Historical And Cultural Studies. – 2015. – Vol. 2, No. 1

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Historical and Cultural Studies = Історико-культурні студії : [науковий журнал] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; [editor-in-chief S. Pavlyuk]. – Lviv : Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015. – Volume 2, number 1. – 110 p. : ill.


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    Історико-культурне й етнонаціональне у філософорелігійних ідеях: із темпоритміки інновацій
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Тіменик, Зеновій
    На підставі спадщини українських мислителів 40-х рр. ХІХ – 70-х рр. ХХ ст. висвітлено темпоритміку історико-культурного й етнонаціонального у контексті (між)релігійних комунікацій і міждисциплінарного простору. Об’єктом вивчення стали: ідея Бога в структурі людини і світобудови, а також ідея істинності та повноти (між)релігійних комунікацій. З інноваційного погляду стверджено: у філософорелігійних ідеях існує історична закономірність цілісності та системної згармонізованості процесів. On the basis of heritage of Ukrainian thinkers of 40th XIX c. – 70th XX c. the historical, cultural and ethno-national tempo-rhythm in the context of interreligious communications of interdisciplinary sphere is analyzed. The object of the research is the idea of God in the structure of a human being and the world, the idea of truth and plenitude of interreligious communications. Historiosophical cuttings are made on the basis of Pagan and Christian interspaces of the spiritual and cultural being of the Ukrainian ethno-nation. The author uses the principles of graduality-continuity, wholeness, harmony and synthesis and also the relations, among them: God-Man-God, God-Man-Native Language-Cosmism-God. There are involved several models such as man-creature, awakeness-observation-intuition-cognition and so on. Taking into the consideration the historical circumstances the topic of article in the analyzed texts is investigated partially. The author finds out that historical and cultural heritage depends on ethno-national processes. From the innovative point of view there is historical law of wholeness and harmony of processes in the philosophical-religious ideas. Rationalization is provided for the ideas of consistent harmonization of a set of processes. Interdependence of Historical, Cultural and Ethno-National acknowledgement factors in functioning of the researched ideas as based on the works of Ukrainian thinkers of 40th XIX c. – 70th XX c. has been outlined for having emerged in (inter)religious communication and interdisciplinary environment.the first time.
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    Середньовічні археологічні пам’ятки у Судовій Вишні на Львівщині: історія та перспективи дослідження
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Терський, Святослав
    Проаналізовано введення у науковий обіг результатів археологічних досліджень 1956–1962 рр. у Судовій Вишні на Львівщині, а також доля археологічних знахідок, здобутих на цих пам’ятках дослідженнями відомого українського археолога Олексія Ратича. Обґрунтовано висновок про важливу роль цих матеріалів для з’ясування етнокультурних процесів на Східному Прикарпатті у X–XI ст. One of the best studied monuments of X–XI centuries. in the Eastern Carpathian region is in settlement Zamchysko, which occupies the edge of a high ridge on the western outskirts of town Sudova Vyshnia. The article analyzes the process of scientific research of the results of archaeological investigations 1956–1962 biennium of archaeological monuments of town Sudova Vyshnia in court in Lviv, and the fate of archaeological findings obtained in research on these monuments famous Ukrainian archaeologist Olexii Ratycz. The main stages of the study of this monument linked to one of the founders of postwar Lviv archaeological school Olexii Ratycz. Within six field seasons scientist managed to explore the most central part of the monument. Scientists gained invaluable scientific material gave evidence to determine the merits of ethnocultural processes in the Eastern Carpathian region in X–XI centuries. It was published in almost ten short articles and reports written by excavation. For over half a century of research data cannot fully published. The history of the publication of these scientific achievements has sometimes detective character. However, the weight of the scientific findings of the excavations Olexii Ratycz periodically attracts many scientists in connection with the study of various aspects of the history and archaeology of Ukrainian lands. This study is the first modern attempt to generalize about the stages and the results of research systems early medieval monuments located on the basin of Vyshnia river in Lviv region.
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    Color as an expressive instrument of the icon
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Стасюк, Іван
    Ця наукова робота присвячена дослідженню проблеми колористики ікони. Проаналізовано зміст, роль і основне призначення кожного із кольорів, використовуваних художниками-іконописцями для написання ікон.
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    Залізничні вокзали як частина архітектурної ідентичності краю
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Рочняк, Юрій
    Залізничні вокзали, маючи первинно за прототип палацові, житлові та інші будівлі, утворили самостійну групу громадських будинків, яка стала впливати зворотно на образ поселень. Вокзали стали частиною архітектурного образу країв, утворюючи їхню ідентичність. Простежено формування композиційно-стилістичних типів будинків вокзалів, їхнє розташування в Галичині, Буковині та Закарпатті та встановлено способи їхньої локалізації. Окреслюються основні тенденції сучасного стану та використання вокзалів і пасажирських споруд, беручи до уваги процеси в країнах високого розвитку. The railway station buildings are regarded in accordance with other buildings in the process of creating the architectural identity of historical lands. The formation of compositional and stylistic types of railway station buildings, their location in Galicia (Halytchyna), Bukovina (Bukovyna) and Transcarpathia (Zakarpattia) is tracked, and the ways of their localization are identified. The main focus is on small railway station buildings. The tendencies of modern state and utilization of the railway station buildings are defined considering the processes of highly developed countries. The palaces, the theatres, and the residential buildings were the prototypes of railways station buildings. It is possible to follow how a general composition of three mighty connected blocks of the palace Nymfenburg in Munich became a model of public buildings and railway station buildings in Bavaria (Schliersee). Big railway stations were constructed following the architectural techniques of other public buildings, i.e. the dome over the ticket hall of the main railway station building reminds the dome of the Music and Drama Theatre (Chernivtsi); the dome of the main railway station building is similar to the Opera and Ballet Theatre (Lviv). The stations of “the lower level” were built on the basis of smaller sample – a villa or a village house. With time, a certain type of railway station building was developed, that was used in construction of other public buildings. We can observe a reverse influence on other types of public architecture – the shops in Dilatyn, Yaremche, Sokal, that have a similar composition of a typical 1950th railway station buildings. The railways used to belong to different companies, then they were nationalized, in the interwar period they were divided between different countries, and after the war they became a property of only one country. Diverse and imaginary appearance is the reflection of other factors. The compositional and stylistic types of the railway station buildings as typically constructed buildings were formed according to spatial and visual features. A number of railways station buildings were constructed under one projects, they have similar features, and techniques applied. Among them: the oldest Round-arc type (stations: Stare Selo, Kolomyia, Zabolotiv, Vadul-Siret), one, that is only on the line Lviv/Lemberg – Chernivtsi/Czernowitz – Suchava/Suceava – Botoshany/Botoşani (architect L. Wierzbicki), Mostyska type (stations: Mshana, Sudova Vyshnia, Mostyska-I), Sambir type (stations: Komarno, Rudky, Staryi Sambir, Strilky), Podilla type (stations: Vyhnanka, Bila-Tchortkivska, Yahilnytsia, Tovste, Borshtchiv, Ivane-Puste in Galicia and stations: Stefanesti/Stefăneşti, Verenchanka, Vyzhnytsia/Wiżnitz in Bukovina), Rava type (stations: Dobrosyn, Hlynske, Kulykiv, Lypnyk, Zashkiv), Rustic-roof type (stations: Hlibovychi, Hrebeniv, Kopytchyntsi, Mykulytchyn, Rohatyn, Sykhiv, Terebovlia, Tukhla, Turka, Vorokhta, Yasenytsia, Zhydatchiv in Galicia and station Nepolokivtsi in Bukovina etc.). These compositional and stylistic types of railway station buildings have point, linear and zonal location. There are unique railway station buildings from different periods. The railway station buildings are relevant to all periods of overall architectural development of the respective countries, they reflect the needs, possibilities, understanding and preferences of their time. It makes them an important factor of architectural identity. We distinguish the main vectors in development of modern railway station buildings: 1) construction of large railway complexes that apart from the primary passenger-transporting functions, implements the needs of communication, business, trade, service and leisure, transforming themselves into a powerful urban center; 2) simple, functioning, universal and powerful small-size passenger buildings on the boarding platforms of each station or stop. The global tendencies of development, professional understanding and actions are aimed at preserving, supporting and creating new approaches to architecture of railway station buildings and, after all, at the development of identities of settlements and countries.
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    Становлення музеології як науки: історіографія дослідження
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Нагірняк, Андрій
    Зроблено спробу висвітлити основні здобутки історіографічних досліджень з проблеми становлення музеології як науки. Виділено напрями музеологічних досліджень та проаналізовано основні дискусійні питання. Зосереджено увагу на суті понять “музеєзнавство,” “музеологія”, “музеалія,” а також охарактеризовано літературу, у якій визначено місце музеології в системі соціогуманітарних наук. Незважаючи на інтенсивний розвиток сучасної музеології, залишається невирішеною низка питань, що стосуються вивчення музеології не тільки, як наукової дисципліни, але і як навчальної дисципліни. Також залишається невирішеним термінологічний інструментарій науки. Contemporary museum world is experiencing a period of transformation due to social challenges. This is the impetus for the development of museology as a scientific discipline that seeks to understand the epistemology of a museum and it’s foundations. There is an increased attention to the problems of museology as a young discipline, its theoretical understanding, improving professional conceptual apparatus evidence of improvement concerning the design of a mature scientific discipline. The article is an attempt to highlight the main achievements of historiographical research in the formation of museology as a science. Relevance of researching the problems of historiography is determined by many factors: the first is the five centuries development of the museum as a social and cultural institution, and triumphal procession of a museum in all cohorts in the twentieth century. And finally, unexpected transformations at the beginning of the 21 century, associated with a large number of papers analyzing different sides of the phenomenon of the museum. In the last three decades, a large number of scientific articles, monographs and books, offering understanding of different aspects of historical, theoretical or practical museology were published. However there are not enough of historiographical works on museology. The article stated that the process of formation of museology as an independent scientific discipline continued throughout the twentieth century. A number of issues and controversial discussions that represent major trends in theory and practice of museology highlight the deep integration of the museum in the social and cultural life of society. The article highlights the main achievements of historiographical studies on the formation of museology as a science. It also highlights the areas of museological research and analyzes the main controversial issues. The paper focuses on the meaning of “museology”, “musealia” and describes the literature in which there is a place of museology in the system of socio humanities. The author concludes that despite the intensive development of modern museology, a number of questions concerning museological study not only as a scientific discipline, but as a discipline in general remain unsolved.
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    Загальна характеристика церковного живопису Сколівщини (ХІХ–ХХ ст.)
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Мельник, Віра; Мельник, Роман
    Розглянуто та проаналізовано церковний живопис Сколівщини, що його створили маляри-іконописці на замовлення церковних громад. Найцінніші ікони цього регіону зберігаються в музеях України, зокрема у Львівському національному музеї, а також знаходяться в окремих церквах району. In Skole District known works as highly, and folk art. This area stands out from rehionu Boikivshchyna original school of icon painting. Here fulfill orders, local craftsmen and painters from other art centers. Writing about Boykivschyny iconography, V. Sventsitskoho noted that the formation of peculiar features paintings Boikivshchyna were important vzayemodiya professional and folk art, local traditions and overall development of art in Ukraine in tsilomu and penetration phenomena related originated anyway and then dominant trends and directions in art Zahidnoyi Europe. By ancient icons from Skole District, which reached nashoho time include “The Virgin Hodegetria of prophets” XV century the church of St. Dimitri from the village Pidhorodtsiv and “St. And St. George. Paraskeva” late XV – early XVI century. Church of Cosmas and Damian from the village of Korczyna. Both icons are now adorns the exposition of the National Museum in Lviv. Bright individuality stands in the first half of the XVIII centuryMarco Shestakovych. He painted the iconostasis owned by 1738 the church of the Archangel Michael village Dry Stream, which was submitted to the National Museum in 1912. For the first time attention to the work of Mark Shestakovycha drew I. Svyentsitskyy. Some icons iconostasis exhibited at the exhibition Galician primitive, held in Lviv National Museum in 1939. The works of master out clearly defined style that combines the principles of painting techniques of decorative art. Sights and iconography from Skole District XV–XVIII centuries uviyshly bright page in the artistic heritage of Ukraine and show deep spiritual worldview of the people, the wisdom and strength of its traditions. Along with the construction of temples and developed this art form as a cult easel painting. If the mosaics and frescoes embody the triumph of Christianity, the icons were primarily in klonnymy. They prayed, they hoped to find help in the healing and life. Icon brought the saint ‘s image on it over everyday life, emphasized his charisma. For ideas believers sanctified holy icon does not replace, but evidence of its presence, grace has properties, protects and heals. Photos embodied in icons, considered a model of moral purity and spirituality.
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    Музей Михайла Грушевського у Львові – меморіальна садиба та наукова база грушевськознавства
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Магунь, Марія
    Державний меморіальний музей Михайла Грушевського у Львові – меморіальний комплекс-ансамбль вілли Грушевських – сучасна науково-дослідна, науково-освітня, історико-культурна меморіальна установа (пам’ятка історії та архітектури); за видом діяльності науково-методичний центр для музеїв у масштабах України і за її межами; наукова база грушевськознавства, яка займається всебічним вивченням життя та діяльності Михайла Грушевського та його доби. The State Memorial Museum of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi in Lviv is a memorial complex-ensemble of the Hrushevskyi’s manor; a modern scientific research, educational, historical and cultural establishment of a memorial kind (landmark of architecture and history); by its activity a scientific methodological centre for museums in Ukraine and beyond it; a scientific base of Hrushevskyi’s studies engaged in research of life and activity of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi and his contemporaneity.
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    Особливості викладання курсу історії Стародавніх Греції та Риму для студентів спеціальності “Музейна справа та охорона пам’яток історії та культури”
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Лисейко, Ярослав
    Проаналізовано методи та методики викладання, а також особливості організації вивчення курсу історії Давніх Греції та Риму на основі робіт студентів спеціальності “Музеєзнавство та пам’яткоохоронна діяльність”. Studying the course in Ancient Greece and Rome history primarily is associated with the departments of History in Ukrainian classical or pedagogical universities. However, with the advent of new specialties of humanities in higher education in Ukraine, the problem of adapting teaching of these subjects for students studying related to the craft of history specialties and in some form involve ancient history and culture studies. An examples of such specialty area of training are Museum management and Protection of historical monuments. The purpose of this article is to study the characteristics of teaching course in the history of ancient Greece and Rome for students of Museology and Protection of monuments specialty and finding the methods of adaptating these training courses to students. The best way to cover the discipline that now dominates in the world of science and teaching practice is not factual or sociological but civilizational and humanitarian. Thus in the center of attention appear the complex characteristics of ancient societies with a focus on culture and religion, on the people and their behavior, lifestyle or mentality. Special attention is paid to the study of material culture of ancient civilization, preserved monuments of art, military affairs and economy. It has a dual role: on the one hand, students became better acquainted with the achievements of ancient culture and the other is based on the cultural achievements of ancient civilization that help students to learn how to distinguish directly in practice the concepts of cultural monuments, historical heritage and became aware of the importance of activities related to the preservation of the past. Teaching the History of Ancient Greece and Rome course for students studying the Museology and Protection of monuments specialty comes from the thesis about the role of the course in the system of students’ professional training. The course has to form not only a basic knowledge of the history and culture of ancient Greece and Rome, but also to shape the needed for further learning process skills and for the full development of the specialist in field of Museology or Monuments preserving. Searching the methods of teaching the history of ancient Greece and Rome for students of Museology and Protection of monuments specialty is in the process of dynamic development. Learning not only history but also the culture of antiquity for future specialists in this field encourages to test the methods that involve obtaining historical knowledge through actualization knowledge in culture and monuments.
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    Традиційний народний одяг як джерело вивчення та популяризації культурної спадщини Закарпаття
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Коцан, Василь
    Йдеться про традиційний народний одяг як важливе джерело вивчення та популяризації культурної спадщини Закарпаття. Окреслено основні аспекти, для з’ясування достовірності яких одяг є цінним джерелом, наведено головні форми популяризації культурної спадщини через призму народного вбрання. In the article the question is about traditional folk clothes as important source of study and popularization of cultural legacy of Zakarpattya. An author is select basic aspects for finding out of authenticity of which clothes are a valuable source. It the ethnographic districting of edge, influences of nearby people, and also features of culture of local population. Next to scientific research a traditional folk dress is an important source for popularization of cultural legacy of our edge. The different aspects of popularization of traditional folk dress of edge can be divided into two basic groups: static and mobile. To the static forms of distribution of information about a folk dress take scientific and popular scientific researches (monographs, articles, catalogues, albums, brochures) and exhibitions, museum displays. Among the mobile forms of popularization of traditional folk dress in particular, and cultural legacy of edge on the whole, select above all things: 1) measures are on the recreation of consuetude and ceremonies of annual calendar cycle; 2) measures are on the recreation of domestic rite (births of child, wedding, funerals); 3) organization of festivals; 4) lead through of reconstructions and shows of folk suits. On the whole traditional folk clothes of Zakarpattya are the bright independent ethnographic phenomenon, one of constituents of Ukrainian traditionally domestic cultures.
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    “Мова ворожнечі” в російсько-українській війні 2014–2015 років та національна самосвідомість українців
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Гнатюк, В’ячеслав
    Розглянуто проблему розширення лексичного складу “мови ворожнечі” під час російсько-української війни 2014–2015 рр. Досліджено причини поширення пейоративів із коренем “укр.” (“укри”, “укропи”) та обґрунтовано неприйнятність переймання образливої назви “укроп” свідомими українцями, а також доведено невідповідність емблем з кропом на одностроях українських вояків традиційній національній рослинній та військовій символіці. Вказано, що вживання російських нецензурних висловів в антипутінських слоганах і абревіатурах, що з’явилися під час війни 2014–2015 рр., ображають національну гідність українців, які вживають ці вирази. Іn the article the new ukrainian and russian words belonging to “hate speech” that had appeared during the Russian-Ukrainian war 2014–2015 are concerned. The conclusion is drawn that these words were created both by loyal Ukrainians and separatists of LNR-DNR along with Russian Federation citizens. The words created by Russian separatists’ participants of the conflict have more the sens of xenophobia than those from Ukrainian part. These words from the separatists’ part are: banderivtsi, banderlogi, ukry, ukropy, ukropiteki and others. From the ukrainian part the most used words are:”kolorady”, “separy”, “tery”, “lugandony”, that define ironically the separatists concerning their political position, symbolism, locality. Mostly the separatist use to call the Ukrainians as “ukropy” that sounds in Russian like homonym of the fennel. This nickname gradually forces out the other nickname “khakhly” that define the Ukrainians as the people very week and inoffensive. Now, during the war, Russian citizens and separatist saw the Ukrainians as the brave soldiers that’s wy they created the new nicknames forming them from the official name of the Ukrainian nation. But some Ukrainians liked the word “ukrop” interpreting it as abbreviation of ukrainian words “ukrainskiy opir” (ukrainian resistance) or “ukrainska opozytsiya” (ukrainian opposition). But to interpret the russian word as ukrainian abbreviation is not possible, it’s nonsense. It shows that some russian-speaking Ukrainians have the forked consciousness. It’s a result of a long colonial dependency of the ukrainian peohle from the Russian empire. That humiliating nickname is offensive for Ukrainians and it’s very strange that the command of ukrainian army introduced the image of fennel as a symbol of Ukrainian troops. That is not a traditional Ukrainian plant or military symbol. Those are mostly a bunch of guilder-rose and a kossak with a musket.