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    Modification of polypropylene melt-blown fibers by photopolimeryzation of acrylic acid
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Werner, Łukasz; Jackiewicz-Zagórska, Anna; Warsaw University of Technology
    The main objective of this study was to find the method of polymer fibrous filter modification which cause the increase in the oil droplets filtration efficiency. An attempt was made to affect on the fibers wettability, by changing among others the surface roughness. The tested filters were made of polypropylene using the melt-blown technique. They were modified via photopolymerization - UV irradiation, together with the monomers Acrylic acid (AA). Modified materials were tested by high quality test bench for measuring filtration efficiency of nanodroplets.
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    Simultaneous filtration of liquid and solid aerosols on fibrous filters
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-12-23) Werner, Łukasz; Jackiewicz-Zagórska, Anna; Gac, Jakub; Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND, Warsaw
    The subject area of this work refers to filtration process by using fibrous filters made by modified melt-blown technique during simultaneous exposition to contaminated gas by solid particles and liquid microdroplets. The paper consists a characteristics of deposition of aerosols with different morphology and influence for pressure drops for separation solid, liquid and mixed aerosols on fibres. In this research a filtration test set-up was modified to allow to generate and put into airstream simultaneously both particles and droplets.