Historical And Cultural Studies. – 2015. – Vol. 2, No. 1

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Науковий журнал

Historical and Cultural Studies = Історико-культурні студії : [науковий журнал] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; [editor-in-chief S. Pavlyuk]. – Lviv : Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015. – Volume 2, number 1. – 110 p. : ill.


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    Становлення музеології як науки: історіографія дослідження
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Нагірняк, Андрій
    Зроблено спробу висвітлити основні здобутки історіографічних досліджень з проблеми становлення музеології як науки. Виділено напрями музеологічних досліджень та проаналізовано основні дискусійні питання. Зосереджено увагу на суті понять “музеєзнавство,” “музеологія”, “музеалія,” а також охарактеризовано літературу, у якій визначено місце музеології в системі соціогуманітарних наук. Незважаючи на інтенсивний розвиток сучасної музеології, залишається невирішеною низка питань, що стосуються вивчення музеології не тільки, як наукової дисципліни, але і як навчальної дисципліни. Також залишається невирішеним термінологічний інструментарій науки. Contemporary museum world is experiencing a period of transformation due to social challenges. This is the impetus for the development of museology as a scientific discipline that seeks to understand the epistemology of a museum and it’s foundations. There is an increased attention to the problems of museology as a young discipline, its theoretical understanding, improving professional conceptual apparatus evidence of improvement concerning the design of a mature scientific discipline. The article is an attempt to highlight the main achievements of historiographical research in the formation of museology as a science. Relevance of researching the problems of historiography is determined by many factors: the first is the five centuries development of the museum as a social and cultural institution, and triumphal procession of a museum in all cohorts in the twentieth century. And finally, unexpected transformations at the beginning of the 21 century, associated with a large number of papers analyzing different sides of the phenomenon of the museum. In the last three decades, a large number of scientific articles, monographs and books, offering understanding of different aspects of historical, theoretical or practical museology were published. However there are not enough of historiographical works on museology. The article stated that the process of formation of museology as an independent scientific discipline continued throughout the twentieth century. A number of issues and controversial discussions that represent major trends in theory and practice of museology highlight the deep integration of the museum in the social and cultural life of society. The article highlights the main achievements of historiographical studies on the formation of museology as a science. It also highlights the areas of museological research and analyzes the main controversial issues. The paper focuses on the meaning of “museology”, “musealia” and describes the literature in which there is a place of museology in the system of socio humanities. The author concludes that despite the intensive development of modern museology, a number of questions concerning museological study not only as a scientific discipline, but as a discipline in general remain unsolved.
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    Музей Михайла Грушевського у Львові – меморіальна садиба та наукова база грушевськознавства
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Магунь, Марія
    Державний меморіальний музей Михайла Грушевського у Львові – меморіальний комплекс-ансамбль вілли Грушевських – сучасна науково-дослідна, науково-освітня, історико-культурна меморіальна установа (пам’ятка історії та архітектури); за видом діяльності науково-методичний центр для музеїв у масштабах України і за її межами; наукова база грушевськознавства, яка займається всебічним вивченням життя та діяльності Михайла Грушевського та його доби. The State Memorial Museum of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi in Lviv is a memorial complex-ensemble of the Hrushevskyi’s manor; a modern scientific research, educational, historical and cultural establishment of a memorial kind (landmark of architecture and history); by its activity a scientific methodological centre for museums in Ukraine and beyond it; a scientific base of Hrushevskyi’s studies engaged in research of life and activity of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi and his contemporaneity.
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    Музейні академії
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Баран, Романна; Каркадим, Катерина
    Розглянуто і проаналізовано процеси становлення освітнього потенціалу у сфері популяризації історико-культурної спадщини Національного музею народного мистецтва Гуцульщини та Покуття ім. Й. Кобринського. Подається концепція новітньої моделі науково-освітньої діяльності Музею як комплексного просвітницького і мистецького центру м. Коломиї. Для вирішення сучасних концептуальних проблем Музею закцентовано увагу на тісній співпраці з педагогами та фахівцями художньої культури та викладачами образотворчого мистецтва. Висвітлено науково-освітню роботу на прикладі різноманітних конференцій, мистецьких акцій, виставок, публікацій, музейних академій та студій. In this article are considered and analyzed the educational potential of the popularization historical and cultural heritage of the National Museum of Hutsul and Pokuttya Folk Art named after Y. Kobrynskyy. According to mordern requirements, museums have to become open multipurpose centers of culture, science, education and training in accordance with international trends development of the museum activity – an open museum for the open society. One of the main objectives of the statute of the International Council of Museums (ICOM Ukraine) is the definition of “museum” as an institution designed for strengthening its role in the society and contributing to a better knowledge of the culture of various nations and strengthening mutual understanding between them. The proclamation of Ukraine’s independence in 1991 radically changed national priorities – the need for deeper knowledge of Ukrainian history, language, beliefs and culture. At this timea number of measures were initiated to support crafts, preservation the old relics and monuments and study the works of folk crafts men. The activity in this area was initiated by the cultural elite of Kolomyia, museum experts and educators. To improve the Museum in accordance with the latest methods of scientific and educational potential and for the preservation and promotion of historical and cultural heritage a certain concept was produced. It was intended to create a unifying and coordinating institution artists, scientist sand various educational institutions under the motto “Museum and professional contacts”. A powerful tool to express the educational potential of the museum concept was the creation by the Museum a number of popular – science films about various types of folkart, the life and career of the individual artists, video sabout the customs and traditions of Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttya natives, creation museum site (recognized as one of the best museum sites of Ukraine), from which you canget the correct information. To address current conceptual challenges Museum focuses on close cooperation with teachers – specialists artistic culture and fine arts teachers. It should be emphasized that the crucial role is holding of various artisticevents for folk artists, during which there is involvement of youth for practical training in various types of crafts. Such cognitive ethnology lessons in pottery, artistic wood work, beads, appliques, weaving, pysanky, embroidery museum personnel conducts not only in the museum but also at schools. Such emotional lyrich classis a process of aesthetic education. All ethnology lessons are accompanied not only practical training but also multimedia presentations. The scientific and educational work is high lighted as anexample of various conferences, artevents, exhibitions, publications, museum academies and studios. Since 2009, the Museum has first initiated a new form of educational work with young people underthe motto “Museum academies”, which became one of the most effective forms of cooperation between the museums and educational institutions. These academies contributed to better communication between scientists of the Museum and students for learning new material. The primary audience of these actions was identified by the museum experts to be the most active and interested students from different educational institutions of Kolomyia and its area. Scientists steer them to choose hot topics related to historical events and the present time. Museum organized and hosted 18 “museum academies”. For the most part these academies were dedicated to known figures of Ukrainian culture. The duration of these events is at least 2 hours. While discussing the high lighted material between the participants facilitate communication and discussion.
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    Експозиційна робота у діяльності музею
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Барановська, Надія
    Проаналізовано суть і особливості експозиційної роботи як важливого напряму діяльності музею, концептуальні засади музейної експозиції та її роль для вивчення і збереження історико-культурної спадщини та висвітлення поступального розвитку людства. The article analyses essence and features of expositional work as important direction of museum activity, conceptual principles of museum exposition and its role in study and maintainance of historical and cultural legacy and elucidation of forward development of humanity. The conception of modern expositional work, the important problem of which is aspiration to save and strengthen public meaningfulness, personal interest, actuality and popularity of museum establishments among visitors, appears gradually on the basis of creative reinterpretation of the newest regulations of museum practice. The idea of exposition transforms in such realities as something inviolable and permanent in time. Expositional work is one of directions in museum activity, basic essence of which consists in changes of project of exposition, installation and dismantling of expositions, leading of exposition renewal, supervision of the state of exposition, organization of thematic exhibitions, conducting of current expositional documentation. Expositional work in museums was always in a spotlight, as it is closely connected with other types of scientifically research activity. Thanks to expositional work there is a maintainance and exploration of historical and cultural memos, which are a component part of national historical and cultural legacy. It helps to create the notion about the past with the help of exhibits. Exhibits carry out the role of informative mediator between the past and contemporaneity. Due to expositional work the major functions of modern museums are realized: cognitive and informational, the function of making popular, educational-elucidative. It helps to form sense of pride for our glorious past and foster sense of responsibility for the future, enables to modernize the forms of museum communication with the purpose of effective influence on development of society. Exposition plays an important meaning for expressiveness of museum language. It can emphasize, logically underline separate objects or rich in content blocks of the exhibited material, strengthen emotional accents. The rules of exhibiting are a code, that allows to construct content. A purpose, possibilities, facilities and conditions of mastering of reality meet in the model-form of museums expositional work, that are cognitive and evaluative, communicative, motivating and efficient aspects of expositional work. Efficiency of expositional work is based on generalization of former expositional experience and using of modern experimental methods and informational technologies – computerization of funds, creation of databases, museum sites, enhancement of informing and communicativeness of museum exposition. During experiments, prototyping and computer design is widely used, that allows to find out the most optimal variant of expositional solution. The creative using of different new methods of expositional work, skill of expositional artistic design, helps without theatricality and formalism with all evidentness to uncover big graphic power and uniqueness of exhibits, their co-operation and integrity, beauty of material, enables a spectator to get to the features and essence of exposition, deeply understand its artistic bases and aesthetically beautiful structural features.
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    Формування історичної пам’яті, міжконфесійного порозуміння на прикладі експозиційно-виставкової діяльності Львівського музею історії релігії (виставка “Репресована церква”)
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Банах, Василь
    На прикладі пересувної банерної виставки “Репресована церква” до 25-ліття легалізації Української Греко-Католицької Церкви розкрито особливості виставково-експозиційної роботи Львівського музею історії релігії. Проаналізовано вплив виставкової діяльності музею на спроби сприяння міжконфесійного порозуміння та формування окремих аспектів історичної пам’яті. The exhibition work of Lviv Museum of History of Religion had been analyzed on an example of a banner exhibition “Repressed church” which is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the legalization of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC). Exhibition “Repressed church” is divided into several blocks which illustrated prerequisites, reasons and chronology of repressions against the clergy and faithful of UGCC by totalitarian Soviet regime during 1939 – 1989 years. Obviously, not only members of UGCC had been repressed by Stalin’s regime but clergy and members of other religious denominations too. Those repressions are an important component of collective historical memory about World War II and it is aftermath for Ukraine and Ukrainian. Current discussions about collective tragic past of different religious communities in Ukraine, and in museums too, help to create mutual understanding and settles sharp corners towards the ecumenical process. Lviv Museum of History of Religion achieved a few tasks by representing one of the tragic pages in history of most common Christian denomination in Galicia to wide audience. Primary tasks were enlightenment and popularization. Religious and social reconciliation could be achieved by researching and demonstration of tragic events in period of Soviet pursuit of religious demonstrations which had common character.