Chemistry & Chemical Technology. – 2012. – Vol. 6, No. 3

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The scientific-technical journal

It is the scientific-technical journal in English in Ukraine discussing actual problems of chemistry and chemical technology. Compared with other chemical journals Ch&ChT is publishing materials of both theoretical and practical values in such fields as analytical, general organic, physical and inorganic chemistry; chemistry of high molecular compounds; materials science and engineering; chemical kinetics and catalysis; technology of inorganic substances; technology of organic synthesis products; chemical technology of processing of combustible minerals; processes and apparatus of chemical and food productions; biotechnology and ecology.

Chemistry & Chemical Technology : [the scientific-technical journal] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; editor-in-chief M. Bratychak. – Lviv : Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2012. – Volume 6, number 3. – P. 237–354, IV : ill.


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    Biodamages and protection of leather and fur
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2012) Pekhtasheva, Elena; Neverov, Anatoly; Zaikov, Gennady
    The paper presents the information about biodamages and protection of leather and fur. The contributors put a special emphasis on rawhide microflora, putrefied hide microflora, effect of prior operations on bioresistance of leather, interesting facts, fur skin structure and properties changes by microorganisms and the methods of leather preservation against microorganism impact. Приведено дані стосовно біопошкодження і захисту шкіри та хутра. Особливу увагу приділено мікрофлорі сирої шкіри, процесу біорозкладу натуральної шкіри, впливу мікроорганізмів на різних стадіях вичинки шкіри, змінi структури шкіри і хутра під впливом мікроорганізмів та методам захисту натуральної шкіри.