Historical And Cultural Studies. – 2014. – Vol. 1, No. 1

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Historical and Cultural Studies = Історико-культурні студії : [науковий журнал] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; [editor-in-chief S. Pavlyuk]. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2014. – Volume 1, number 1. – 112 p. : ill.


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    Зміст до "Historical and Cultural Studies" Volume 1, number 1
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014)
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    Збереження та популяризація історичної пам’яті про діяльність Української армії 1917–1921 рр. (на прикладі військового формування Січових стрільців)
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Хома, І. Я.
    Розкрито формування та збереження пам’яті про військове формування Січових стрільців його ж засновниками та діячами. Зазначено, що фіксування, узагальнення та аналіз інформації про діяльність стрільців розпочалось ще в роки активної збройної боротьби. Загалом у міжвоєнний та повоєнний час над пам’яттю про це військове формування працювало десятки людей, які майже всі належали до цієї сили. This article deals with the formation and preservation of memories about Sich Riflemen military force by its founders and leaders. It is noted that the recording, compilation and analysis of information about activities of riflemen began in the years of active armed warfare. This also concerns the publication of these works. These sources contain enough accurate information about the Sich Riflemen and the events that took place during the Ukrainian National Revolution of 1917–1919. The authors of these papers actually outlined a scheme for further attempts of collecting, recording and analyzing the memories of the Sich Riflemen. In general, during the inter-war and post-war period, over dozens of people processed the memories of this military formation and almost all of them belonged to that force. Special attention is paid to the organization of the extensive research writing – Almanac, led by I. Rudnytskyy. Also the former infantry commanders participated in the work. The further reissues of the Almanac and its amendments are examined. During 1920–1930’s the former riflemen have written dozens of articles that had been published in the “Chervona Kalyna” calendar, “Chervona Kalyna” chronicle, literary and scientific journal and other publications. Most of the works belong to O. Dumin, the member of the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen and the Sich Riflemen. The collection of one the Sich Riflemen’s leader – Y. Chyzh (1894–1958) serves as a good example of preserving the memories in the documents and materials. On February, 1st 1955 under the will he gave it to Archives Society of Taras Shevchenko’s ownership, which is stored in the National Library in Warsaw. Yе. Konovalets, the commander of the Sich Riflemen, also contributed to the formation of the memories and by recalling his own memories. Obviously this is the most valuable work, but not from the point of facts but in terms of events assessment.
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    Конвенції ЮНЕСКО як базова складова національної системи правового регулювання пам’яткоохоронної діяльності: понятійно-термінологічний аспект
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Уська, У. Р.
    На основі порівняння норм конвенцій ЮНЕСКО, які ратифікувала Україна, та національного законодавства проаналізовано особливості застосування базових понять пам’яткоохоронної сфери у конвенціях ЮНЕСКО та національному законодавстві, здійснено спробу встановити їхню ієрархію, запропоновано способи подолання розбіжностей під час використання існуючого понятійно-термінологічного апарату. On the basis of analysis of conventions of UNESCO and Ukrainian legislation in the article the comparative analysis of features of application of base concepts of maintenance of monuments is carried out in an international law and national legislation, their hierarchy is set, the methods of overcoming of divergences are offered at the use of existent conceptterminological vehicle. In the legislation of Ukraine essence of most concepts and terms is almost identically represented in the field of maintenance of monuments. An unique term “pamiatka”, that has miscellaneous interpretation national legislation, is however used. His use requires an additional scientific ground and concordance in the environment of specialists of maintenance of monuments business. Under a term “pamiatka” the author of the article understands cultural values, as objects of material and spiritual cultural heritage, that have an artistic, historical, ethnographic, scientific and aesthetic value and subject to maintenance, recreation and guard in accordance with legislation. Analyzing the features of application of base concepts of maintenance of monuments absence strikes the eyes in the national legislation of concept “object of non-material cultural heritage”, that does impossible development of mechanism of maintenance, recreation and defense of spiritual culture. Similar is a situation with a concept “values of natural inheritance”, but, having regard to more perfect state of national legislation in the field of maintenance of nature, it is possible to assert that such objects are under cover of the state. Undoubtedly, the Ukrainian legislation in relation to maintenance of cultural values needs sound perfection, that must take place on the basis of cooperation of specialists on maintenance of monuments, legislators, representatives of public authorities and public.
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    Історична пам’ять у контексті філософорелігійних ідей і “музеєзація” буття: методологічні спостереження
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Тіменик, З. І.
    На підставі спадщини українських філософів 30-х років ХІХ – 50-х років ХХ ст. уперше розкрито особливості контактувань складових елементів назви статті під час аналізу ідеї Бога і системи Його наймень у зв’язках з ідеєю істинності й повноти (між)релігійних комунікацій**. Утверджено тезу про неминучу гармонізацію раціонального та ірраціонального, якщо настають сприятливі історичні обставини. У комплексі названих процесів осмислюється “музеєзація” буття. As based on the legacy of Ukrainian philosophers of 1830s–1950s specific features of interaction between aforesaid elements of the title during analysis of the idea of God and the system of His names in relation to the idea of truth and completeness of (inter)religious communications have been discussed for the first time. The system of such interactions results from particular properties of tempo-rhythmical manifestations in (inter)religious communications and interdisciplinary space. Harmony of the complex of processes arises with complementary participation of a number of ratios and models as well as the use of certain principles (gradual perception of a different religious doctrine, integrity, independent development and spiritual changes, unity, invariance etc). A certain harmonization of analytical and synthetic thinking at different stages of historical development of religious systems is affirmed, at least starting from pantheistic beliefs when an act of philosophical and historical cognition was stipulated by an act of faith. Philosophic and religious occurs at the intersection of elements of moral philosophy, metaphysics and “divine dialectics”. Moreover, due to a simultaneous complex manifestation of several processes such an intersection acquires a natural interdependence, interconnection and thus – regularity. The idea of inevitable harmonization of rational and irrational under favourable historical circumstances is implicitly asserted. In such instance the truth and the moral are interconditioned by the native divine state regardless of religious affiliation. The concept “native image of God” has no single interpretation in various contexts, instead the concept of “native and national” becomes an absolute.
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    Археологічні матеріали Ярослава Пастернака у музейних колекціях
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Терський, С. В.; Омельчук, Б. А.
    Проаналізовано історію археологічних знахідок, здобутих дослідженнями відомого українського археолога Ярослава Пастернака, насамперед під час розкопок у княжих столицях Галичі, Звенигороді, Теребовлі, Белзі, Пліснеську. Обґрунтовано висновки про важливу роль цих матеріалів на початковому етапі формування археологічних фондових колекцій великих музеїв Львова. This article analyzes the fate of archaeological findings obtained in research famous Ukrainian archaeologist Jaroslav Pasternak, especially during excavations in the princely capitals of Galicia, Zvenigorod, Terebovlia, Belz, Plisnesk. Scientists do not have time to properly organize and explore gathered during the excavation finds. Full reports on the excavations J. Pasternak been published (perhaps they are part of the collection at Harvard University, USA). The main beneficiaries of the findings of field expeditions J. Pasternak were Ukrainian National Museum in Lviv Museum of Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society. From the first museum J. Pasternak worked since 1913, he was director of another for 1929– 1939 biennium As a teacher of the Theological Academy in Lviv, some of their findings J. Pasternak also kept in the museum of the institution. 1940 most of the archaeological collections of J. Pasternak was in the collections of the Lviv History Museum. Due to large volumes of work with a lot of new replenishment on time were not taken into account, and as a result, lost to science. For example, only in 1942 was accounted most of the collection from the excavations of 1940 Plisnesk (including ceramics). For a bulk sample collection was usual inventory of archaeological finds. Thus, in the main book revenues fell primarily NTSh museum called individual findings – tools, ornaments, etc. Attention is drawn to the almost complete absence of pottery among then finds from excavations Krylos. The majority of the finds of excavations in Krylos J. Pasternak (1934– 1940 years) had been registered only in 1945. This is evident also in case of collections of other attractions Middle Ages studied J. Pasternak – Belz, Zvenigorod, multitude and others. The reason for this could be lack of funds to pay for the required number of workers. Big massive collection of artefacts may cumulatively recorded in the book supporting the museum NTSh. Objects from the collections of J. Pasternak’s 1944 hit list exported to Germany. Substantiated opinion on the important role of these materials in the initial stage of formation of the archaeological collections of major museums stock of the city.
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    Композиційні властивості малих залізничних вокзалів Галичини ХІХ – початку ХХ століть
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Рочняк, Ю. А.
    Виявлено головні композиційні ознаки низки малих залізничних вокзалів ХІХ – поч. ХХ-го століть сучасної Галичини, сформульовані стилістичні типи, розташування в краю. Small railway station buildings of modern Galicia (Halytchyna) built in 19th – at the beginning of 20th century and located within the boundaries of Lviv, Ternopil, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions of Ukraine comprise the majority of the existing railway station buildings. They have a pronounced composition and style, and form an important heritage of civil architecture, requiring deep research, protection and adaption to the needs of nowadays. We found out common features in the location of railway stations with respect to tracks, organization of the adjacent territory of these buildings, as well as dominant transversal and prevailing longitudinal symmetry of these buildings. The paper outlines main compositional and stylistic types of small railway station buildings: Round-arc type (stations Stare Selo, Kolomyia, Zabolotiv), Rustic-roof type (stations Sykhiv, Mykulytchyn, Vorokhta, Hrebeniv, Tukhla, Yasenytsia, Turka, Kopytchyntsi, Terebovlia, Zhydatchiv, Rohatyn etc.), Podillia type (stations Vyhnanka, Bila-Tchortkivska, Yahilnytsia, Tovste, Borshtchiv, Ivane-Puste), Sambir type (stations Komarno, Rudky, Staryi Sambir, Strilky), Mostyska type (stations Mshana, Sudova Vyshnia, Mostyska-I, Khyriv), Rava type (stations Kulykiv, Zashkiv, Hlynske, Dobrosyn), Pavilion-like type (stations Bovshiv, Bortnyky). Location of these types by the name of the locality or direction of tracks makes them especially important from the point of view of the identity of regions. Attention is paid to the scattering of Rustic-roof type and peculiar penetration of Round-arc (stations Luzhany, Hlyboka-Bukovynska, Vadul-Siret, Sutchava/Suceava Nord) and Podillia types (stations Vyzhnytsia/Wiżnitz, Stefaneshty/Stefaneşti) in Bucovina (Bukovyna). Initially build in the form of a dwelling house, small railway station buildings evolved into an independent architectural type and are similar to analogous buildings of Danube Monarchy and other countries of the Central Europe. A part of the objects is in bad condition, some of them have been drastically degrading recently (stations Hlibovytchi, Dilatyn, Tatariv). Their protection is not possible without professional reasoning, public activity, and political will.
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    Замок у Вишнівці: історія виникнення, становлення та локалізації
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Підставка, Р. В.
    Проведено історіографічний аналіз стосовно дослідження замку у містечку Вишнівець Тернопільської області. На основі документальних джерел узагальнено інформацію про виникнення, трансформацію та локалізацію оборонних споруд Вишнівця. Запропоновано гіпотезу стосовно основних історичних періодів розвитку оборонної фортифікації вказаного містечка протягом ХV–ХVІІ ст. The National Reserve “Zamky Ternopilia” 11 ‘includes castles in six districts of Ternopil region. This number includes the relic history and culture of national importance – the palace and park complex in the village VyshnivetsZbarazh district, Ternopil region. Analyzed articles historiography materials relating exclusively to Vyshnivets castle palace, built in the middle of the XVIII century on the site of the old castle. We tasked to explore the history of the origin, development, modernization and the decline of the castle during the XV–VII centuries. Set the founders and owners of the castle and their contribution to its development. By this time, there is a discussion regarding the first record of the town Vyshnivets and its founder. Addressing this issue will help to answer a very important question – the actual time of the founding of the city, known from documents (as comprehensive archaeological investigations were not carried out). In the article the historiography analysis regarding research Vyshnivets castle in the town of Ternopil region. Based on documentary sources summarized information about the origin transformation and localization defensive structures Vyshnivets. Studied and systematized volume cartographic material concerning Southeast Volynia in general and in particular neighborhoods and Vyshnivets. Shows the number of the latest historiographical papers and articles which denies the possibility of establishing a settlement VyshnivetsKorybut (Dymitr) – son of Grand Duke of Lithuania Algirdas and causes of tribal legends. These studies push back the first written mention of the end of the XIV century – until the middle of the fifteenth century. The hypothesis regarding major historical periods of military fortifications specified within the town XV–XVII centuries.
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    Військово-історичні пам’ятки у збірках музеїв Львова першої половини XX ст.
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Петрик, Н. Р.
    Досліджено нагромадження військово-історичних пам’яток у львівських музейних колекціях кінця XIX – першої половини XX ст., а також процес створення спеціалізованих військово-історичних музеїв. Розкрито внесок у музейне будівництво громадських та культурних інституцій та окремих діячів. An accumulation of military and historical attractions in a museum collections of Lviv from the end of XIX until the first half of the XX century and a process of creating military and historical museums has been investigated in this article. A contribution of the public and cultural institutions and any public and scientific figures in the museum construction has been revealed. The national factor was one of the most important in a public life of Lviv at that time. Polish and Ukrainian communities strived to create their own independent states. Their desires were represented in a museum construction. The main figure in this process was Alexander Cholovscy. National Museum of King Jan III was the top museum institution of Polish community in Lviv. This Museum had one of the largest collection of military historical attractions. Besides, there were large military and historical collections from a Museum of the Princes Lubomyrski and Boleslaw Ozhehovych collection. All these museum institutions and collections belongs to the Polish cultural society. The main museum of Ukrainian community was the Museum of Shevchenko Scientific Society. Collection of the military and historical attractions of this Museum began to take shape at the end of XIX century. Subsequently military and historical attractions were united into a single department. And in 1937 the Museum of military and historical attractions of Shevchenko Scientific Society or Museum Liberation Straggle was created from this department. It was the first historical museum of Ukrainian community in Lviv, which specialized on military. During the World War II collections of Lviv museums had suffered losses. A large part of the military and historical collections were destroyed; another one was moved abroad. Lviv museums were reorganized. That’s why, in 1940 all military and historical attractions, that were saved, have been focused in the new Lviv Historical Museum. Nowadays collections of Lviv museums from the first half of the XX century are the most important sources for learning the military history in Western Ukraine.
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    Класифікація пам’яток як один з перших кроків у їх дослідженні (на прикладі половецьких статуй)
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Підкович, А. Я.
    Порушено проблему дослідження масових пам’яток та проблематичності їх класифікації. Розглянуто на прикладі різних класифікацій половецької скульптури, як одночасно існували та продовжують існувати різні класифікації не заперечуючи одна одну. Вказано на основні концептуальні підходи існуючих класифікацій та виявлено такі їх якості, як взаємодоповнювальність і персоніфікованість. One of the main museum activities at the level of exposition and educative function there are their research component. Important role in the study of any of numerous monuments are their classification and typological analysis. In this article we have tried to illustrate the different classifications Polovets sculptures simultaneously existed and continue to exist different classifications and do not exclude each other. Existing classification Polovets sculptures are subjective, what we have tried to demonstrate. The first attempt to classify stone sculpture Polovets tribes was done by Alexey S. Uvarov in the late 19th century. Autor has selected next types of sculpture: standing, sitting, half-sitting and such as stella. Evolution of these sculptures Uvarov has seen as a development from the stella to roughly treated and well detailed sculpted figures. The following classification appeared only in the second half of the 20th century. Herman A. Fedorov-Davydov had used for his classification just two iconographic features: posture and sex. He divided poses of sculpture into three types: standing, sitting, stella. Evolution of stone sculpture in the Eastern plains Fedorov-Davydov represented as the evolution of standing figures, followed by the simultaneous evolution and coexistence of stella and sitting figures. Svetlana A. Pletneva taking into account the classification Fedorov-Davidova has created its own – more detailed, but less accessible. In turn, her and previous classifications was subjected to serious analysis and critique of Lyubov S. Geraskova. As for chronological dating, researchers usually try to tie it to their classifications but indicate that we need consider all available information. After analyzing the existing classifications, we concluded that different classification can be supplementing nature and do not claim to be exhaustive. This is due to the complexity analysis of mass sources.
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    Формування історичної спадщини парамілітарного руху у Галичині (наприкінці XIX – на початку XX ст.)
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Нагірняк, А. Я.
    Висвітлені основні здобутки формування української історичної спадщини з проблеми еволюції парамілітарних рухів Галичини кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. в українські військові з’єднання. The paper highlights the main achievements of Ukrainian historiographical heritage from the point of view of the evolution of Galicia paramilitary movements of the late XIX – early XX century, the Ukrainian military units. The article highlights and analyzes the main stages of the study: 1) works of researchers of the interwar period in Western Ukraine and the diaspora historians, who laid the conceptual foundations of informative study of the entire Ukrainian national movement and political history and the history of Cossack riflemen paramilitary companies in particular; 2) The work of historians of the Soviet period; 3) The studies of Ukrainian historians who appeared in the late 80’s – early 90’s of XX century during the collapse of the Soviet Union when the history of paramilitary organizations was treated as a “white spot” and in terms of the existing Soviet system was forbidden to write about; 4) The works of historians of the period of independent Ukrainian were based on democratic methodological principles. Particular attention is drawn to the memorable leaflets, which were published in Western Ukraine, Canada and the U.S., which form two groups of works of civil and political activists ZUNR. Of the greatest importance to historians is the work of ZUNR leader K. Levytskyi who investigated the problems of national revival in the late XIX – early XX century and activities of socio-political organizations and paramilitary associations. The importance of the historical-journalistic publications, which mainly took the form of leaflet memories in the 20’s of the twentieth century was also emphasized. The role of contemporary Ukrainian newspapers, including significant place, which is occupied by the military – historical illustrated magazine “Chervona Kalyna Chronicles”, which came out in Lviv in 1929–1939 s. A lot of leaflet memories and biographies of participants liberation struggle 1914–1923 were published there.