Econtechmod. – 2014. – Vol. 3, No. 2
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International quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes.
Econtechmod : an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. – Lublin ; Rzeszow, 2014. – Volum 3, number 2. – 108 p.
Item Considering the negative factors in enterprise management(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Kozyk, V.; Seliuchenko, N.; Masiuk, V.The article examines the processes of anti-crisis management, risk management and economic security management of the enterprise as functional subsystems of the general system of enterprise management. The views of various scholars concerning these processes are analyzed; their main stages and features are highlighted. The relation between the subsystems in times of crisis and under normal conditions is established.Item Cross-border cooperation of enterprises: essence and significance(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Kuzmin, O.; Kravchenko, I.In the last decade the development of cross-border cooperation in the context of economic integration and internationalization processes becoming increasingly important for Ukraine, which follows the Western vector of integration. Systematic development of cross-border cooperation is not possible without considering all of its components and levels. The article highlights a vision of complicated economic phenomenon – the cross-border cooperation of enterprises, which combines the two important economic categories – cross-border cooperation and entrepreneurship by its self. There considered the fact that cross-border cooperation is an important tool for economic development and competitiveness increase of enterprises, located in border areas.Item Towards sustainable transport in Ukraine: main obstacles and directions of development(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Dvulit, Z.; Bojko, O.The paper presents the description of the different definitions of the concept - sustainable development of transport. The analysis of freight and passenger transportation in Ukraine in 2011 and composition of the park and the average age of municipal electric, sea and river vessels is studied. The volume of emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from all transport modes in 2011 is analyzed. The framework and priorities of environmental cooperation between Ukraine and EU at the present stage are determined. Based on the concept of sustainable development and European experience the main directions of introduction of the sustainable development policy of transport in Ukraine are offered.Item Титульний аркуш до "Econtechmod" Volum 3, number 2(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014)Item Optimization of marketing strategy’s selection process in automobile company(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Yurynets, O.; Tomyuk, O.The article analyzes existing classifications of marketing strategies of the company. The main criteria for marketing strategy’s selection, used by management in its strategic activities, were defined. Based on research, a simplified classifier of marketing strategies, which will facilitate efficient strategic marketing activities, was developed.Item The innovative approach to the study of decision-making in the context of the specific character of a product of managerial work(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Vysochina, M.The article is devoted to the review of the administrative decision from the point of view of а product of managerial work. The nature and content of managerial work is studied. The research of parameters of managerial work is conducted, its features are identified. The specific characteristics of the administrative decision as a product of managerial work are identified.Item Experimental research on the influence of the production quality of tooth operation surfaces of cylindrical gearwheels and torque on a gear oscillation amplitude(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Vasyljeva, О.; Kuzio, I.For carrying out experimental research a proving stand with closed power flow was designed. For the determination of oscillation process parameters (amplitude and frequency) the devices with input signals from strain sensors were used. Planning the experimental research and mathematical treatment of the results obtained was performed with the use of a full factorial experiment. The results of the experiment allowed for obtaining a nonlinear mathematical model for determining the oscillation amplitude and the amplitudefrequency characteristic of gear box oscillations (first harmonic). It then is used for determining the harmonic of the oscillating process caused by the inaccuracy of a tooth operating profile, which influences the smoothness of gear operation. The dependences taking into account internal and external dynamic loads from oscillating processes during the calculations of teeth gear hardness were obtained.Item Mathematical models for occupational injuries analysis at the enterprises of the state forestry committee of Ukraine(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Tysovsky, L.; Stepanyshyn, V.The paper focuses on the mathematical models for the study of occupational injuries at the enterprises of the State Forestry Committee of Ukraine over a period of ten years. The major conditions and causes of the accidents have been indicated. The relationship between individual pairs of variables that influence occupational injuries has been determined on the basis of correlation and regression analysis. The correlation dependences of the frequency of occupational injuries on individual factors have been obtained. Using the methods of multifactor analysis, the relationship between the number of injuries and workers' occupations as well as types of works has been established. The results obtained can be used for enhancing the efficiency of safety measures at the enterprises of forestry with the aim of reducing the rate of injury.Item Impact of the level of providing adaptability of an enterprice's on adaptation process of enterprise to innovation(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Yachmeneva, V.; Osmanova, Z.The article was dedicated to ensuring the adaptability of the enterprise. As a means of providing adaptability of an enterprice's activity there was suggested resources and their reserves: basic production assets of the enterprise, financial resources, material resources, carriers of knowledge, information and intangible resources of the enterprise. I-level barriers related to unawareness of need to involve the accumulation of resources and reserves resources for the providing adaptability of an enterprice's activity at the level of enterprise management. II-level barriers are associated with resource constraints — lack of resources, resources absence, lack of ability to attract resources and accumulate reserves resources for various reasons III-level barriers are associated with psychological resistance from employees. In the article problems hindering to providing adaptability of an enterprice's activity as barriers of I, II and III levels were presented and characterized. Influence of the level of barriers to providing adaptability of an enterprice's activity is characterized. Effect of the provision level of providing adaptability of an enterprice's activity on such characteristics of adaptation as rate of adaptation, the cost of adaptation, the scope and depth of adaptation is proved and the nature of such effects is investigated.Item An application of the fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic to the problem of predicting the value of goods rests(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Rybytska, O.; Vovk, M.Applying the fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, we construct a mathematical model for predicting the value of unrealized goods rests and demonstrate this model on an empirical example showing good correlation with the real data.Item Innovation model for energy effective investigations of air conditioning systems for cleanrooms(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Labay, V.; Harasym, D.Innovation mathematical research model of the central straight flow air conditioning system for cleanroom in order to computer’s estimation its energy effective by virtue of exergetic output-input ratio depending on different factors, which have influence on its work, was presented in this article. The dependence of exergetic output-input ratio for chosen air conditioning system on parameters of external air was defined thanks to this model.Item Types of interrelation and information streams between the bodies of formation and management share institutions with joint investments(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Oleksiv, I.; Shpakovych, I.The given paper presents the results of the research of the entities that manage share institution with joint investments and take part in its formation and functioning, in particular Management Company, Monitoring Council, investors, and an investment consultant was offered as an additional participant at the financial market. It was determined that there should be the licensed activity, the result of employing: the increase of the liability and objectivity of the regulation’s expertise of the investment fund, minimizing risks for investors that will help to provide more effective investment process. The general system of the state regulation of the activity of such funds at the financial market was described , interrelations between the subjects of the investments, the order of taking decisions was set to define the strategic aims and choose appropriate investment projects, the direction of the financial and property assets. Their place in the given system as interrelations was characterized. Types of the information streams between the subjects of the investment fund were defined and described their interrelations. Every subject’s functional purpose was determined, and also the typical functions for share institutions with joint investments, namely general-social and protective function for investors’ economic interests, informational and regulating. The general level and the tendencies of current investment market in Ukraine were examined, taking into the account international experience and the dynamic of internal market, further recommendations are attached on the improvement of regulatory basis of the financial market for extending types of investment funds and financial instruments for engaging as many investments into the Ukrainian financial market as possible.Item Variables state-based software usage model(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Fedasyuk, D.; Yakovyna, V.; Serdyuk, P.; Nytrebych, O.This article describes a new mathematical software usage model, which includes the effect of the set of global and external variables values for further analysis of multi-test scenarios to improve the effectiveness of the testing software. This model is represented as a graph of transitions and a set of variables with respective sets of equivalence classes. The proposed approach is particularly relevant for computational algorithms with complex logic.Item The mathematical model of material particle motion(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Batluk, V.; Sukach, R.This article is concerned with the problem of high-performance dust-catching equipment creation for various industries, where: fine-dyspersated dust fractions are emitted, in order to make their emissions conform to sanitary norms. This article elucidates new tendencies in the area of the creation of equipment for air from dust cleansing, which are based on the use of centrifugal inertia forces.Item Transformation of developmentModel of national economies at conditions of postindustrial society(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Kuzmin, O.; Pyrog, O.; Melnik, L.The article considers the results of transformation of development model of national economies at conditions of postindustrial society. Determine the structural changes of national economies of postindustrial societies (the U.S., EU) and Ukraine at the period of 2001 – 2012. Substantiated that for development of Ukrainian national economy at terms of postindustrial society must stimulate the development of intellectual economic activities.Item Formation of optimalmodel of regulation of the banking system of Ukraine(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Lobozynska, S.The basic principles of regulation of banking activity, worked out by the Basel committee on questions of supervision and regulation of banking activity, were investigated. The advantages and drawbacks of pro-cyclical and countercyclical models of regulation of banking activity were examined. The expediency of realization of regulation on the basis of individual estimation of particular banks and also estimations of risks that have system character was proved. It was recommended to implement the principle of countercyclical regulation in Ukraine taking into account the business cycle of economy.Item The peculiarities of an enterprise intellectual potential bearer’s interaction and the identification of their goals(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Knyaz, S.; Holyavka, L.On the basis of literary sources the goals of an enterprise intellectual potential bearers are generalized in the paper. An enterprise intellectual potential functions meant for the achieving of certain results of its activity are defined, the interaction of goals, functions and results are depicted as well. The existing bearers are analyzed and the most suitable way of intellectual potential bearers interaction at an enterprise has been chosen.Item Зміст до "Econtechmod" Volum 3, number 2(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014)