of gaming and theatrical elements into guided tour, as well as in opportunities for visitors to have tactile access to exhibits, etc. In the article there are specific examples at practical activities of the museums that are aimed at the introduction of exposition, scientific, stock and educational activities as well as innovational and interactive techniques and practices.