Econtechmod. – 2018. – Vol. 7, No. 3

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An international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes.

Econtechmod : an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. – Lublin, 2018. – Volum 7, number 3. – 72 p.


Зміст (том 7, № 3)


Content (Vol. 7, No 3)



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    Context modelling in process of developing employment solutions
    (2018-06-18) Zavushchak, I.; Burov, Ye.; Pasichnyk, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The intelligent decision making requires the consideration of current contextual information. The article is devoted to construction of formal models for the presentation and usage of contextual information for decision-making in the field of employment. The paper analyses existing approaches to the definition of the concept of context at the conceptual level. The results of comparison of formal context models taking into consideration the requirements for employment business processes are presented. The ontological approach is selected as a basis for contextual models specification. The paper presents the formal representation of the context models for business operations of the employment sector. The model of contextual graphs for the solution of the problem of employment business operations context refinement was developed.
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    Development of online taxi ridesharing application
    (2018-06-18) Popova, A.; Kunanets, N.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The paper highlights the main principles and modalities for developing a mobile application for sharing the ride via online taxi based on the use of innovative software elements and logistic flow management models. The proposed approach for the development of application is based on the latest marketing course, the use of logistic models and the elimination of analogues.
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    Processing of data on the intensity of solar radiation for solar power plant management systems
    (2018-06-18) Medykovskyy, M.; Melnyk, R.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; University of Computer Sciences and Skills, Poland Lodz
    In the article is elaborated a method for estimating the amount of electricity that can be produced by solar panels for a short period of time (several hours). For estimating are used meteorological observations of different geographic points. This method of estimation can be used for optimization the internal structure of the hybrid power supply system.
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    Development of a web application for publishing it startups
    (2018-06-18) J. Mauricio Morocho Garzon; Kunanets, N.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The increase of use of web applications has substantially changed the use of internet services and how the people access to them. The introduction of the World Wide Web has revolutionized the computer and the internet. The web provides an easy and cost-effective way of retrieving, searching and sharing information and a more flexible way of communication. It has been necessary for a large number of companies to adapt their services to be used through the browser.
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    Determination of the stationary thermal state of simple geometry layered structureswith themperature dependent heat conductivity factors
    (2018-06-18) Makhorkin, M.; Makhorkin, I.; Makhorkina, T.; Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Lviv National Agrarian University
    An analytical-numerical method to determine the one-dimensional stationary thermal state of simple geometry multilayer structures for arbitrary dependences of heat-conductivity factors on temperature is proposed (the multilayer bodies of thermosensitive materials, referred to one of the classical orthogonal coordinate systems (a,b,g ) are considered, the thermal state caused by thermal load is characterized by a one-dimensional stationary temperature field t (a) ). The method is based on: · utilization of elements of generalized functions algebra; · approximation of temperature dependences of heatconductivity factors of materials by piecewise constant temperature functions –( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ) 1 11() ( )mi i i i it j j ijl t t + S+ t t=» L = L +å L -L - ,where t0 = 0 0} ;· introduction into consideration the function of Kirchhoff function type –( ) ( )( ) ( )0 =1= L å òtniiiJ t x N a dx ,where ( ) ( ) ( ) Ni a = S+ a -ai-1 - S+ a -ai .Therefore, the temperature field is determined by therelation( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1 1n nii i ii it J F J N a J N a= =é ù é ù= ê + ú ê L úêë úû êë úûå å ,where ( ) ( ) ( )11 21ink i i iiCf C K Q S-+== + +å + - a J a J a a isthe solution of the partially degenerate equation derived from the heat equation in accordance with generalized functions algebra, taking into account the perfect thermal contact of the layers; С1 , С2 are the constants of integration, in the general case determined from the system of two nonlinear algebraic equations obtained from the boundary conditions; fk (a) , Ki , Qi are the functions and constants, determined by the recurrence relations obtained in the work. Approbation of the methodology by studying the stationary thermal state of a two-layer cylinder is realized. The cases of existence of a closed-form analytic solutions for the nonlinear heat conduction problem are considered.
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    Software architecture design of the information technology for real-time business process monitoring
    (2018-06-18) Batyuk, A.; Voityshyn, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Having precise understanding of how business processes are performed in real-life is an important input for decision makers and consequently is a strong competitive advantage for an organization. In the constantly changing modern business environment it is crucial to provide that information as soon as possible, preferably in the real-time mode. In practice, such kind of tasks are usually resolved by means of Business Intelligence solutions implemented either from scratch or based upon customizable packages. Despite of the wide range currently available types of data visualizations, modern BI solutions still lacks features to represent data obtained from process-aware systems, for example control flow charts. Current paper is devoted to the information technology for real-time business process monitoring. The represented solution is an extendable software which is based on the lambda architecture and a streaming process discovery technique.
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    Fog computing and Big data in projects of class smart city
    (2018-06-18) Duda, O.; Kunanets, N.; Matsiuk, O.; Pasichnyk, V.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The possibilities of using the information technology of foggy computing, which implements the processes of selecting primary messages from sensory nodes and their processing, and further transferring the results of primary computing to server environments based on information technology platforms of cloud type are analyzed in the article. It is noted that both of the approaches – mist and cloud computing – can be effectively used in a wide range of applications, in particular those that are used in information and technology complexes of “smart cities”. The system of parameters which distinguishes a separate class of information technologies called Big data is analyzed in the paper. The analysis made it possible to fix 10 basic parameters of the so-called 10 v, with the help of which a separate class of information technologies is allocated. Big data technologies, along with the technologies of foggy and cloud computing are elements of a powerful information technology platform that allows us to solve a wide range of problems for smart cities. The authors illustrated the systemtechnological connections of these classes of information technologies and analyzed the possibilities of their use in the context of implementation of the information technology project “Ternopil Smart city”.
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    Building an ontology for system analysis
    (2018-06-18) Burov, Ye.; Pasichnyk, V.; Katrenko, A.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    System analysis as scientific and engineering discipline underpins research and development in other areas. However, system analysis models and methods are often taught separately and, as a result, system analyst cannot form a holistic understanding of this area. In order to deepen our understanding of system analysis’ concepts and relations the ontology of this area was built. It was constructed based on models and methods of system analysis considered as knowledge patterns. The concept of system was selected as a central concept of ontology. Other important concepts, such as goal, function, decision and process are relating to it. Finally, the applications of created system analysis ontology for teaching system analysis in high school and as a part of semantic grid are discussed.
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    Smartphone app with usage of AR technologies – SolAR System
    (2018-06-18) Shchur, G.; Shakhovska, N.; Rybchak, Z.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article describes the AR mobile system for Sun system simulation. The main characteristics of AR systems architecture are given. The differences between tracking and without tracking technics are underlined. The architecture of the system of use of complemented reality for the study of astronomy is described. The features of the system and the principles of its work are determined.