Екологія і туризм (EcoTour-2013). – 2013 р.
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У збірнику опубліковано матеріали конференції, присвяченої проблемам у галузі екології, туризму, екологічно-вимірювальних технологій, природоохоронної діяльності та збалансованого природокористування. Видання призначено для науковців, аспірантів, студентів.
Екологія і туризм : матеріали I Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених EcoTour-2013, 21–23 листопада 2013р., Україна, Львів / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 55 с. – (4-ий Міжнародний молодіжний фестиваль науки «Litteris et Artibus»). – Паралельний титульний аркуш англійською.
Item Перспективи використання елементів екотуризму сільських територій на прикладі села Микілка Котелевського району(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Голік, Юрій; Гриценко, ОксанаThe world is gradually growing importance of tourism and recreation. The development of tourism as a mass phenomenon is the main reason the provision of new recreational areas. The aim of our work was to study the prospects for conferring the status of recreation area of the village Mykilka, Kotelva area. This was performed the following tasks: analysis of natural and social conditions of rural Mykilka, the study of surface waters (rivers and Merlot Vorskla), analysis of mineral waters, study of the forest. In the study area, it was found that the village has an exceptionally favorable conditions for rest and treatment of the population of various kinds of tourist activities. It has been proven that with. Mykilka has all the prospects for conferring the status of recreational areas and development of efficient and competitive rural tourism.Item Дослідження процесу адсорбції мінеральних добрив грунтовим середовищем(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Люта, ОксанаApplication of mineral fertilizers in agriculture causes constant accumulation of residues of fertilizers that were not assimilated in the lower layers of the soil, which leads to the constant penetration of nitrates to groundwater water horizons. This process is mainly affected by two main factors: diffusion of fertilizers deep into the soil, convective and molecular, and adsobtion of components of fertilizers in soil environment. While the diffusion process of components of fertilizers is sufficiently investigated, the process of adsorption of individual components of fertilizers and its effect on the rate of penetration of fertilizers deep into the soil is not sufficiently explored. Therefore, we conducted researches of adsorption of nitrogen fertilizers in soil environment, such as calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate. Results of experimental investigations shows that the adsorption of components of fertilizers affect the rate of migration of fertilizers and determines the amount of fertilizers that will penetrate deep into the soil.Item Покажчик авторів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)Item Утилізація сульфідних стоків шляхом використання їх як сировини для виробництва натрія тіосульфату та колоїдної сірки(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Ріпак, Назарій; Мальований, М. С.Industrial waste water contaminated with sulfide compounds formed in the chemical and refining processes, which are widespread in Ukraine . One of the methods of disposal of sulfide waste is using them as raw material for the production of sodium thiosulfate and colloidal sulfur. In the case of technology solutions polysulfide oxidation by atmospheric oxygen , may obtain both the above products. Experimental study of the oxidation of sodium polysulfide solution in a laboratory flotation machine on which found that results from the process of sulfur colloid meet essential quality parameters , making it possible to offer the principal technological scheme of this method of waste disposal sulfide.Item Екологічна освіта в стратегії сталого розвитку(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Мітрясова, Олена; Погребенник, Володимир; Політило, Роман; Шибанова, АллаThe role of education, upbringing, enlightenment in the social aspects of environmental problems is defined. The aim of work is sustainable development and the state of environmental education in Ukraine. Organization of ecological education in general in Ukraine requires fundamental changes. Environmental education is the basis of national security. The main task of ecological education is forming ecological consciousness of the individual and society a sense of responsibility in man to solve the environmental problems. Ecologization of education is one of the essential requirements that lead to model current and future education. The model for future education system should be integrated such trends as democratization, intellectualization, information, solidity, humanization and more. The components of ecological education are environmental knowledge, environmental thought, environmental philosophy, environmental ethic.Item Оцінювання впливу електромагнітного випромінювання мобільного телефону на біоту та організм людини(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Малиновська, Марія; Погребенник, ВолодимирThe paper evaluated the effects of electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones on the biota and human health. The aim is to assess the impact of electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones on the human body . The process of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with living organisms in a given phase . We consider thermal and netermichnyy effects of mobile phones on the human body . The dependence of complaints of mobile phone users from the total duration of calls during the day : the longer the conversation , the longer the period of headaches , fatigue . The level of radiation emitted by mobile phones. Posted significance level of radiation for 70 types of mobile phones , including models of firm Alcatel, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and HTC. Developed recommendations on the type of mobile phone.Item Biogas as a way to attract renewable energy(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Kardasz, PiotrThe subject of the following article is biogas plant, which is an installation for the production of biogas. Biogas can be used to produce electricity, heat and fuels. Produced by the fermentation of biomass materials that can be used (mainly waste from agricultural, animal and food industry), sediments, sewage treatment and municipal waste lying in landfills. Depending on the type of feedstock used in biogas technology may be different, but the basic elements of the system of administration of biomass digester and gas storage tanks and waste resulting digestate. Biogas sector in Poland is still not very large, but rapidly growing.Item Застосування вуглецевих та мінеральних сорбентів для очищення стічних вод молокопереробних підприємств(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Гивлюд, Анна; Сабадаш, ВіраThe present article substantiates the theoretical bases of adsorption of lactic acid on mineral and carbon adsorbents. Monitoring of wastewater contaminated with wastes of dairy plants, estimation of quantities, peculiarities of localization and estimation of toxicological impacts on the environment was carried out. The existing theoretical apparatus for adsorption processes description was analyzed. Adsorption process mechanism and methods for identification of experimental data to theoretical models was developed. Sorption capacity of zeolite to lactic acid in static conditions was experimentally investigated. Influence of acidity on equilibrium and speed of absorption of lactic acid was determined. Experimental data and theoretical models of adsorption were identified. Adsorption capasity of adsorbents was set. It has been established that carbon adsorbents are more selective to lactic acid then zeolites.Item Рівні туристичної інфраструктури та принципи її формування(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Брунець, Б. Р.The article considers the essence of the concept of the infrastructure, in particular elements of shaping it as an integral system. Generally, the concept of the tourist infrastructure and the principles of its formation, namely the stability, integrity, functional necessity and complementarity. Allocated macro-, meso - and micro-level of significance of an impact on its development and the responsibility for formation.Item Influence of ultralow of ETAPHOS preparation on Daphnia magna Straus and microalgae Scenedesmus quadricauda test organisms(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Smirnova, N. N.; Mavrin, G. V.; Inyusheva, A. A.; Fridland, S. V.Item Чинники антропогенного впливу на формування туристичного середовища Бахчисарайського району АР Крим(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Бородич, МаринаIn article was revealed and processed culturalinformative and socio-economic factors of anthropogenous impact on formation of the tourist environment of the Bakhchsarai district.Item Impact of climate change on the apple economy of Himachal Pradesh: A case study of Kotgarh village(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Singh, Inder JeetIn Himachal Pradesh agro-climatic conditions are suitable for the cultivation of variety of fruit crops. The development of these crops has greatly fulfilled the needs and objectives of socio-economic growth in the state. Among various fruit crops grown in the state apple dominate in area as well as production. Himachal Pradesh is the second largest producer of apple in India. But due to environmental change some areas are experiencing decline in the productivity of apple in the state. The present study is an attempt to analyze the changes in the growth of apple orchards in terms of space and time in response to changing environment. The study will be based on primary as well as secondary data. One time Himachal Pradesh was known for best quality apple in the country but now in many parts of the state apple has become uneconomical, nonviable, less profitable and even unproductive. Over the years, fruit growers in the study area have observed significant variations in climate. This awareness of climate change is based mainly on the associated impacts on the apple crop especially on blossoming, fruit setting, yield and increased incidences of pests and diseases. Over all the climate is described as being much warmer and people perceive a definite reduction in snowfall over time. Not only has the actual amount of snowfall decreased but changes in timing of snowfall have also been noticed. Snowfall in December and January has become rare and the period of snowfall now extends through the months of February-March. As a result to maintain an apple orchard has been become an uphill task. New trees simply don’t survive and older ones are dying fast and the farmers have switched over to other fruits and vegetables.Item Factors affecting the status and development of the energy sector in Poland(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Kardasz, PiotrThis article presents the most important factors affecting the status and opportunities in the energy sector in Poland. Energetics is the basis of the national economy and determines the opportunities for economic development, which is why it is very important to provide the energy security. The most important factors for the development of energy sector are changing legislation, which is related to the increasing environmental awareness and commitments of states to reduce emission of pollutants, and increasing demand for energy - related to economic development. Polish energy market has undergone many changes, primarily consisting of deregulation and increased competitiveness in the sector. Traditional Polish energy industry is based on coal and lignite, which satisfies the demand for energy, but it contributes to substantial emissions. Due to the depletion of coal resources, obtaining renewable energy sources become increasingly important.Item Зміст до "Екологія і туризм EcoTour-2013"(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)Item The method of waste management(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Kardasz, PiotrArticle presents the issues of municipal waste management in Poland. It is in the EU regulations, which the Polish system must meet, the goals that must be achieved by the directive within the prescribed time. Also presented briefly Polish regulations on municipal waste management, how to ensure the implementation of the European guidelines.Item Ultrasonic system for operational ecological control of water pollution(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Pohrebennyk, V.; Romanyuk, A.; Politylo, R.The work is dedicated to the issues of the developing the methods of the data-processing system creation for the ecological control of the water pollution. It was created the methodological approach towards the solving of the tasks based on the simultaneous measurement of the integral, selective and hydro-physical parameters and geographical coordinates.Item Електрохімічна активація водних розчинів як екологічний метод водопідготовки(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Пташник, Вадим; Наконечна, Ольга; Велигорська, Мар’яна; Садова, МаріяThe possibility of using electrochemical activation of water as a method which can solve a number of complex environmental problems is shown in this work. An attempt to systematize and analyze existing applications of electrochemical activation of water and aqueous solutions is implemented. In purpose of total or partial replacement a number of dangerous technological operations, it is offered examples of using functional solutions based on electrochemically activated water. The possibility of natural water purification and waste water purification from certain pollutants by using electrochemical activation is considered in work. Separately it is investigated the mechanisms of biological effects of electrochemically activated solutions for livelihoods process of biota.Item Detection of arsenic ions with preliminary concentrating on magnetic sorbent(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Kharlyamov, Damir; Dvoryak, Stanislav; Mavrin, GennadyIn represented work a method of arsenic ions concentrating is presented by means of sorption with application of synthetic magnetite, which is successfully used for atomic absorption detection of arsenic in natural waters.Item Капсулювання мінеральних добрив – шлях до зниження їх негативного впливу на довкілля(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Мальований, М. С.; Тимчук, ІванClose by the positive aspects of the use of fertilizers (increase of harvests, improvement of quality composition of foodstuffs) scale their application generates the row of ecological problems. The peracute from them is contamination of agroecosystem by the unmastered plants by the elements of feed. From capsulated fertilizers a component frees slower and it makes the time during which such fertilizers act longer. Capsulated fertilizers provide the optimal feeding of plants during a vegetation period. Such fertilizers decrease the prime cost of agricultural produce. Capsulated fertilizers decrease negative influence on the environment.Item Титульний аркуш до "Екологія і туризм EcoTour-2013"(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)