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    Management process knowledge in the subject area and notion of contextual dependence
    (2016) Zavuschak, Ira; Zhelizniak, Ira; Rybchak, Zoriana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    For the best results in any area work should focus on the right combination of people and technology. Context-sensitive methods of control are effective to manage the process of acquiring knowledge. The context act accumulated knowledge or part of the general knowledge base of the organization. Using context provides data and knowledge, which are available at the moment and meaningful for a particular task. The context properties tapering region databases or knowledge bases, emerging area with significant information and therefore the problem that organize solution more quickly and accurately.
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    Modification of the initialization and crossing methods of ant and genetic algorithms for solving the transport problem in the tourism
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-12-23) Rybchak, Zoriana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article proposes to analyze the behavior of ant colonies, namely the search for the shortest route by means of the allocation of pheromones and the function of crossing the two solutions of the genetic algorithm, to develop a method and algorithm for the following operations: search of the optimal route, calculation of resource costs, search of the distance, route time, routes.
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    Design of an intelligence information system of airport services automation
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015) Rybchak, Zoriana; Basyuk, Taras; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article is devoted to the development of the information system for the airport activity automation. This system will be useful in an airline ticket choice.
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    The use of ant colony optimization algorithms for the problem of optimal route search
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015) Rybchak, Zoriana; Lytvyn, Vasyl; Kunanets, Natalia; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    This paper introduces the ant colony system , a distributed algorithm that is applied to the traveling salesman problem In the ant colony system, a set of cooperating agents called ants cooperate to find good solutions to traveling salesman problems. Ant algorithms- a class meta heuristic methods solving combinatorial optimization problems. The basis of these algorithms responsible behavior of real ants in nature. Ants - a collective beings who build very complex social structure. Their ability to find optimal paths from nest to food sources has attracted the attention of scientists long ago. By submitting information to each other through chemicals including pheromone, ants form a chain of positive feedback. This relationship, in turn, leads to the fact that the ants eventually choose more optimal (short) path to the goal, although at the beginning there were many and they were very different.