Теорія та техніка антен (ICATT 2009). – 2009 р.
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Матеріали 7-ої Міжнародної конференції
У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої проблемам у галузі розробки і впровадження антен.
Теорія та техніка антен = Antenna theory and techniques : матеріали 7-ої Міжнародної конференції, 9–12 червня 2009 року, Львів, Україна. – Львів : Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009. – 400 с. : іл.
Item Research on operation principle of exploding magnetic generator of frequency(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Suo, Ying; Qiu, Jinghui; Gong, ShouweiExploding Magnetic Generator of Frequency (EMGF) is one kind of simple structure and miniaturized device for generation and radiation of electromagnetic pulse, and as one kind of modern weapon, the EMGF is paid more attention home and aboard. From the basic mathematics model of helical EMGF, this paper discussed the generator operating principle, and mainly analyzed the influence of different inductance to generation when inductance coil coupling character and pitch changed, also with different resistance in the circuit. And finally some key technologies are discussed.Item Antenna array development with non-linear signal processing(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Lobkova, L. M.; Lukjanchikov, A. V.The method of build-up of antennas arrays with non-linear processing of received signals is offered, i.e. A correlation method which is applied not only to casual stationary processes, but also for the determined signals. Formulas for pattern diagram calculation are output.Item Circular polarization antenna for CW V-band radar(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Kashin, S. V.Practical realization of the circular polarization antenna for CW V-band radar is described.Item A low phase noise microstrip push-push oscillator with third harmonic output(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Kotserzhynskyi, B. O.; Omelianenko, M. U.; Tsvelykh, I. S.The results of the low noise microstrip oscillator design with 11 GHz output are presented in the paper. The oscillator is stabilized by the microstrip resonator and performed in the push-push circuit. In contrast to traditional even harmonics output, the third harmonic output is used, which is obtained by means of proposed 0-180° combiner unit at the oscillator‟s output. The use of third harmonic output signal made it possible to suppress even harmonics in the oscillator branches, which contributed to the phase noise reduction. Phase noise of the designed oscillator is measured to be no more than -92 dBc/Hz, -113 dBc/Hz, and -130 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 MHz offsets from carrier, respectively.Item The new method of electronic scanning(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Khludneva, A.; Mikhailov, M.; Paslyon, V.We investigate the possibility of using the reversing mediums in the antenna engineering that gives us the ability to improve characteristics of the antenna systems; particularly we can receive the adjusted form and width of the directional diagram in the microwave range and we can also command the directional diagram while scanning within the adjusted rule.Item An optimized MAS for solving scattering problems(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Capozzoli, A.; Liseno, A.; Vinetti, P.; Curcio, C.; De Bono, G.; D’Elia, G.A new criterion driving the choice of the locations of the Auxiliary Sourcers (AS) is introduced with the aim to improve the performance of the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS) applied to the solution of the integral equations as those encountered in electromagnetic scattering. The approach is based on the optimization of the singular value behavior of the matrix relating the AS excitations and the scattered field values at the matching points on the scatterer boundary. The ill-conditioning of the problem of determining the AS excitations matching the boundary conditions is then significantly reduced and the accuracy of the estimated scattered field is improved. The performance of the method is numerically assessed, in a 2D scalar geometry, by discussing in the details the case of a circular perfectly conducting scatterer.Item Mutual interaction between Vee-dipoles placed over the interface between two media(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Panchenko, Yu. A.A system of two Vee-dipoles with sinusoidal current distribution placed over a flat interface between two isotropic media which one of them is dissipative is considered. Each dipole arm as an independent radiator is considered. The method of induced EMF to find the mutual impedances between the dipoles arms is used. The voltages at the inputs of the dipoles arms are presented in a system of Kirchhoff’s equations which allows obtaining the mutual impedances between the dipoles. The computation results for the mutual impedances between two Vee-dipoles are given.Item The fast converging method of calculation of wire radiators in infinite planar phased antenna array(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Kudzin, V. P.The effective fast converging method of calculation of wire radiators in infinite planar phased antenna array is developed. The method is based on use of Green’s function submitted as double series with accelerated convergence. The moment method is applied and piecewise sine basic and weight functions automatically satisfied to Kirchhoff’s current law are used. Expressions for impedance matrix elements consist of two series. Members of the series generated by spectral part of Green’s function are represented as the closed analytical expressions. Members of series generated by spatial part of Green’s function are calculated numerically by one-fold integration.Item Enhanced transmission through below-cutoff holes and eigenoscillations of waveguide objects and periodical structures(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Kirilenko, Anatoliy A.; Kolmakova (Don), Nataliya G.; Perov, Andrey O.The spectral theory is used to explain the enhanced transmission phenomenon. Eigenoscillations of corresponding waveguide and periodic open resonators have been studied. Their influence on frequency response is demonstrated for various structures. It has been found that the origin of this recently discovered effect is in the existence of the eigenoscillations of the interface between the free half-space and the metal half-space perforated with double-periodic set of channels or the eigenoscillations of the waveguide plane junction.Item S-band planar strip array antennas without dielectric substrate(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Martynyuk, S. Y.; Nazarenko, S. B.Novel designs of two S-band 4-elemnt (2×2) planar strip array antennas for wireless local area networks (WLAN) exploring the standard IEEE802.11b)g) are presented. The radiating elements of the proposed arrays are metal strip stacked patches, that allow to achieve frequency bandwidth more than 10%. The distinguishing feature of the designs is that strip arrays are air filled and completely free from using any dielectric substrates for holding the radiating patch elements. Manufactured prototypes of the arrays demonstrate good mechanical stability of proposed approach. Measured radiation patterns and frequency characteristic of VSWR are well agreed with theoretical models.Item Research of multiantenna systems of telecommunication networks(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Klimash, M. M.; Pelishok, V. O.; Yaremko, O. M.In the given work different types of multiantenna systems are investigated: with several aerials on transferring or on the reception party, and also on both parties simultaneously (MIMO, Multiple Input Multiple Output). Different kinds of processing of signals, as on transferring (STBC, Space-Time Block Coding) and on reciving to the party (BLAST, Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time) are considered. Influence of multiantenna systems on the basic indicators of wireless neetworks (probability of occurrence of bit errors, speed of transfer data) is investigated.Item Adjustment and beam forming in circular antenna array with conformal and phase scanning(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Bobkov, Y.; Yurtsev, O.; Moiseev, A.; Moskalev, D.The circular antenna array, composed of M linear antenna sub-arrays, is considered in this work. Every linear antenna sub-array includes N active modules. The signals from active antenna array modules in receive mode are processed in digital form. It is described the of the antenna phase adjustment, which is necessary for this type of antenna. It is also considered the influence of different factors to antenna radiation plot.Item Adaptive antenna systems of telecommunication networks(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Pelishok, V. O.In modern wireless telecommunication networks are widely used adaptation to change, for example, communication channel parametres. Adaptive modulation, the coding and so on is thus used, that considerably improves efficiency of systems. Recently adaptation also is used in antenna systems. Substantial increase of efficiency of wireless networks as a whole is thus reached. "Intellectual" antennas (Smart-antennas) which can change the form of the directional pattern depending on concrete circumstances in a communication channel, and ways of increase of their efficiency are investigated.Item Interacting of the wire antennas which have been had in the near-field region, with the account underlaying surface(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Chekan, S. A.Method of the integrated equations in thin-wire approach the problem of the analysis of agency of two wire antennas which have been had in the near-field region under the relation each other dares. The flat underlaying surface models or a semiconducting surface of the Earth, or a building roof on which antennas are had. Interacting of antennas is manifested in change of their antenna pattern, polarisation, coefficient of amplification and entrance resistance that it is necessary to consider at the organisation of communication centres.Item Asymptotic methods on the solution of diffraction problems on the convex impedance cylinders(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Vyunnik, V. I.; Zvyagintsev, A. A.In work are considered problems of diffraction of electromagnetic waves by the impedance convex cylinder for two cases : the observation point and source point are located on removal from the cylinder and a source point is located in the close vicinity of the convex cilinder. Process of obtaining asymptotic interpolation formulas, suitable for calculations both in shadow and in lighted zones is described.Item Possible way to increasing of finite-difference time-domain algorithm efficiency(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Soldatenkov, V. P.When we use pulsed input signal for finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD) there are the actual problem of computing resources reduction. Possible means to solve this problem are analyzed. Using of Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) with increased time sampling step has been considered. It is shown that there is a certain optimum value of this parameter. Scattering diagram (SD) calculation results divergence for pulsed and monochromatic input signals has been researched at broad frequency band. These results difference reasons for lower and higher frequencies are explained. Attention has been paid to the fact that number of FFT time discrete step must to correspond to definite rule. It is shown how influences upon computing algorithm stability detour from this rule. Relationships between pulsed input signal duration and SD calculation accuracy for different time sampling steps has been considered.Item Curved radiators in the near-field and far-field zones of observation(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Gorobets, N. N.; Trivaylo, A. V.In approximation of the given current distribution it has been suggested a solution considering the influence of the circular loop antenna curvature and elementary radiator curvature upon their directional characteristics. On the basis of potential Hertz technique the expressions for calculating al the components of electromagnetic radiation fields of wire loop antennas, stimulated by the running wave of the current, and curved dipole in Spherical and Decart coordinate systems in the near-field zone have been derived. It has been shown that wave processes near by the examined radiators are distinguished by great gradients of amplitudes of the electromagnetic fields.Item Full-band frequency-integrated antenna monitoring system(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Khymych, H. P.; Umzar, Yu. A.; Tkachenko, V. F.The paper presents full-band frequency-integrated antenna monitoring system. Module optimization of full-band structures is conducted on the basis of the use of different type antennas for some separate basic frequency ranges (modules), which in the process of the integration create the integrated full-band system with the maximum factor of the use of effective capacity.Item Wireless backhaul in cellular networks using phased array antenna with optically controlled phase shifter(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Jiang, P.; Dubrovka, R.; Donnan, R.; Bigham, J.; Wu, J.Introducing relay stations into cellular networks has recently been seen as an effective way to develop high speed wide-area wireless networks since the use of wireless backhaul from relay station to the base station increases the flexibility and cost effectiveness of the deployment. A novel and fast approach to relay station deployment is proposed using phased array antennas and passive direction of arrival. A phased array antenna with electric beam steering ability is used to communicate between the base station and relay station. In this paper, antenna design issues for the phased array antenna to be used by the relay station are described that exploits a new optically controlled phase shifter.Item The broadband multichannel UHF transmitting TV antenna(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009) Kudzin, V. P.; Sannikov, N. J.The broadband multichannel UHF transmitting TV antenna consisting of shunt dipoles is offered. The antenna works on several frequency channels simultaneously. The detailed numerical and experimental research is carried out and the geometry of the antenna is optimized. The structure of the antenna includes two orthogonal planes of radiators, the power divider and matching device. The industrial sample of the aerial is created.