Humanitarian Vision. – 2016. – Vol. 2, No. 1

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    Метафілософія Григорія Сковороди
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Карівець, Ігор
    У статті творчість Григорія Сковороди розглянуто з метафілософського підходу. Цей підхід виявляє синкретизм його творчості. Синкретизм проявляється в єдності філософорелігійної та міфопоетичної складової. Тому недоречним є виокремлення філософії, богослов’я, релігії, поезії та міфу для аналізу як складових його творчості. У статті Григорій Сковорода постає продовжувачем традиції “вічної філософії”, яка є синкретичною. In this article the heritage of Hryhoriy Skovoroda is considered from the metaphilosophical point of view. This approach is useful because it allows seeing some syncretism as unity of philosophy, theology, religion, myth, and poetry in the legacy of Hryhoriy Skovoroda. Therefore, the author stresses that when we analyze Hryhoriy Skovoroda’s legacy, it is wrong to divide it into such parts as philosophy, theology, religion, myth, and poetry. This division does not lead to the whole understanding of Hryhoriy Skovoroda’s personality and works. The author argues that Hryhoriy Skovoroda is the follower of Philosophia Perennis tradition, characterized by syncretism. Such syncretism of Skovoroda’s writings is neither bad nor good. We see unique unity of philosophy, poetry, religion and mythology in Skovoroda’s life and his works. The author argues that such a unity is useful for deeper understanding of the world and a human being. Syncretic unity of Skovoroda’s worldview helps to overcome different oppositions of classical philosophy (subject-object, inner-external, immortal-mortal, natural-supernatural, human-divine, relative-absolute etc.). We live in times of analysis and fragmented world. Therefore syncretism is very hard to understand. In order to understand syncretism, we should return to synthetic thinking, rediscover the synthetic function of our consciousness. Life and works of Skovoroda show us how a human being can think synthetically and regain the whole worldview. The whole worldview helps to live in harmony with others and nature. This harmony is necessary in our times of “moral blindness” (Zygmunt Bauman), decline of traditions which directed us towards common values.
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    Титульний аркуш до "Humanitarian Vision" Volume 2, number 1
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016)
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    Зміст до "Humanitarian Vision" Volume 2, number 1
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016)
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    Особливості латиноамериканського регіоналізму в контексті регіональної безпеки
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Бессараб, Тетяна
    Досліджено феномен регіоналізму на латиноамериканському континенті в контексті регіональної безпеки. Розглянуто причини, етапи та особливості зародження інтеграційних об’єднань у Латинській Америці та характер їх функціонування. The article investigates the phenomenon of regionalism on the Latin American continent in context of regional security. It analyzes causes, stages and features of origination of integration associations in Latin America, and nature of their operation. The author notes that Latin American integration experience which has managed to develop mechanisms for encountering external forces will be very useful for Ukrainian politicians who think seriously about how to put into practice the idea of the European Union. Latin American regionalization process falls within 1980-1999 and is caused by the first appearance of integration associations on the continent, transformation of political regimes, foundation of democracy, and economic freedom from the USA. The article reveals that regional integration associations such as MERCOSUR, UNASUR, ECLAC in their activities adhere to certain principles: anti-American movement which manifests itself in the political and economic counteraction of Latin America in the form of MERCOSUR, UNASUR, ECLAC; the policy of “developmentalism” which is meant to harmoniously combine liberal principles of integration and leftist sentiments of all MERCOSUR member-states; growing role of Brazil and Venezuela as powerful political actors on international arena and key members and ideological inspirers of Latin American societies which, having large reserves of natural resources, feel free to change areas of cooperation, for instance with China, thereby transform political color of the continent. Based on cooperation between Venezuela and China, revival of the EU-MERCOSUR relations, and gradual loosening of ties with NAFTA, we can state that the whole Latin American continent has radically changed its to some extent ideological anti-American, domestic and foreign policy, and is forming its own regional system of security.
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    Політологічний аналіз основних методик вимірювання рівня демократії у світі
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Бучин, Микола
    Розглянуто проблему вимірювання рівня демократичності політичного режиму країн світу. Проаналізовано як авторські підходи до визначення рівня демократії у світі, так і підходи та проекти міжнародних наукових та громадських установ. The problem of indexing with its important role in the study of democracy is emphasized which enables formalized approach to democracy and allows evaluating efficiency of political system transformation . The methodological approaches to indexing democracy are considered. Both the author’s approaches to determining the level of democracy in the world (the Ph. Cutright Index of Political Democracy, the K. Bollen Index of Political Democracy, the K. Herpfer Democracy Index) and approaches and projects of international scientific and public institutions (The Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index, the Freedom House project “Nations in Transit”, the Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index, the Index of Democratization created by scientists of the University of Helsinki led by T. Vanhanen, the “Political atlas of modernity” project carried out by the Moscow State Institute of International Relations led by A. Melville, approach to the development of criteria for a democratic regime by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA). Each of the approaches to defining of democracy was subjected to qualitative assessment, their positive and negative aspects, efficiency and level of results reliability were shown. The important role which democratic elections play in each of the methods of indexing democratic political regime was emphasized. It is assumed that formalized approach to democracy and determining its level can be applied to its attributive elements, in particular, to the institute of elections. This enables development of methodology for determining the democratic level of elections which is extremelly important since Ukrainian political science lacks such a methodology.
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    Знаки часу у вченні Папи Івана ХХІІІ
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Волинець, Оксана
    Проаналізовано позицію Римського понтифіка Івана ХХІІІ у розпізнаванні і прочитанні “знаків часу” як світових подій та явищ, які становлять загрозу світовій безпеці і мирному співіснуванню міжнародної спільноти. У контексті відповіді на знаки часу, застосовуючи аналітичний, структурно-функціональний, системний методи та контент-аналіз, досліджуються, подані у працях Івана ХХІІІ рекомендації та механізми врегулювання міжнародних конфліктів та забезпечення миру і міжнародної безпеки. The article analyzes encyclicals of Pope of Rome John XXIII, which are dedicated to the issue of threats to international security and global peace. John XXIII investigated treatment of the concept of “signs of timе” and their interpretation in terms of the ColdWar and the Caribbean crisis. The main provisions of letters and encyclicals of John XXIII are analyzed, applying analytical, systematic, structural and functional methods and content analysis. As a result, their significant contribution to peace and security is revealed. The Pope provides characteric view on scientific and technological progress of mankind in all its positive and negative aspects, such as arms race, emergence of modern weapons of mass destruction, division of the world into parties and blocks, etc. Those characteristics were treated as unique signs of the time which requires immediate and adequate solution for the whole universal community, international organizations, each state itself, and the Church. Thus, the Pope John XXIII interprets all these negative trends of the modern world as amoral problemwhich destroys balance between politics andmorality. Further on, we investigate position of the Pope John XXIII concerning the need for renewal of the Church and its missionary activities in the context of social and political development. The Second Vatican Council, its Declarations, decrees and constitutions became the result of Pope’s aspirations. Those achievements have opened new opportunities for the Church within new social and political conditions of human society development. Special attention is given to the analysis of John XXIII’s encyclical “Peace on Earth”. It proposes methods, ways, and mechanisms to overcome international conflicts and rebuild the global security system. It is alleged that Pope John XXIII’s recommendations are still relevant today and international community can use them to achieve peace, universal order and ensure global security.
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    Безпековий потенціал ЄС: геополітичний та соціо-економічний виміри
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Івасечко, Ольга; Дорош, Леся
    Проаналізовано показники окремих складових геополітичного та соціо-економічного вимірів безпекового потенціалу ЄС порівняно з аналогічними показниками потенціалів інших впливових акторів. Враховано як істотні переваги ЄС, так й показники слабкості, що дало змогу визначити місце та силу цього інтеграційного об’єднання як у регіональному вимірі, так і у глобальній системі. Вказано, що нові держави-члени ЄС надають суттєвих переваг об’єднанню на міжнародній арені, незважаючи на свій порівняно нижчий соціально-економічний рівень. The article analyzes indicators of certain constituents of geopolitical and socio-economic dimensions of the EU’s security potential in comparison with similar indicators of potentials of other powerful international actors. The analysis is accomplished in the context of the problems and prospects of further development of this integration union and its reaction to the newest threats to international and European security. Both the substantial advantages and indicators of weakness of the EU are considered by analyzing political and economic experts’ predictions concerning actual and future state of affairs in the EU in 2016. These indicators in their aggregate have given an opportunity to determine the place and strength of this integration union in both regional dimension and global security system. Taking into account the basic geographic, demographic, social and economic indexes (which primarily are compared with the economic strength of the USA) of the EU’s security potential, significant achievements of the EU, substantiated by the fact of cumulative potential of 28 EU members-states, are ascertained. Such potential is considerably higher in comparison to particular capabilities of the EU’s member-states. Thus, it is indicated that under geopolitical criterion after the last fifth enlargement of the EU (due to accession of Romania, Bulgaria (2007) and Croatia (2013)), its area expanded by nearly 25 %; however, it is smaller in comparison to Russia and the USA). Taking into consideration that EU covers 3 % of the globe, its consequential position on the geopolitical map of the world is mentioned. Furthermore, under security standpoint the growth of union’s population is analysed. The fact of considerable number of EU citizens is identified as positive, especially taking into consideration formation of the large target market and high purchasing power of citizens, etc. However, the article indicates challenges in this domain related to persistent depopulation in Europe in comparison to planetary population, which along with ageing trends carry significant security risks. Thus, the new EU member-states provide significant advantages to the association on the international arena, despite their comparatively lower social and economic level. Furthermore, in political science comparative studies of global actors’ potentials in the military sphere should be considered as perspective, in order to identify and prevent threats to national, regional and global security.
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    Інформаційна безпека України: сучасні виклики, загрози та механізми протидії негативним інформаційно-психологічним впливам
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Ільницька, Уляна
    Досліджено проблему інформаційної безпеки України та захисту національного інформаційного простору від негативних пропагандистсько-маніпулятивних інформаційно-психологічних впливів. Проаналізовано теоретичні підходи до визначення сутності поняття інформаційна безпека; всебічно досліджено види реальних і потенційних інформаційних загроз для медіапростору України, охарактеризовано специфіку експансіоністської політики Російської федерації проти України; надано практичні рекомендації щодо вдосконалення державної інформаційної політики та створення ефективної системи інформаційної безпеки України. The article is devoted to the topical issue of Ukrainian information security and protection of the national information space from negative propagandistic and manipulative information-psychological impacts. It is emphasized that the problem is actualized under conditions of the Ukraine-Russia conflict when ensuring information security turns into a factor of preserving national identity of Ukraine and its functioning as a sovereign independent state. The article is an attempt to analyze theoretical approaches to defining the nature of such notions as information security and a threat to information security. Particular attention is paid to investigation of information expansion by the Russian Federation aimed at securing its domination within the Ukrainian media space. Technologies of Russian information-psychological operations based on biased and tendentious coverage of facts and phenomena, distortion, misrepresentation, and miscommunication of information are analyzed. The article comprehensively studies types and kinds of real and potential information threats to media space of Ukraine and Ukrainian sovereignty; analyzes mechanisms of exerting negative propagandistic information-psychological influences. Particular attention is paid to methods of national information space protection, counteraction to wide-scale information-psychological influences, wars and operations. The research introduces developed recommendations concerning formation of strategic directions of the state policy in the sphere of ensuring Ukrainian information security, improving normative and legal basis for preserving information sovereignty of Ukraine, protecting its national space.
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    Пак Кин Хе – президент республіки Корея, залізна леді Азії
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Матлай, Любава
    Висвітлено нелегкий життєвий шлях та неординарне політичне бачення однієї із найвизначніших азійських політиків, першої за останні тисячу років жінки-президента Республіки Корея Пак Кин Хе. Її обрання на вищий пост у державі було вражаючим досягненням, враховуючи, що Південна Корея має найвищий рівень гендерної нерівності серед розвинених країн світу. The paper deals with the main aspects of the political biography and reviews the first female president in Korea’s history in the 21st century Ms. Park Geun-Hye, whoalso is the first woman head of the state in the modern history of Northeast Asia. Her election to the highest post in the state was an especially impressive achievement considering that SouthKorea has the highest level of gender inequality among developed countries in the world. In this country and in the whole Northeastern Asian region politics has been a male-dominated occupation and women have been underrepresented. Special attention is paid to factors which conditioned success of the presidential elections winner. Inauguration of the president of the ROK ParkGeun-Hye was a turning point in the role of women in South Korean politics. Finally, the president Park is a rare female leader in a male-dominated political system. The author of the paper examines the role of familial ties in Park Geun-Hye’s political history. It is found that the basic foreign policy strategy of President Park’s administration is politics of trust which consists of three pillars: trust diplomacy and multilateral cooperation in Asia; strong defense and strong deterrence; the Korean peninsula trust process. The leaders of Asia’s countries shared common understanding of the need to upgrade bilateral and multilateral strategic partnership to higher level of cooperation for peace and prosperity of the international community. Тhe author considers the approach of President Park towards the USA, Japan, China, North Korea. The President of South Korea is a proponent of negotiating between the two Koreas, rather than adopting military solutions. In her reconciliation project, the peace building process for two Koreas should start with demilitarization, followed by economic and political integration.
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    Інституційно-зумовлені причини та передумови формування урядів меншості у європейських парламентських демократіях
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2016) Панчак-Бялоблоцька, Надія
    Проаналізовано інституційно-зумовлені причини і передумови формування урядів меншості у європейських парламентських демократіях. Виявлено, що інституційна зумовленість урядів меншості у парламентських демократіях є доволі різносторонньою, але переважно окреслюється проблематикою політичної стабільності та політичної культури. The article is dedicated to analysing institution-based reasons and background of minority governments’ formation in the European parliamentary democracies. The researcher has found that the institutional conditionality of minority governments in parliamentary democracies is quite versatile, but is mostly defined with problems of political stability and political culture. The study showed that clarification of the political and institutional based characteristics, nature, causes and features of government formation and functioning in the European parliamentary democracies has both ideological and conceptual meaning, because it can testify on the generalized specifics of governments at all and can show the patterns of parliamentary democracies functioning in the cases of parliamentary minorities. This is particularly noteworthy in the view of the fact that minority governments are not unified and monolithic structures in the context of the European institutional practices. The fact is that they differ in their composition, dimensionality, ideologies, reasons of formation and peculiarities of responsibility. That is why different types of minority governments in the European parliamentary democracies are able to produce various political, legal and socio-economic impacts and to be determined by different formative and functional parameters. In addition, determining specifics of minority governments is essential in view of the fact that these institutional structures of cabinets account for more than thirty percent of all European (in Western, Central and Eastern European countries) governments, thus, minority government, as the European experience and comparative statistics show, is a "normal" phenomenon of political process and inter-institutional relations in parliamentary democracies. Accordingly, the elucidation of their institution-based reasons of formation is important theoretically, methodologically and empirically.