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    Antibolshevik struggle in Ukraine in the early 20-th century
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Плазова, Т. І.
    Період національного державотворення в Україні на початку ХХ ст., зокрема в 1917–1921 рр., від часу проголошення Незалежності України викликає значне зацікавлення серед науковців, політичних та державних діячів. Проаналізовано особливості військово-політичної стратегії керівництва УНР щодо продовження антибільшовицької боротьби після остаточної втрати території України восени 1920 року. Актуальністю цієї проблеми є, безперечно, необхідність об’єктивного висвітлення історичного минулого України для виховання підростаючого покоління, для культивування у його середовищі національних військових традицій визвольних змагань 1917–1921 рр., особливо сьогодні, знову дуже гостро стоїть питання територіальної цілісності та державності України. Аналізуючи військово-політичне становище в Україні восени 1920 р., необхідно відмітити, що його зумовлювали три найважливіші фактори. Перший – зовнішньо- політичний, пов’язаний із спробами уряду УНР включити українське питання у польсько-радянські переговори у Ризі щодо визнання радянською Росією легітимності останнього і формального визнання незалежності УНР. Другий фактор безпосередньо випливав із першого й стосувався військово-стратегічної ситуації Армії УНР на польсько-радянському фронті і можливостей продовження боротьби українськими військами проти Червоної армії за звільнення від неї території України. Нарешті третій торкався внутрішнього становища України – наявності організованого антибільшовицького руху, спираючись на який та координуючи із ним дії, військове і державне керівництво УНР сподівалося відновити свою владу в Україні. У зв’язку із докорінними змінами, що настали після втрати території країни, її керівництво розробило нову концепцію боротьби. Як і раніше, головним засобом досягнення поставленої мети – відновлення УНР – розглядалася збройна боротьба. Вона повинна була поєднувати як військові акції повстанського руху на території України, так і підготовку регулярних частин, інтернованих на території Польщі та почасти Румунії, до рейду в Україну. Поєднанням зусиль регулярних частин армії та повстанчих відділів передбачалося досягти успіху у звільненні території України від більшовицької влади. Підставою, що спонукала українське керівництво до такого висновку був аналіз ним ситуації, яка склалася в Україні наприкінці 1920 р.: слабкість радянського режиму, несприйняття його загалом населенням, а прелімінарний Ризький мирний договір від 18 жовтня 1920 р. здавався для нього нетривким і таким, що в недалекій перспективі закінчиться початком чергового польсько-радянського конфлікту, який Україна використає у своїх інтересах. До того ж вже наприкінці 1920 року стало очевидно, що концепція орієнтації УНР на Польщу, як єдиного гаранта відновлення її незалежності, себе не виправдала. Остання була слабкою, щоб конкурувати на рівні з радянською Росією, до того ж в кінцевому рахунку будувала з нею свої відносини українським коштом. Тому спроба у перспективі створити у цій країні базу для підготовки звільнення України від більшовицької окупації для уряду УНР видавалася проблематичною. Однак у той час для нього, по суті, альтернативи не було. Period of national state in Ukraine in the early twentieth century, particularly in 1917–1921, Since the independence of Ukraine is significant interest among scientists, political and public figures. Also there are analysed the peculiarities of military strategy of leaders UPR in order to continue antibolshevik fight after final loss the Ukrainian territory at the same time.
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    Кримська проблема в українсько-російських міждержавних відносинах 1990-х рр.
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Рибак, Н. Б.
    Розкрито суть кримської проблеми в українсько-російських міждержавних відно- синах 1990-х років. Її специфіка була визначена глобальними процесами: ліквідацією системи східноєвропейського соціалізму і двополюсного поділу світу, розпадом СРСР, історичною нетрадиційністю економічного і політико-правового оформлення України і Росії як незалежних держав, а також вибору ними геополітичних стратегій. The occupation of the Crimea in March, 2014 by the Russian Federation updates versatile understanding of the Crimean issue in the context of territorial, military, political, economic, and geopolitical tensions in Ukrainian-Russian intergovernmental relations. The article reveals the essence of Ukrainian-Russian interstate misunderstandings of the 1990s concerning the Crimea and their legal framework. It is noted that the complexity of the problem, and hence its ambiguity and in many cases a complete alternative treatment options or concrete steps to address the authorities of Ukraine and Russia (in fact based on a single political and legal documentary framework of the late 1940s – early 1990s) were caused by changes in socio-economic and political conditions under which the problem originated, was realized, became topical and practically solved. Representatives of the legislative power of Russia stressed the legal illegitimacy of the transfer of the Crimean region to Ukraine in 1954 and, thus, the absolute right of Russia to the Crimea and Sevastopol as a base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. For its part, Ukraine, refuting these claims put forward counterarguments that the Crimea together with Sevastopol belonged to Ukraine. Specificity of the “Crimean problem” at the international level in the 1990s was determined by global processes: elimination of systems of Eastern European socialism and bipolar division of the world, the collapse of the USSR, historically non-traditional approach to economic, political and legal formation of Ukraine and Russia as independent states, as well as their choice of geopolitical strategies. The peculiarity of this problem was the importance of distant economic interests or political aim of the participants of the official Ukrainian-Russian relations of the 1990s engaged in finding solutions to it. Transition situation of the political system, the uncertainty of its social and legal foundations resulted in temporary tactical alliances, extremely ideological approaches, multiplicity of standards in dealing with territorial and military issues, which after receiving legal registration (bilateral and multilateral agreements, contracts etc.) created political and legal framework for further contradictions and conflicts. The large-scale Ukrainian-Russian Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership, signed in March, 1997 became a peculiar finale of the Ukrainian-Russian relations of the 1990s. The signed treaty, in fact, secured sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine on the part of Russia, but on the other hand legalization of the long-term stay of the Russian Fleet in the Crimea enabled the RF to gain control of the part of the Ukrainian territory, maritime communication, airspace, and hence to have a considerable impact on Ukraine’s foreign policy. Especially negative effects for Ukraine were saving the Russian military presence in the Crimea and exercising military control over the peninsula. The latter, in fact, greatly facilitated the implementation of Russian military aggression and annexation of the Crimea in February-March, 2014, which was a major violation of basic norms of international law, in particular the UN Charter, the provisions of the Helsinki Final Act, Budapest Memorandum of 1994, and bilateral Ukrainian-Russian international treaties.
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    Створення та діяльність більшовицьких військ в Україні в кінці 1918 – 1929 роках у сучасній історіографії
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Хома, І. Я.
    У загальних рисах проаналізовано основні здобутки сучасної української історіографії в дослідженні становлення та діяльності військ Червоної армії на території України в кінці 1918 – 1920 роках. Modern Ukrainian historiography of Ukrainian National Revolution (1917–1921) has been presented by hundreds of research papers, theses, monographs that covervarious aspects of that age. The vast majority of works concern the problems that until 1991 were suppressed, falsified an derased from the memory of society. Clearly there is a need in scientific reappraisal of the establishment of Bolshevik government history, bothin general and in detail. It comprises new problems and aspects that were not consideredin Soviet historiography, suppressed or distorted. The reappraisal and new scientific publications should be based on modern methodological approaches, sources, factsetc. According to historian V.Verstyuk “Ukrainian historians practically stopped to study the history of Bolshevism. This is very interesting phenomen on that... was not examined critically” [1, p. 129]. The aim of the article is to determine the general state of researchin modern Ukrainian historiography the formation an dactivities of the Red Army against the forces of the UNR in the end of 1918 – 1920. The modern historiography refers to scientific researches that have been issued since independence. In general the historiography of this problem is divided into two groups. Works that briefly concider this perspective, as well as those that are directly related to current military events in Ukraine of 1918–1920. The first group include monographs written by S.Kulchytskyy, M.Doroshko and G.Kuriy. S. Kulchytskyy under the scheme of communismin Ukraine is considering the problem of “military and political alliance” between Bolshevik Russia and Ukrainian Soviet government. M.Doroshko raises the general questions about coming of Bolsheviks’ regime. The value of H.Kuriy’s monographis in collected and summarized factual material that refers to G. Petrovskyy’s activities, who was involved in the military and political processes of that time. V.Verstyuk’s publication “Ukrainian Revolution: metaphors, object, interpretation” motivated to write the article. These condgroup is presented by monographs of V.Verstyuk, V.Kuzmenko and A.Rukkas, V.Savchenko’s scientific and popular publication, the sis researches of O.Bozhko and O.Chihradze. In addition to N. Makhno’s military units that were apart of Bolshevik forces, V.Verstyuk’s monograph presentsa number of legitimate critical views about the military and political alliance, the formation and activities of the Red Army. V.Kuzmenko’s scientific paper considers the specificity of state building in the USSR, where the focus of attention on the attitude of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Ukrainian Soviet Army is especially interesting. A.Rukkas describesin details the condition of Soviet troops and the major battles that were held on the territory of Ukraine during th e Ukrainian-Polish-Soviet War in 1920, as well as directly against the UNR’s troop sin November of that year. That paper is the latest significant achievement in Ukrainian militaryhistory. The thesis presented by O.Bozhko did not lose its relevance because it is the only comprehensive work about the Ukrainian Soviet Army before the military and political union of 1919. In O.Chihradze’s work there are presented schemes of the Bolshevik forces structure, comparison of the warring parties’ military capability, ethnic composition is mentioned and other issues are considered. Scientific and popular book written by V.Savchenko is an achievement of historiography. The structure of the book shows the author has thorough knowledge in the topic of military events in Ukraine during 1917 – 1921. However V.Savchenko avoid the implication of archival documents and links for the scientific apparatus on which his work is based. In general, the problem of Ukrainian Soviet Army, and later Bolshevik forces that have been operating in Ukraine did not become the subject of a separate research in modern Ukrainian historiography. Every of the mentioned researches who worked in it sown field during scientific analysis draws attention to the different aspects of military construction, military activities of the armed forces of the Ukrainian Soviet government and the institutions that are under its controll. In analyzed works the historians raise the question of chronological boundaries of the military actions, compare strength and combat cap ability the of warring armies, tactical and strategic principles of the activities and others. The combination of these aspects shows that inmodern historiography, onthe background of a large number of works about military construction of the UNR and fight on various fronts, there was formed a common vision for the establishment and activities of the main enemy camp in 1917–1921 years – the Red Army.
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    Українська державність у 1920–1923 рр. та її знищення більшовицькою владою
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Шелюк, Л. О.
    На основі аналізу архівних документів та наукових досліджень показано процес втрати Україною своєї державності і в умовах більшовицької окупації. The article is based on an analysis of archival documents and scientific studies have shown the loss of Ukraine statehood under Bolshevik occupation. Revealed the main causes and background elimination of state and public structures.
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    Колективне суспільне документування історичних процесів збройних формувань України періоду національно-визвольної революції 1917–1921 рр. в українській Вікіпедії
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Мина, Ж. В.; Пелещишин, А. М.
    Досліджуються особливості колективного суспільного документування історичних процесів збройних формувань України періоду національно-визвольної революції 1917– 1921 рр. в українській Вікіпедії. Моніторинг матеріалів української Вікіпедії свідчить про те, що інформація щодо Збройних сил зазначеного періоду потрібна і цікава як для наукового співтовариства, так і для широкого загалу громадськості. This article considers the current problem of investigation of the collective public documentation of the historical process of Ukrainian armed formation in the period of national liberation revolution of 1917–1921 in Ukrainian Wikipedia. Today Ukrainian Wikipedia has insufficient number of articles about the Armed Forces formation in the time of Ukrainian national liberation revolution of 1917–1921. The first wiki-article in this issue in the November 2007 is published. It was a brief article that a summary is contained. Gradually it is complemented and intensified of sources. Thus, in the first wiki-article “Army of Ukrainian National Republic” the just one reference to the “Small Dictionary of History of Ukraine” (edited by Valeriy Smoliy) is contained and the next wiki-article references to authors-memoirists are contained. The text in further version of wiki-article is structured. Appearing the following sections of wiki-article: 1) Precondition; 2) Structure; 3) Hostilities; 4) The end of existence of Army of Ukrainian National Republic. The beginning of the article is the definition which is as follows: “The Army of Ukrainian National Republic (The Ukrainian People’s Army, also known as the UNA, Naddnipryanska Army, Effective Army) – The armed forces of the UNA during the Ukrainian national liberation movement in 1917–21 years; formation that established on the basis the ukrainian parts of Russian Imperial Army, volunteer detachments, “Ukrainian Sich Riflemen", “Free Cossacks” and galicians which are prisoners of war.” In 26 January 2008, the first archival photograph of soldiers of the Ukrainian People’s Republic is appeared in an article. It is quite understandable that the article required the editing, refining, expanding of information. The expansion of content that is added to sections and received clarification in item by item is resulted. However, the source base is not expanded, and basic information gathered from the afore-cited sources. In 2 August, 2009 a significant addition – chapter 10 that titled as “See also” is appeared. A new article “Awards of UNR” is written, which starts its own history as collective document. Nowadays this article is meaningful and it contains tables, photo documents and video archive. The Russian version of article “Army of Ukrainian National Republic” is in a condensed form than Ukrainian version of this article. There are no references in two variants of article. It is a common drawback of most wiki-articles that giving specific data without references to primary source. English version is also different from the Ukrainian version. The some sections are separated. These sections in the previous version are distributed. For example, section “Ranks and insignia”. It presents the military ranks of the end of 1917: Otaman Frontu, Otaman Armii, Otaman Korpusu, Otaman Divizii, Otaman Brihady (Brigadier general). Thus, at present there are many documents and sources available to scientists on the Internet with the exception of the traditional system of libraries and archives. Their successful use of requires from users the knowledge of the general structure and mechanisms of work in global information network, the successful compilation of requests to search engines and databases and skills of critical estimate of resources of historic thematic. Nowadays the collective public documentation of the historical process of Ukrainian armed formation in the period of national liberation revolution of 1917–1921 in Ukrainian Wikipedia is not completely considered. There are a number of difficulties. The solution of these difficulties a unified strategy of research is required. The real influence and participation of historians to create pages with using the reliable sources are needed. A lot of unresolved issues concerning documentation of the historical process of Ukrainian armed formation in the period of national liberation revolution of 1917–1921 in Ukrainian Wikipedia are arisen before historians.
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    Соціально-орієнтовані інтернет-джерела дослідження єврореволюції 2013–2014 рр. в Україні
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Химиця, Н. О.
    Висвітлено роль і значення соціальних мереж в організації революційних та протестних рухів в Україні восени 2013 р. – навесні 2014 р. Досліджується специфіка та особливості історичних джерел про події Єврореволюції 2013–2014 рр. в Україні, що представлені в соціальних мережах. The article considers the current problem of investigation of the role and importance of social networks in the organization of Ukrainian revolutionary and protest movements from autumn 2013 to spring 2014. The specifics and peculiarities of historical sources about the Eurorevolution events of 2013-2014 in Ukraine, which are presented in social networks, are studied. The increasing of the social network’s role as a source of historical information during events of Eurorevolution in Ukraine in 2013–14 are proved based on the specific facts. The main advantages of social networking are commented, it is as follows: ability to quickly consolidate the interested users, conduct surveys, share of ideas and organize the actions of users; the ability to unite Ukrainian citizens at many levels (at the level of families, communities, organizations, cities, regions, countries and the world). The social network’s key role in the beginning and development of the revolution as the mobilization and organization of forces took place via Facebook, Vkontakte and Twitter are played. The phenomenon of community “EuroMaidan” is commented. Community “EuroMaidan” in March by means of Facebook is established. This community over 279,000 users is quickly increasing and is taken: the first place by popularity among Ukrainian pages on Facebook, the first place among Ukrainian pages by the growth rate of adherents for one month, the sixth place in the world by number of adherents in Ukraine. The two groups of the most important historical sources are separate based on analysis of the social network content. There are sources of text, photo and video documentation. The specificity of eyewitness accounts (public activists, political leaders and local residents) of the revolutionary events is substantiated. Testimony from political leaders the information on the epicenter of the revolutionary events that are the most informative for a historian is contained. Interactive communication with eyewitnesses of events due to the modern Internet technologies is defined as a new tool of modern historical investigations. The part of content on social networks, which publishes the records manager’s documentation, is analyzed. Acts, in which construed or confirmed facts and events, which related to the activities of establishments or their structural subdivisions, actions of officers, are selected among the total number of documents. The importance of photos and video documents using for research of Contemporary history of Ukraine are defined. Among the specific features of video documents about Eurorevolution in Ukraine in 2013–14 are selected their dynamics and complexity. In summary, it can be concluded that: 1. The events of Eurorevolution in 2013–2014 became the subject of special interest of users of social networking; 2. Information that represented in the social networks as Facebook, Vkontakte andTwitter covers a wide range of problems related to the study of history protest movement in Ukraine during the events of Eurorevolution in 2013–14; 3. The World Wide Web offers various information portals with different capabilities. They satisfy the needs of history researchers of various levels – from amateurs to professional scientists; 4. Information potential of social networks, as Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, concerning the scientific study of Eurorevolution in 2013–14, text, photos, and video information, which is the primary historical source for the researcher, are suggested; 5. Since the content of all social networking is personified, the researcher can apply to witnesses and update all details. Thus, in the ХХІ century the historian who studies of modern events, a new research tool – a social network with its multichannel and feedback communication – is used for their investigations; 6. The effective online-search work of the historian in social networks depends on its information and communication competencies and skills; 7. Internet-content, which includes historical information, can to be removed or temporarily closed to unauthorized users. Therefore, the researcher faced with the task of operational monitoring of information content, copying and archiving of historical sources. 8. Social networks become the universal encyclopedias of social and political events that combine text, photo, audio and video information about events of Eurorevolution in 2013-–2014 in Ukraine.
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    Довготривала фортифікація на теренах України: ретроспекція
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Коваль, М. В.
    Досліджено проблеми розвитку довготривалої фортифікації на теренах України в контексті історії світової фортифікації. The article concerns the problem of development of long-term fortification within the territory of Ukraine in the context of history of world fortification. The author defines the notion of fortification constructions as artificial construction built in order to be protected from enemies. Besides the author stresses upon the historical aspect of fortification constructions and it has been pointed that people started building the fortification constructions at the definite stage of their development – in the period of transferring to camp and class society. From that time the phenomenon of war became a permanent companion of human communities and open settlements of primitive era gradually turned into fortified settlements of tribal communities – ancient sites. In Ukraine such fortification construction appeared in the ІV–ІІІth millennia B.C. They were enomous fortified settlements reaching 300 – 400 ha. Later forms of long-term fortification gradually changed that depended on the development of offensive armament – first of all artillery. Generally in the history four periods are distinguished. They are the following: From ancient times to appearance of firearms (to the middle of XIVth century); From XIVth century to implementation of rifled artillery (to the middle of XIXth century); For the middle of XIXth century to 1885, invention of high-explosive bomb; From the period of high-explosive bomb until today. According to these periods of history of world fortification the author draws attention towards constructions of long-term fortification built on the territory of Ukraine: in the times of Trypillian culture and following archeological cultures; Scythian settlements; watch and defence system on south frontiers of Kyiv Rus; castles of the Polish Kingdom; defence sector, outpost, fortresses of the Russian empire; fortified lines and fortified sections of the Soviet period etc. The Slavic people followed the traditions of their predecessors and they organized defence and protection by means of ramparts that were aimed at performing of functions of watchtowers. Besides the settlements were fortified. The examples of these fortified settlements can be seen on the territory of Ukraine. Currently they are estimated to 1500 places. The size of fortification depended on the size of the settlements: small villages had one rampart and some ditches, but town were protected with fortification from two or three ramparts. The Galicia-Volyn principality developed new type of fortification for ptotection of the country’s borders: towns-fortresses. The Prince Danylo Halytskyi built more than 70 fortresses that frightened The Mongolian and Tatar troops. Later separate outposts were built. The system was effective for protection from unexpected invasions. The further development of fortification constructions concerned pentagonal building – bastion. The number of bastions increased and they comprised fortification line. The fortification line approach was rather efficient and it ensured safety for the inhabitants of the country. But the development of weapon resulted in necessity of improvement of fortification construction as well. The demolition bomb could destroy any bastion and new type of fortification appeared – fortified groups. They concerned long-term stronghold and they ensured reliable protection from new weapons. The Ukrainians military engineers followed German constructors and organized they fortification system by the example of Feste or Panzergruppen fortified groups. The period between two world wars was very productive for fortification construction. Military engineers developed many approaches to fortification systems. In Ukraine scientists distinguish three stages of building fortification construction in this period. At the first stage (1929–1936) principal fortification constructions were built: Kyiv, Korosten, Letychiv, Novohrad-Volynskyi, Mohyliv-Yampil, Pybnytskyi, and Typaspol fortififed areas. At the second stage (1938–1939) Ostropil, Didovichi, Shepetivka-Starokostiantyniv, Proskuriv and Kamianets-Podilskyi fortification area were built. An the third (1940–1941) one touches upon construction of Kovel, Volodymyr-Volynskyi, Strimulovskyi, Rava-Ruska, Peremyshl and Chernivtsi fortification area. In conclusion, the author asserts that the problem of fortification preparation has been existing during the whole history of human civilization. Ukraine was not an exception, moreover, long-term fortification was a permanent companion of people’s life because of geopolitical reasons.