Проблеми економіки та управління. – 2015. – №815

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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

У Віснику опубліковано результати науково-дослідних робіт професорсько-викладацького складу, аспірантів та співробітників Інституту економіки і менеджменту Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, а також вчених і викладачів інших наукових і навчальних закладів України. Серед економічних проблем чільне місце займають питання, пов’язані з інвестиційною привабливістю окремих галузей і підприємств, вирішення актуальних завдань поглиблення і розширення інноваційних процесів у різних сферах господарювання, з удосконаленням методів аналітичної оцінки діяльності підприємств. У своїх публікаціях автори значну увагу звертають на висвітлення проблем удосконалення системи управління інноваційною діяльністю, використання сучасних інформаційних технологій та інструментарію фінансового менеджменту у формуванні інноваційного потенціалу підприємств, особливості стратегічного управління, маркетингової діяльності, забезпечення розвитку кадрового потенціалу в сучасних умовах господарювання. Всі представлені матеріали знайдуть зацікавленого читача, вони будуть корисними не тільки для наукових працівників і викладачів ВНЗ, а й для практичних працівників різних галузей національного господарства і слухачів системи підвищення кваліфікації.

Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Проблеми економіки та управління : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» ; голова Редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. – № 815. – 280 с. : іл.


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    Інституційно-економічний механізм забезпечення інноваційного розвитку суспільства в умовах поглиблення техноглобалізму
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Чернявська, О. І.
    Досліджено економічні та інституційні механізми, які сприяють розвитку сфери науки, техніки та інновацій. Також визначено роль міжнародних інституцій ООН у сучасних процесах техноглобалізму та головну увагу зосереджено на необхідності перегляду деяких інституційних та регуляторних функцій ООН. Автором виявлено суперечливий характер наслідків техноглобалізму на сучасному етапі розвитку світового господарства. The article is devoted to the research of economic and institutional mechanisms that stimulate science, technologies and innovations. On the basis of the analysis of main features of global technological development at the present stage, the author researched the activity of international institutions like the UNO which could be effective in solving global problems of technological development and also discovered the institutional providing of innovation activity under extending technoglobalism and as the main condition of sustainable economic development. The author has revealed a contradictory character of consequences of technoglobalism and also analyzed its several basic forms in which this process developed in the end of ХХ and at the beginning of ХХІ centuries. Thus, development of technoglobalism is of use for most countries, as revolutionary technologies cause less harm to the environment than the technologies which were resource-intensive and contaminated the environment. At the same time a lot of countries, especially developing, are often deceived and place production facilities dangerous for the environment on their territories. As we know, technoglobalism changed not only scales and pattern of production in the developed industrial countries but also had noticeable global influence on quality of life, mutual relations of people and their attitude towards environment. At the same time, powerful potential of new scientific and technical achievements is not always used for the benefit of mankind. However, in spite of that today the mankind doesn’t have other alternative except subsequent intensification of process of global technological development because of the gradual exhaustion of present natural resources, growth of planet population and ecological problems. One of modern features of formation of technoglobalism is deepening the global problems of technological development, i.e. contradiction between society and nature represented by the contradiction of scientific and technological progress, which is the source of such problems. That is why in the end of the ХХth century sharp necessity to minimize the technogenic impact of human civilization on environment appeared, above all, applying resource saving, ecologically clean and waste-free technologies in industry; introduction of new types of alternative energy; use of hybrid transport and technologies of clean car etc. So, the newest achievements and results of modern scientific and technological progress became key to economic development and contributed to the deepening of globalization processes, especially in a scientific and technological sphere. Change to the new technological method of production, to high, science-intensive technologies, rapid and wide distribution of information communication technologies, which will eliminate barriers on the way to movement of commodities, services, capitals are basic motive forces, which stipulate the process of globalization, both economic and technological in particular. From the initial stage of origin of technoglobalism powerful technical and technological changes took place in different industries of national economy, its structure and principles of placing productive forces of society (the rates of their development were considerably accelerated) changed and resulted in a considerable economic revival in the developed industrial countries. In world economic development a transition took place gradually from the capitalism of «free competition» to the monopolistic one. The process of concentration of capital in sectors of heavy industry resulted in creation of large industrial objects. This period was characterized by formation of world currency and credit markets, the international division of labor increased, the importance and intensity of the international trade grew sharply, especially in technology-intensive industries. Thus, revolutionary transformations in the sphere of science and technology gradually gained global character. More and more often the key role of technological factor is noticed in the process of the economy growth of most countries in the world.
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    Забезпечення інноваційного розвитку гірничорудних підприємств на основі ресурсної концепції
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Темченко, О. А.; Петрук, М. В.
    Досліджено застосування ресурсної концепції як засобу забезпечення інноваційного розвитку гірничорудних підприємств. Особливу увагу зосереджено на специфічних проблемах у діяльності вітчизняних гірничорудних підприємств, обґрунтуванні необхідності реалізації стратегії екологозбалансованого природокористування, а також формуванні системи пріоритетних факторів забезпечення інноваційного розвитку в складних умовах господарювання. The article studies the issue of introducing strategic management taking into account the need to ensure innovative development of domestic mining enterprises. In conditions of difficult economic and financial environment, globalization of economic activity and tough international competition further innovative development has special significance to ensure long-term competitive advantages. Studying this issue the attention is focused on identifying specific problems in the activities of domestic mining enterprises and forming the system of the most important factors for their innovative development. The object of the research is the mining companies that have unique features of the activities, involving the use of various types of resources, and in the first place, natural resources. Considering specifics of such enterprises, the primary objectives are to assess the efficiency of using mineral resources, with implementation of the strategy of ecological and sustainable natural resources management. Scientific novelty consists in forming the system of indicators in three priority components (economy, ecology and social environment), the definition of which will give a full assessment of opportunities to improve the efficiency of mining and prospects of sustainable innovative development of the mining enterprises taking into account the key factors of its components. A significant achievement is the development and justification of scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of organizational and economic bases of increase of efficiency of production economic activity and sustainable and innovative development of the mining enterprises on the basis of the resource concept. Scientific results should be used at the enterprises of mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine in the context of improving the efficiency of their production and economic activity and sustainable and innovative development with the development of an appropriate mechanism and sustainable strengthening their competitive position on the modern market of iron ore materials.
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    Теоретичні засади інноваційної діяльності вищих навчальних закладів
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Пірус, В. О.
    Означено актуальність дослідження інноваційного розвитку вищих навчальних закладів. Розглянуто наукові підходи до інноваційного розвитку вищого навчального закладу. Окреслено основні складові інноваційного розвитку вищого навчального закладу, проаналізовано напрямки впровадження освітніх інновацій, визначено необхідність дослідження фінансової складової інноваційного розвитку навчальних закладів. The relevance of research into innovative development of higher educational institutions is emphasized in the article. The author considers Ukraine’s joining the Bologna process and adopting the new law "On higher education" that have increased the necessity of looking for such ways of education development that would correspond to modern demands. The process of reforming the national education has exacerbated the need to explore the specific properties of the education sector and educational services, its organization, and patterns of development with the aim of adapting them to market conditions. New approaches to innovative development of higher educational institutions that would ensure their competitiveness on the educational market are being formed by domestic science. There is a need to explore new ways and methods of organizing the educational process, research, financial, economic and other aspects of educational institutions operation, i.e. introduction of innovations in all spheres of life. The article discusses the research approaches to innovative development of higher educational institutions. Innovative individual development and educational innovations were analyzed by researchers mainly in the spectrum of the introduction of innovative technologies in the sphere of administration and in the educational process, but the issues of economic security of the innovative development were not considered. There are outlined the main components of innovative development of higher educational institutions, namely: introduction of innovative technologies in educational process; improving the system of organization and management of the high school; the qualifications and identity of personnel of higher educational establishments; the development of its research capacity, research and production of scientific and innovative products; formation of the economic mechanism that will provide additional financial resources; conducting marketing activities with the aim of expanding markets of educational services and customer satisfaction. The areas of implementation of educational innovations are analyzed together with the individual group innovation which is associated with the student’s needs and professional expectations; initiatives related to studying certain disciplines and supported by industry professionals and employers; innovations associated with the use of new information technologies; innovations relating to the reform of curriculum content, including introduction of the modular system, semester structure with a new assessment system in response to the change in the content of academic disciplines and enhance interdisciplinary interaction; institutional initiatives, in particular policy decisions on a wide range of issues (e.g. regarding the use of information technology, applied aspects of education), teachers ‘ professional development; systemic initiatives including the establishment of new educational institutions by the government (for example, open universities); financing of the system changes, which encourages the increase of the level of entrepreneurship and the development of professional skills of teachers; innovation assessment. The need to study the financial component of innovative development of educational institutions in the direction of identifying the specific characteristics of educational innovations and the implementation of analysis of their impact on the formation of the economic mechanism of innovative development of higher educational institutions is identified in the article.
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    Інноваційно-технологічні зміни як умова інноваційного розвитку України
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Жаворонков, В. О.
    Обґрунтовано необхідність інноваційно-технологічних змін як головного фактору інноваційного розвитку країни. Проаналізовано стан інноваційної діяльності України за допомогою міжнародних індексів, що оцінюють науково-технологічну та інноваційну конкурентоспроможність країни, і їх ранжування. Визначено фактори, які заважають впроваджувати новітні досягнення, та головні проблеми національної економіки щодо проведення інноваційно-технологічних змін. It is proved that the development of the world economy is closely linked to the accelerated pace of scientific and technological progress and intellectual capital. Many countries are on the path of intensifying their economy, choosing a benchmark for the innovative model of economic development. In the article the necessity of innovations and technological changes as the main factor for innovative development is considered. The ideas, theories and concepts that theoretically proved influential nature and value of innovations and technological changes for economic growth are considered. The basic innovations and development of the respective innovative market niches are not possible without the active support of the state. Long legal documents of the government only declare direction of its powerful scientific and technological policy. There is proposed and carried out the innovations analysis of Ukrainian economy through international indexes. They assess scientific and technological innovations and competitiveness as well as their ranking; the possibilities of Ukraine to develop new technologies and innovations; determine negative trends that threaten national security and technological inefficiency of government actions; evaluate the state of innovations in Ukraine. It is possible to identify the factors that hinder introduction of new achievements. There exist problems of low innovation activity of enterprises and high risks that hinder raising capital in high-tech sectors. Another problem concerns financing innovations of domestic enterprises and organizations, their sources and overall dynamics. The article outlines the positive trends that show scientific personnel growth potential and the effectiveness of their work. This helps to increase the personnel own innovations and technological level. There is analyzed the quality of scientific research personnel, the ability of research institutions to carry out research work. The questions of motivating the staff of academic institutions and state funding of research are considered. The effectiveness of scientific and technological entities and scientific research and technological capabilities of the national economy are analyzed in international terms. The indicators of economic, institutional, environment and information and communication technologies in Ukraine are analyzed. Assessment of scientific and technological sphere of the Ukrainian economy is made. The main problems of the national economy concerning technological changes are highlighted: imperfection of the legislative framework for innovation and technological development; unfavorable economic and institutional regime for the development of innovative economy; the dominance of low-tech sectors of national production; the predominance of production of the 3rd and 4th modes; weak state support of high-tech innovation and resource-saving technologies; low investment research works; weak cooperation between enterprises and research organizations engaged to develop innovative products; low efficiency of research institutions; reduction of scientific and engineering staff and the number of specialists who perform scientific and technical work; declining interest of private companies to innovate; the risk of significant cost of innovative products and little demand for innovative goods and services; reduction in financing innovations at domestic enterprises own expense. It is proposed that priority areas of innovation and technological changes in the society should be as follows: structural changes in the organizations related to the actions of competitors during the market launch of new products; innovation and technological change for new technologies; changes in production technologies based on new products that can lead to the formation of the new market demand and expand its capacity; socio-economic changes in the methods of work organization, management technologies, methods of social dialogue; institutional changes in the corporate culture; introduction of a new management style for new forms of employees motivation; application of new ways of organizing work and rest, staff training and development; innovative structural changes; transformation of organizational structure; change in the system of authority and responsibility; elimination of inefficient and creation of new organizational units; change of control systems and more.