Transport Technologies. – 2020. – Vol. 1, No. 2

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Журнал створено у 2020 році у Національному університеті «Львівська політехніка». Періодичність видання двічі на рік. Випуск номерів журналу здійснюється англійською мовою

Transport Technologies. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. – Volume 1, number 2. – 80 p. : il.

Зміст (том 1, № 2)


Content (Vol. 1, No 2)



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    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14)
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    Vibration impact and noise protection devices with DVA for wheeled vehicles
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14) Diveev, Bogdan; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article investigates vibration and noise protection devices for wheeled vehicles using dynamic vibration absorbers (DVA). Algorithms for modeling their dynamic characteristics based on adaptive calculation schemes are presented. A non-linear suspension with DVA and a noise-absorbing partition is considered, which is due to the introduction of a layered composite thinwalled structure with an intermediate damping layer with high damping properties and a DVA system, which provides better vibration and noise absorption. The problems of shock propagation during the overturn of the bus to passengers are also considered. The influence of the parameters of the shock absorber on the dynamic properties of the bus is investigated. The optimal parameters of the shock absorber are determined.
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    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14)
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    Analysis of demand for public transport service in Lviv city
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14) Gits, Ivanna; Zhuk, Mykola; Pivtorak, Halyna; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The demand for public transport on the example of Lviv city is analyzed in the paper. The aim of the trip, the duration of the trip, vehicle occupancy rate, walking approach to the stop, and the choice of public transport mode are determined as the main impact factors. The questioning of 1100 users of public transport is carried out. During the formation of transport strategy of public transport system functioning in large cities, it is necessary to consider such factors of functioning as optimal, from the view of transport provision, location of places of work and study, trips are up to 45 min; vehicle occupation rate is up to 80% (on the most routes); the walking distance is up to 600 m; vehicles of large capacity. The provision of these indicators in transport systems will provide an opportunity to increase the effectiveness and enlarge the demand for public transport services as a result of qualitative functioning.
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    Forecasting of urban buses dwelling time at stops
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14) Zhuk, Mykola; Kovalyshyn, Volodymyr; Hilevych, Volodymyr; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Intelligent Transport Systems in urban conditions is one of the solutions to reduce congestion of vehicles and the amount of harmful emissions. An important component of ITS is the assessment of the duration of a public transport trip. It is necessary to focus on the study of the duration of the bus (the duration of traffic between stops and the dwelling time). In this paper, the authors focused on determining the dependence of the duration of buses at stops depending on the demand of passengers. The dwelling time of buses at stops is not considered independent of the duration of the journey. The duration of the bus is the periods of time when the buses wait at the stops, and the travel time, which is the duration of the bus between each two stops. The study was conducted on the bus route #3A in Lviv. To determine the dwelling time of the bus at stops, it is necessary to take into account information about passengers and the trajectory of buses. The obtained data can increase the accuracy of forecasting in different traffic situations in comparison with the most modern methods.
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    Influence of public transport ergonomic features on passenger's functional state
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14) Afonin, Maksym; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article means an analysis of the passenger transport services quality issue. Researches of public transport routes ergonomic features and their influence on a passenger functional condition are provided. The analysis of such indicators as cabin occupancy rate, noise level, vibration, and acceleration was carried out. Mathematical dependences of the passenger functional condition change considering vehicles ergonomic features were constructed. Threshold values of passenger compartment microclimate, providing the stress index normative values were determined. The most valuable result of the study is a comparative assessment of each type of public transport in terms of comfort and obtaining threshold values of noise, vibration, and acceleration which are acceptable for the normal passenger’s functional condition.
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    Change of car driver`s stress index during different periods of the day in urban traffic conditions
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14) Davidich, Yuri; Kush, Yevhen; Ponkratov, Denys; O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
    Nowadays, the transport industry plays an important role in human well-being and the functioning of any settlement. Transport systems are involved in almost all areas of production and services. Therefore, any failure in its operation can lead to significant material costs. One of the most important such systems is “driver – vehicle – road – environment”. It should be noted, that the main link in it is “driver”. The correctness and duration of decision-making in different road situations depend on the driver`s functional state. This directly affects the level of traffic safety. Consequently, the tasks of modern transport research are the introduction of methods of the vehicle driver`s conditions monitoring and the detection of his fatigue in its early stages. That`s why the actuality of studying the human operator role in the transport process and the creation of modern means of driving assistance are increasing now.
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    The road network traffic capacity taking into account public transport stops layout method
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14) Medvediev, Ievgen; Soroka, Sergiy; Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
    The vigorous motorization process is taking place in a growing number of countries year by year, and the number of people involved in road traffic is constantly increasing. The growth of the vehicle fleet and the volume of transportation lead to an increase in traffic that in the context of cities with a historical build-up leads to a traffic problem. It is particularly acute at the junctions of the road network. There is an increase in transport delays, queues, and congestion, causing reduce in speed, excessive fuel consumption, and increased wear-out of vehicle components and assemblies. These questions are constantly analyzed both in theoretical and practical terms. Today, the negative effects of motorization cannot be eliminated, and effective measures need to be developed to reduce their negative impact on the urban environment. An irrational location of public transport stops leads to a significant increase in transport delays. Respectively, the objective is to determine the optimal layout of the public transport stops on the street network, taking into account the existing and designed traffic conditions.
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    Analysis of saturation flow on isolated lanes of controlled intersections with significant traffic intensity
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-09-14) Murovanyi, Igor; Mazyliuk, Pavlo; Lutsk National Technical University
    The methods and results of the investigation of intervals between vehicles during queue dissipation before controlled intersections with the further determination of saturation flow are reviewed in this paper. Having reviewed existing methods of determining the saturation in traffic flows, those are determined which provide the most certain results in conditions of intensive movement and take into account quite a large number of impact factors. Such methods are based on experimental measurement of intervals between vehicles during their passage through the stop-line in different directions of the controlled intersection. For the completeness of the analysis of such intervals, such factors are considered additionally as traffic composition and use of lanes by directions. Objects of the research are controlled intersections on approaches to which the slope is absent, there is no pedestrian and cyclist movement during the performance of turn, and conflicting traffic flows and also public transport stops in the zone of the intersection. The transitional research result is the determination of the number of vehicles that pass the stop-line during the permissive signal and time intervals between them, and the final result is the oncoming of saturation period on the lanes of straight and turns movement depending on traffic flow composition.