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    Algorithmic method of precision enhancement of paper pulp blade consistometers
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Romaniuk, Oleksandr; Kril, Bohdan; Kril, Danylo; Kokoshko, Roman; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The algorithmic method of precision enhancement of the paper pulp blade consistometers is considered. In the said method the current strength in winding of the moving coil of the magnetoelectric transducer in the steady regime of sensor`s blade motion condition is measured during its movement in downstream and upstream directions. By processing this data the errors, caused by the influence of the moving medium on the consistometer sensitive blade can be considered and excluded.
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    Improvement of the mechanical consistometers for paper pulp
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-12-23) Romaniuk, Oleksandr; Kril, Bohdan; Kril, Oleksandr; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    he purpose of this work is to improve the rotational and blade type mechanical paper pulp consistometers for enhancement of their metering characteristics and reducing the influence of pulp flow velocity, friction torques in shaft sealing and bearings on the measured pulp consistency. These goals are achieved by algorithmic control of the sensor motion velocity and algorithmic processing of measured data. The designs of upgraded rotational and blade consistometers are presented.
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    Development of analyzer for paper stock concentration measurement
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015) Romaniuk, Oleksandr; Kril, Bohdan; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Measurement and regulation of paper stock concentration is of great importance in pulp and paper industry Deviations of concentration from the optimal value lead to deterioration of the product quality and can damage technological equipment of the factory. As a result a necessity of paper stock concentration measurement arises. In this article the improved rotational method of paper stock concentration measurement is examined, that is based on indirect measurement of concentration by viscosity. The influence of temperature on the measurement results was studied. The main sources of errors in concentration measurement by means of viscometer method were analyzed. A principle of improving accuracy of a paper stock rotational consistency meter is presented and a structural scheme of its realization is designed.